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包郵 游船實務與管理

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游船實務與管理 版權信息

游船實務與管理 內容簡介

簡介   《游船實務與管理》一書內容主要包括國際游船業(yè)發(fā)展概況、游船業(yè)多種文化環(huán)境中工作和生活的基本情況、游船專業(yè)術語、游船上工作健康與安全的法定要求、游船工作實務與管理、游船衛(wèi)生實務與管理、游船安全實務與管理及游船上工作必需掌握的日常英語,是廣大學生以及酒店船員從事國際游船業(yè)及酒店業(yè)的**用書。本書和游船實際工作密切結合,與國際游船教育接軌,既可作為高等院校旅游管理專業(yè)、航海專業(yè)、高等職業(yè)教育教學和雙語教學用書,又可作為職業(yè)培訓或相關專業(yè)的參考用書。

游船實務與管理 目錄

PART I INFORMATION FOR MARITIME HOTEL STUDENTS1.Background for Studying This Course2.The Target for Studying This Course3.Overview of the Cruise Industry3.1 What is a cruise ship?3.2 The first, past, present & future cruise Ships3.3 How many cruise ships are active in the world today?3.4 How many new cruise ships have been or will be put into operation?3.5 The introduction of some cruise ship operators3.6 Where do passengers mainly come from?3.7 Where do passengers like to travel to?3.8 The cruise ship employees3.9 Who works where? 4.The Benefits & Challenges of "Life at Sea" 4.1 Benefits of "life at sea" 4.2 Challenges of "life at sea"——living conditions, etc.for you ( cruise ship employees)PART II WORKING ON THE CRUISE SHIPS1.Ship's Terminology1.1 Ship's view & terms1.2 The term~ about the galley line during meal servic1.3 About the dining room1.4 About the bar set-up 1.5 The terms about the supply and store of food produc'ts 1.6 About cleaning on board2.Onboard Departments and Management Structure2.1 Onboard departments2.2 The general management structure2.3 The general lines of authority & identification stripes of officers onboard ...3.Job Description Onboard3.1 Deck department3.2 Engine department3.3 Hotel operations department3.4 Housekeeping department3.5 Food and beverage department3.6 Galley / Kitchen department3.7 Cruise staff department3.8 Entertainment department3.9 Medical department (Infirmary onboard )3.10 Beauty salon / Spa3.11 Photo department3.12 Gift shops department3.13 Casino department3.14 Other individual jobs4.Language & Communication4.1 Shipboard language4.2 Shipboard communication5.Customer Service5.1 Why is good customer service important?5.2 Two types of customers-external & internal customers5.3 What is good customer service?5.4 What is bad customer service?5.5 Why do business lose customers?5.6 State of mind for offering services to passengers5.7 Passengers' expectations5.8 The5 Ps5.9 Anticipating the customer's needs5.10 Art of speaking to passengers5.11 The culture mistakes we should avoid6.Team Work & Disciplinary Procedure Onboard6.1 Team work6.2 Disciplinary procedure onboardPART III HYGIENE ON THE CRUISE SHIPS1. The Definition and Importance of Food Hygiene and Safety1.1 What is food hygiene?1.2 What is food safety?1.3 Costs of bad food hygiene1.4 Bad food hygiene impact on business1.5 Benefits of good hygiene2. The Hygiene Supervising Structures of Cruise Ships2. 1 CIEH2. 2 USPH3. What Is Food Poisoning?3.1 What is food poisoning?3.2 Food is not harmful in itself, if contaminated, it will cause illnesses3.3 The main symptoms of food poisoning4. Food Borne Diseases4. 1 What's food borne disease?4. 2 Food poisoning and food borne disease are different5. Microorganisms5.1 Bacteria5.2 Characteristics of bacteria5.3 Pathogenic bacteria5.4 Spoilage bacteria5.5 Useful (or helpful) bacteria5.6 Growth of bacteria5.7 Conditions for bacterial growth5.8 High risk foods5.9 Safe or low risk foods5. 10 Dealing with poultry safely5. 11 Avoiding food danger5.12 Bacterial spores5. 13 Main food poisoning bacteria6. Contamination of Food6. 1 Firstly, where do bacteria come from?6. 2 How do bacteria get into food? ...6. 3 Identify the three types of contamination6. 4 Prevention of contamination6. 5 Avoid cross contamination by cleaning6. 6 Preventing cross contamination during food and drink service ..6. 7 The ten main reasons for food poisoning6. 8 The food poisoning chain7. Food Preservation and Personal Hygiene7. 1 Food preservation7.2 Personal hygiene8. Premises8. 1 Premises design and construction8.2 Cleaning premises and equipments9. Pest Control9. 1 The main pests9. 2 Pests should be effectively controlled9. 3 Reasons for attracting pests to food premises9.4 Cockroaches9. 5 Houseflies10. Waste Disposal and Food Safety Law10. 1 Waste disposal10. 2 Food safety law Review1.1 The following questions may help you with the CIEH Basic Food Hygiene Examination1.2 Key words and terms1.3 Microorganisms that cause food borne illness & food spoilage ..1.4 A cruise around the world of food safety~sanitationPART IV SAFETY ON THE CRUISE SHIPS1. General Safety Precautions——All Departments2. Safety Precautions for Cabins Stewards and Cleaners (Housekeeping) Department3. Safety Precautions for Dealing with Substances Hazardous to Health3.1 How to deal with substances hazardous to health?3.2 How do hazardous substances enter your body?3.3 Safety practices for dealing with hazardous substancesd. Personal Booklet Review1.1 Questions & answers about the safety drills on the cruise ship( Take the TOPAZ as an example)1.2 Emergency code announcementsPART V APPENDIXESAppendix 1 General Rules & Regulations for Officers, Staff & Crew Onboard (Take the TOPAZ as an example)Appendix 2 Disciplinary Rules, Regulations & Procedures(Take the TOPAZ as an example)Appendix 3 Code of Appearance for Crew Members Onboard(Take the TOPAZ as an example)Appendix 4 ISM CODE BookletAppendix 5 The Elementary Cruise Ship English參考文獻

游船實務與管理 節(jié)選


游船實務與管理 相關資料

插圖:(2) First EngineerThe first engineer is responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of theengineering and technical aspects of the vessel as directed by the chief engineer. Extensiveexperience with minimum four to six years in subordinate positions on board ships isrequired. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent Englishlanguage skills are required.(3) Second EngineerThe second engineer is responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of theengineering and technical aspects of the vessel as directed by the chief engineer. Extensiveexperience with minimum three to five years in subordinate positions on board ships isrequired. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent Englishlanguage skills are required.(4) Third EngineerThe third engineer is responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of theengineering and technical aspects of the vessel as directed by the chief engineer. Extensiveexperience with minimum two to four years in subordinate positions on board ships isrequired. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent Englishlanguage skills are required.(5) MotormanThe motorman is responsible for the daily maintenance and cleaning of specific engineparts as directed by the chief engineer. Experience with minimum one to two years onboard ships is required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility andgood English language skills are required.(6) FitterThe fitter is responsible for the daily maintenance and cleaning of engines andmechanical equipment as directed by the chief engineer. Experience with minimum one totwo years on board ships is required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school orfacility and basic English language skills are required.(7) WiperThe wiper is responsible for trash pickup in engine room

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