西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
實用旅游英語 版權信息
- ISBN:9787802479098
- 條形碼:9787802479098 ; 978-7-80247-909-8
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
實用旅游英語 本書特色
實用旅游英語 內容簡介
每個單元分為六個部分,即warm up、vocabularies、convezsattion、passage、integrated exercises of skills development、self study。為便于高等院校教師的授課和學生的學習以及酒店、機場、景區景點、旅行社、外事機構、公司、教育和旅游局等部門相關人員使用本書,在passage模塊上加注譯文,并在integrated exerclses of skills development模塊上加注了習題答案。
實用旅游英語 目錄
**章 旅游手續
unit 1 passport applications辦理護照
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳpassage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 2 visa affairs辦理簽證
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
chapter two categories of tourism
第二章 旅游種類
unit 3 historical&cultural relics tour歷史人文游
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 4 natural wonders tour自然奇觀游
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 5 red resorts tour紅色旅游
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
chapter three tourist attractions
第三章 旅游勝地
unit 6 northeast china東北地區
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
partⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 7 north china華北地區
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳpassage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 8 east china華東地區
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 9 central china華中地區
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 10 northwest china西北地區
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 11 southwest china 西南地區
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 12 south china&hong kong,macao and taiwan
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
chapter four elements of tourism
第四章 旅游要素
unit 13 food吃——餐飲服務
partⅰwarm up
partⅱ vocabularies
partⅲ conversation
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 14 accommodation住——賓館服務
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
partⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 15 transportation行——交通服務
partⅰ warm up
partⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unⅱ16 traveling游——旅游服務
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 17 entertainment娛——娛樂服務
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅳ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
unit 18 shopping購——購物服務
part ⅰ warm up
partⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
part ⅵ self study
chapter five legaj systems for tourism
第五章 旅游法制
unit 19 legal systems for tourism in china and abroad
part ⅰ warm up
part ⅱ vocabularies
part ⅲ conversation
part ⅳ passage---
part ⅴ integrated exercises of skills development
partⅵself study
appendix。簍ranslation for passages
附錄1 段落譯文
appendix ⅱ:key to integrated exercises of skills development
附錄2 技能擴展習題答案
附錄3 參考文獻
實用旅游英語 節選
《實用旅游英語》分為五章,共19個單元。**章旅游手續,內容涉及辦理護照和辦理簽證兩個單元;第二章旅游種類,包括歷史人文游、自然奇觀游和紅色旅游三個單元;第三章旅游勝地,包括東北地區、華北地區、華東地區、華中地區、西北地區、西南地區、華南地區及港澳臺七個單元;第四章旅游要素,包括吃一餐飲服務、住一賓館服務、行一交通服務、游一旅游服務、娛一娛樂服務、購一購物服務六個單元;第五章旅游法制,內容涉及中外旅游法制一個單元。每個單元分為六個部分,即Warm up、Vocabularies、Conversation、Passage、Integrated Exercises of SkillsDevelopment、SelfStudy。為便于高等院校教師的授課和學生的學習以及酒店、機場、景區景點、旅行社、外事機構、公司、教育和旅游局等部門相關人員使用《實用旅游英語》,在Passage模塊上加注譯文,并在IntegratedExercises ofSkillsDevelopment模塊上加注了習題答案。
實用旅游英語 相關資料
Jack Smith. Do you know the Summer Palace?Wade Vinson: Yes, I do. The Summer Palace is in Beijing, and it is a beautifulplace.Jack Smith: You are right. The Summer Palace is located in Beijing' s northwestsuburb, and it consists, in the main, the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake.Wade Vinson: Could you tell me who wrote the name of the Summer Palace?Jack Smith: The name of the Summer Palace, Yiheyuan Park (Park of Nurtured Harmo-ny) is inscribed in gold in this nameboard in the handwriting of Emperor Guangxu of theQing dynasty.Wade Vinson.That's great. I think that is a good name. Do you know EmperorQianlong?Jack Smith:Of course, I know him a lot. In the winter of 1749, or the 14th year ofthe Qianlong reign of the Qing dynasty, Emperor Qianlong gave the place a major face-lift in preparation for his mother's 60th birthday. The Kunming Lake was dredged on alarge scale.Wade Vinson: I have read a book about the history of the Qing dynasty, and I knowthe major remains expended a large sum of money and consumed great manpower andmaterial resources.Jack Smith:Yes. It also took the worker so much time. After a dozen years of spa-dework, the Garden of Limpid Ripples (Qingyiyuan) appeared on the map of Beijing asan immense imperial garden famed for its picturesque landscape.Wade Vinson:Could you tell me who changed the Garden of Limpid Ripples to thename of the Summer Palace?Jack Smith:In 1860, the Anglo-French Allied Force burned the Garden of LimpidRipples together with Yuanmingyuan and some other famous imperial gardens. In 1886,or the 12th year the Guangxu reign, the Empress Dowager Cixi had the burned gardenrebuilt on the debris, and in 1888, Cixi named the garden "Yiheyuan" or "Summer Pa-lace".Wade Vinson: Oh, that' s great.Jack Smith:However, in 1990, the Summer Palace was plundered and destroyed bythe Allied Forces of Britain, America, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy and Aus-tria. The Summer Palace was rebuilt in 1903.
實用旅游英語 作者簡介
楊紅,語言學與經濟學雙專業碩士,就職于海南大學旅游學院。主要研究方向為應用語言學、旅游經濟學、旅游人類學。 現為國際人類學與民族學聯合會會員、加拿大研究會會員。2007年獲得加拿大專項研究特別獎,2008年受到加拿大駐華大使館的表彰,并得到海南省教育廳、海南省外事僑務辦表揚及海南大學多次報道。任職期間,多次榮獲海南大學旅游學院的教學先進表彰。 主要學術成就包括:出版著作及發表論文共計35本(篇),完成6個基金課題。其中,發表CSSCI核心期刊論文6篇。
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