伍榮生文選 版權信息
- ISBN:9787502956325
- 條形碼:9787502956325 ; 978-7-5029-5632-5
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
伍榮生文選 本書特色
伍榮生文選 內容簡介
伍榮生文選 目錄
自序伍榮生小傳Ⅰ 波動動力學大地形與擾動的不穩定大地形與正壓擾動的移行正壓大氣中波動共振與能量變化基本氣流和大地形對于正壓波動的作用長波近似與大氣中的線性與非線性Rossby波Rossby波的能量、能量通量與Lagrange函數關于非均勻介質中波的傳播問題非線性Rossby波及其相互作用——I.Rossby包絡孤立波的碰撞
Ⅱ 邊界動力學An Apnalysis of Ekman Boundary Layer Dynamics Incorporating the Geostrophi, Momentum ApproximationBaroclinic Instability and Frontogenesis with Ekman Boundary Layer Dynamics Incorporating the Geostrophic Momentum Approximation半地轉氣流的動力學特征非線性Ekman層的動力特征The Influences of Orography upon the Flow Within Ekman Boundary Layer under the Approximation of Geostrophic Momentum論赤道地區的大氣邊界層Ekman動量流的動力特征與鋒生The Ekman Boundary Layer over Orography:An Analysis of Vertical MotionThe Surface Friction and the Flow over Mountain邊界層動力學中的Ekman動量近似The Ekman Momentum Approximation and Its ApplicationThe Influence of the Geostrophic Wind Advection Approximation on a Well Mixed Layer
Ⅲ鋒面動力學The Theory Study of the Influence of the Topography on the Cold Frontal MotionGeostrophic Adjustment of a Zero Potential Vorticity Flow Initiated by a Mass ImbalanceGeostrophic Adjustment:Frontogenesis and Energy ConversionA Study on Frontal Motion over OrographyFrontogene sis,Evolution and the Time Scale of Front FormationA Numerical Study of Geostrophic Adjustment and FrontogenesisInteraction of Orographic Disturbance with FrontEvolution and Fmntogenesis of an lmbalanced Flow the Influence of Vapor Distribution and Orographic Forcingt地形上空邊界層流中低層鋒面結構的理論研究I:冷鋒、均勻地轉流Investigation on Geostrophic Adjustment,Frontogenesis and OscillationsMechanism of Balanced Flow and FrontogenesisInteraction of Diabatic Frontogenesis and Moisture Processes in Cold—Frontal Rain BandⅣ 熱帶氣旋動力學The Conservation of Helicity in Hurricane Andrew(1 992)and the Formation of the Spiral Rainband熱帶氣旋碧麗斯(2000)發生的數值模擬:非對稱流的發展及轉換北太平洋夏季熱帶海區大氣運動的平衡關系冷空氣入侵對熱帶氣旋發生發展的影響The Effect of Surface Friction on the Development of Tropical CyclonesⅤ 其他動力學問題提高差分與微分逼近程度的一個新方案旋轉大氣中運動的多時態特征和時間邊界層(1I)準地轉演變過程中的多時態特征論渦度擬能的變化CISK理論中的若干問題廣義渦度與位勢渦度守恒定律及其應用Helicity Dynamics of Atmospheric FlowAn Optimal Spatial Finite—Difference Operator Which Reduces Truncation Error to a MinimumShearing Wind Helicity and Thermal Wind Helicity附件
伍榮生文選 節選