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包郵 中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版)

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中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 版權(quán)信息

中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 內(nèi)容簡介

簡介   《中國杜鵑花.第3冊(英文版)》由科學(xué)出版社出版。

中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 目錄

PrefaceⅠ. Descriptions of Rhododendrons(Ⅰ) Subgenus Hymenanthes (B1.) Kochi. Section Ponticum G. Don(i) Subsection Fortunea Sleumer1. Rhododendron davidii Ft.2. Rhododendron gingongshanicum Tam3. Rhododendron glanduliferum Ft.4. Rhododendron hemsleyanum Wils5. Rhododendron jinchangense Z. H. Yang6. Rhododendron kwangfuense Chun et Fang7. Rhododendron maoerense W. E Fang et G. Z. Li8. Rhododendron orbiculare Decne9. Rhododendron praevernum Hutch10. Rhododendron yuefengense G. Z. Li(ii) Subsection Auriculata Sleumer11. Rhododendron auriculatum Hemsl12. Rhododendron chihsinianum Chun et Fang(iii) Subsection Grandia Sleumer13. Rhododendron grande Wight14. Rhododendron montroseanum Davidian(iv) Subsection Falconera Sleumer15. Rhododendron basilicum Ball. f. et W. W. Smith(v) Subsection Campylocarpa Sleumer16. Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f(vi) Subsection Maculifera Sleumer17. Rhododendron anwheiense Wils18. Rhododendron oligocarpum Fang ex X. Y. Zhang19. Rhododendron strigillosum var. monosematum (Hutch.) T. L. Ming(vii) Subsection Selensia Sleumer20. Rhododendron selense Fr. vat. dasycladum (Balf. f. et W. W. Smith) T. L. Ming(viii) Subsection lrrorata Sleumer21. Rhododendron aberconwayi Cowan22. Rhododendron brevinerve Chun et Fang23. Rhododendron gongshanense T. L. Ming24. Rhododendron papillatum Balf. f. et Cooper25. Rhododendron ramsdenianum Cowan26. Rhododendron tanastylum Balf. f. et Ward27. Rhododendron ziyuanense Tam(ix) Subsection Argyrophylla Sleumer28. Rhododendron haofui Chun et Fang29. Rhododendron simiarum Hance30. Rhododendron simiarum var. versicolor (Chun et Fang) Fang(x) Subsection Arborea Sleumer31. Rhododendron arboreum Smith32. Rhododendron arboreum var. roseum Lindl33. Rhododendron lanigerum Tagg(xi) Subsection Taliensia Sleumer34. Rhododendron elementinae Forrest35. Rhododendtvn dumicola Tagg et Forrest36. Rhododendron lulangense L. C. Hu et Tateishi37. Rhododendron principis Bur. et Wils38. Rhododendron roxieanum Forrest var. cucullatum (Hand.-Mazz.) Chamb39. Rhododendron traillianum var. dictyotum (Tagg) Chamb40. Rhododendron wightii Hook. f.(xii) Subsection Campanulata Sleumer41. Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don42. Rhododendron wallichii Hook. f(xiii) Subsection Neriiflora Sleumer43. Rhododendron aperantum Balf. f. et Ward44. Rhododendron eatacosmum Ball. f. ex Tagg45. Rhododendron dichroanthum Diels46. Rhododendron erastum Balf. f. et Forrest47. Rhododendronforrestii Ball. f. ex Diels subsp, papillatum Chamb48. Rhododendron haematodes Fr49. Rhododendron microgynum Ball. f. et Forrest50. Rhododendron temenium Ball. f. et Forrest51. Rhododendron temenium var. gilvum (Cowan) Chamb52. Rhododendron sanguineum vat. himertum (Balf. f. et Forrest) Chamb(xiv) Subsection Thomsonia Sleumer53. Rhododendron eclecteum Ball. f. et Forrest54. Rhododendronfaucium Chamb55. Rhododendron heylaeum Balf. f. et Farrer56. Rhododendron thomsonii Hook. f57. Rhododendron viscidifolium Davidian(Ⅱ) Subgenus Rhododendroni. Section Rhododendron(i) Subsection Maddenia (Hutch.) Sleumer58. Rhododendron chunienii Chun et Fang59. Rhododendron ciliatum Hook. f60. Rhododendron ciliicalyx Ft. ssp. lyi (L6vl.) R. C. Fang61. Rhododendron lindleyi T. Moore62. Rhododendron nuttallii Booth63. Rhododendron rhombifolium R. C. Fang64. Rhododendron scopulorum Hutch65. Rhododendron taggianum Hutch66. Rhododendron valentinianum var. oblongilobatum R. C. Fang(ii) Subsection Triflora (Hutch.) Sleumer67. Rhododendron davidsonianum Rehd. et Wils68. Rhododendron polylepis Fr69. Rhododendron triflorum Hook. f70. Rhododendron wongii Hemsl. et Wils(iii) Subsection Scabrifolia (Hutch.) Cullen71. Rhododendron duclouxii L6vl72. Rhododendronfuyuanense Z. H. Yang73. Rhododendron spinuliferum var. glabrescens K. M. Feng ex R. C. Fang(iv) Subsection Laponica (Balf. f.) Sleumer74. Rhododendron bulu Hutch75. Rhododendron nivale Hook76. Rhododendron setosum D. Don77. Rhododendron tapetiforme Balf. f. et Cooper(v) Subsection Cinnabarina (Hutch.) Sleumer78. Rhododendron cinnabarium Hook. f79. Rhododendron keysii Nutt(vi) Subsection Boothia (Hutch.) Sleumer80. Rhododendron boothii Nutt81. Rhododendron chrysodorum Tagg82. Rhododendron micromeres Tagg(vii) Subsection Glauca (Hutch.) Sleumer83. Rhododendron brachyanthum Fr. .(viii) Subsection Genestieriana (Cowan et Davidian) Sleumer84. Rhododendron genestierianum Forrest(ix) Subsection Baileya Sleumer85. Rhododendron baileyi Balf. f(x) Subsection Trichoclada (Balf. f.) Cullen86. Rhododendron mekongense Fr87. Rhododendron nanjiangense K. M. Feng et Z. H. Yang88. Rhododendron viridescens Hutchii, Section Pogonanthum G. Don89. Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don90. Rhododendron laudandum Cowan(Ⅲ) Subgenus Tsutsutsi G. Doni. Section Tsutsutsi G. Don91. Rhododendron chunii Fang92. Rhododendron hypoblomatosum Tam93. Rhododendron mariae Hance subsp, kwangsiense (Hu ex Tam) Chamb. et Rae94. Rhododendron polyraphidoideum Tam95. Rhododendron pulchroides Chun et Fang96. Rhododendron rivulare Hand.-Mazz97. Rhododendron tingwuense Tamii. Section Brachycalyx Sweet98. Rhododendronfarrerae Tate(Ⅳ)Subgenus Azaleastrum Planchi. Section Azaleastrum Sleumer99. Rhododendron bachii Ltvlt00. Rhododendron hongkongense Hutch101. Rhododendron medoense Fang et M. Y. He102. Rhododendron mitriforme Tamii. Sectien Choniastrum Fr.103. Rhododendron cavaleriei Hook.104. Rhododendron championae Hook.105. Rhododendron moulmainense Hook.Ⅱ. BibliographyⅢ. Index to Latin Names

