part one mysterious island神秘島1.pandora’s box潘多拉的盒子the mysterious gift神秘禮物troubles came into the world災難降臨人間2.the legend of atlantis亞特蘭蒂斯的傳說3.echo回聲a cruel punishment殘酷的懲罰the i onely voice孤獨的聲音4.white elephant白象5.the little mermaid小美人魚i live for love為愛而重生die for her true love為真愛而獻出生命6.the story of osiris奧西里斯的故事rrhe plot陰謀the king of the underworld冥王 goose金鵝the three brothers and the little grey old man三兄弟和小老頭the gold goose金鵝a happy marriage美滿姻緣8.janus雅努斯9.the story of aladdin阿拉丁的故事aladdin and the magician阿拉丁和法師the magic 1.amp神燈 marrying his love喜結良緣defeating the magician徹底挫敗法師10.the legend of phoenix不死鳥的傳說shining with the sun與日同輝rising from the ashes涅架重生11.anubis阿努比斯12.stings of bees蜜蜂刺的傳說13.daphne and apollo達芙妮和阿波羅的故事14.the story of qn yuan屈原的故事15.the legend of nvwa mending the sky女媧補天的傳說16.the red shoes紅舞鞋the spell魔咒redemption救贖17.the noah’s ark諾亞方舟18.the golden apple金蘋果19.odin—the one-eyed god獨眼神奧丁20.the legend of jingwei精衛鳥的傳說part two collection of anecdotes趣事吧1.the special use of adhesive黏合劑的妙用2.the angry pub boss酒吧老板的憤怒3.the birthday party is finally over生日聚會終于結束了4.the innocent husband無辜的丈夫5.waking up in his coffin“死人”蘇醒6.a goat was arrested山羊被刑拘7.misfortunes never come alone禍不單行8.$5 co-pay五美元掛號費9.a fatal shot致命的槍擊10.drinking to death喝水過多致死11.thief and marathon runner小偷和馬拉松運動員j2.bearskin substitute熊皮替代品13.junk food and stress垃圾食品和壓力14.slaughtering kangaroos捕殺袋鼠15.surviving electric shock遭電擊后幸免于難16.the cat’s unbelievable trip貓的神奇旅行17.the risky extreme sports危險的極限運動18.a blind woman’s suit一位盲人婦女的訴訟狀19.human fat as power人的脂肪做燃料20.the so-called green building如此綠色建筑part three humorous stories笑 話 林1.who wishes to go to hell?誰該下地獄 or flower食物還是鮮花3.just wait a second就等1秒鐘4.jealous in nature天生善妒5.good or bad memory好記性還是壞記性6.a better offer更高的價錢7.thirty minutes for each letter每個字母30分鐘8.a legitimate reason一個合法的理由9.the best chance to advertise宣傳的絕好時機10.can you keep a secret?你能保守秘密嗎?11.the most effective method*有效的方法12.the miser’s last words吝嗇鬼的遺言13.speeding超速14.two“free”tickets兩張“免費的”音樂會票15.the mother,the son有其母必有其子16.ten dollars can make it 10美元就搞定17.alligator or shark短吻鱷或者鯊魚18.the flat tire worth 95 points值95分的爆胎19.having a drink喝一杯20.four-letter words粗俗語