中國人的思維 目錄
PrefaceLi ZehouAcknowledgementsIntroductionSection I Nature and Human Existence1 A Rediscovery of Heaven-and-Human OnenessThe Three-fold SignificanceThe Two-dimensional OrientationA Pragmatic Alternative 2 Laozi on the Dao of Human ExistenceFrame of Reference: The Dao of Man, Heaven and the SagePursuiL of Sageliness: Practical and Sagely WisdomPath to Freedom: Attitudes toward Life and Death3 Zhuangzi's Way of Thinking through FablesThe Peng and Happy Excursion to the InfiniteThe Butterfly and Self-emancipation4 Poetic Wisdom in Zen EnlightenmentRevelations from Natural ScenesNatural Spontaneity as a Psychical PathA Poetic Way of Zen EnlightenmentThe Realm of SEInyat~ as BeautySection II Harmony, Governance, and Warfare5 Harmonization without Being Patternized The Meeting of East and West as a Good-natured Hypothesis Harmony and Uniformity in PerspectiveThe Need of a New PhitosoplTos Poiesis 6 Humane Governance and Pragmatic Reasori Rule of Law as the Fundamental Basis Wise Leadership of Crucial NecessityThe Pragmatic Reason in Question7 No More Hiroshimas and Sharp WeaponsA Poetic Reflection after HiroshimaA Philosophical Pondering over Sharp WeaponsSection III Morality, Art, and Aesthetics8 Confucius' Expectation of PoetryPoetry as a Social Discourse Sui GenerisPoetry as an Aesthetic Discourse Sui GenerisPoetry as a Moral Discourse Sui Generis9 Aesthetic Criticism of TransculturalityBeyond East and West: A Transcultural Transformation Aesthetic Education as a Critical Necessity (Meiyu Shuo) Art as a Refuge from Suffering (Jietuo Shuo)Art as Aesthetic Play for Freedom ( Youxi Shuo)The Artist as Creative Genius ( Tiancai Shuo)The Refined as the Second Form (Guya Shuo)The Theory of Poetic State par Excellence ( Jing]ie Shuo ) 10 The Theory of Art as SedimentationArt as SedimentationA Critical ConsiderationA Methodological Reflection11 Appreciating Nature in View of Practical AestheticsThree Levels of Aesthetic ExperienceAesthetic Effects of Heaven-and-Human OnenessSelected BibliographyGlossary
中國人的思維 節選
《Chinese Way of Thinking(中國人的思維)》講述了:When t was a guest speaker in Germany in 1992, I said to the audiencethat the intercultural communication between East and West is notproportionately at the same level. For a Chinese professor or universitystudent in general can provide a name list of more than a hundred well-known figures in the Western history. Then, how many of the Chinesecounterparts from antiquity to the present could a German professor oruniversity student at large possibly know? No more than a dozen, I guess.There are of course exceptions among the faculty members and students inthe departments of Sinology who surely know more. How come it is so? Inmy opinion, it is mainly due to the fact that China has been in a passiveposition or "under attack" since the advent of the modern era, thus bearinga kind of eagerness to look into and learn from the West. In contrast, theWest has been in an active position, having far less need to know Chinabecause her existence would matter little to the Western mentality in thepast century or so. Such a situation corresponds more or less to that in the18th century when China assumed herself to be the center of the world andfelt no need to take any look at the West.