中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 節(jié)選

《中國杜鵑花.第3冊(英文版)》主要內(nèi)容簡介:This is the third volume of Rhodo-dendrons of China, which has beencompiled on the basis of firsthand infor-mation gained through many years offield experience. For each species men-tioned in the book, detailed descriptionson botanical characteristics were provid-ed and exquisite and authentic color pic-tures were attached. 105 species andvarieties which belong to 4 subgenera, 7sections and 24 subsections were gath-ered in this volume. 294 color picturesand 105 distribution maps were also in-volved in the book. The species involvedin this volume are distributed in Tibet,Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Fu-jian, Hunan and Guangdong provincesand regions. Among the species in thisvolume, 13 species are new specieswhich were described since 1980's andsome of them are published for the firsttime. Like its previous volumes, the bookis not only an invaluable reference workfor studying the rhododendrons of China,but also a beautiful album. For anyonewho is interested in the rhododendrons ofChina, this is indeed a valuable collec-tion.

中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 相關(guān)資料

插圖:Trees to large shrubs, branchlets stout. Leaves thick-leath-ery, large; lower surface clad with two strata of indumentum, theupper stratum composed of cup or funnel-shaped compound hairs,more or less easily rubbed off, the lower stratum with suede-likehairs; petiole terete or compressed. Inflorescence racemose-umbelliform, large, 15-30-flowered, flowers large, mortar andpestle-shaped; calyx 7-10-lobed; corolla 7-10-1obed, stamens (10-) 12-18; ovary tomentose or glandular, rarely glabrous, (10-) 12-18-celled; style usually glabrous. Capsule large. This subsection has 14 species. The species are distributedfrom Yunnan, Xizang and Sichuan of China to Nepal, Bhutan,Sikkim, Burma and India of the Himalayas. Evergreen shrub or small tree, 3-7 meters high; branchletsstout, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, clad with grey to yellow-brown to-mentum, gradually glabrous. Leaves thick leathery, broadly obo-vate or broadly oblanceolate, 11-25 cm long, 4.5-11 cm broad,apex broad-rounded or retuse, the widest part at the upper part,gradually narrow downward, upper surface glabrous, midrib de-pressed, lateral veins 13-14 pairs, depressed, under surface cladwith two strata of indumentum, the upper stratum of indumentumthick, grey-yellow, gradually becoming rusty-red, spongy, cladwith broad cup-shaped and marginal slightly lobed compoundhairs, easily rubbed off, the lower stratum of indumentum grey-white, thin, midrib raised, lateral veins can be seen; petiole 1.5-3.5 cm long, flattened, with narrow wings elongated from leaves.

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