中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:7030063449
- 條形碼:9787030063441 ; 978-7-03-006344-1
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 內(nèi)容簡介
簡介 《中國杜鵑花.第3冊(英文版)》由科學(xué)出版社出版。
中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 目錄
中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 節(jié)選
《中國杜鵑花.第3冊(英文版)》主要內(nèi)容簡介:This is the third volume of Rhodo-dendrons of China, which has beencompiled on the basis of firsthand infor-mation gained through many years offield experience. For each species men-tioned in the book, detailed descriptionson botanical characteristics were provid-ed and exquisite and authentic color pic-tures were attached. 105 species andvarieties which belong to 4 subgenera, 7sections and 24 subsections were gath-ered in this volume. 294 color picturesand 105 distribution maps were also in-volved in the book. The species involvedin this volume are distributed in Tibet,Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Fu-jian, Hunan and Guangdong provincesand regions. Among the species in thisvolume, 13 species are new specieswhich were described since 1980's andsome of them are published for the firsttime. Like its previous volumes, the bookis not only an invaluable reference workfor studying the rhododendrons of China,but also a beautiful album. For anyonewho is interested in the rhododendrons ofChina, this is indeed a valuable collec-tion.
中國杜鵑花 第三冊(英文版) 相關(guān)資料
插圖:Trees to large shrubs, branchlets stout. Leaves thick-leath-ery, large; lower surface clad with two strata of indumentum, theupper stratum composed of cup or funnel-shaped compound hairs,more or less easily rubbed off, the lower stratum with suede-likehairs; petiole terete or compressed. Inflorescence racemose-umbelliform, large, 15-30-flowered, flowers large, mortar andpestle-shaped; calyx 7-10-lobed; corolla 7-10-1obed, stamens (10-) 12-18; ovary tomentose or glandular, rarely glabrous, (10-) 12-18-celled; style usually glabrous. Capsule large. This subsection has 14 species. The species are distributedfrom Yunnan, Xizang and Sichuan of China to Nepal, Bhutan,Sikkim, Burma and India of the Himalayas. Evergreen shrub or small tree, 3-7 meters high; branchletsstout, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, clad with grey to yellow-brown to-mentum, gradually glabrous. Leaves thick leathery, broadly obo-vate or broadly oblanceolate, 11-25 cm long, 4.5-11 cm broad,apex broad-rounded or retuse, the widest part at the upper part,gradually narrow downward, upper surface glabrous, midrib de-pressed, lateral veins 13-14 pairs, depressed, under surface cladwith two strata of indumentum, the upper stratum of indumentumthick, grey-yellow, gradually becoming rusty-red, spongy, cladwith broad cup-shaped and marginal slightly lobed compoundhairs, easily rubbed off, the lower stratum of indumentum grey-white, thin, midrib raised, lateral veins can be seen; petiole 1.5-3.5 cm long, flattened, with narrow wings elongated from leaves.
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