西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
Step by Step聽懂CNN全球巨星專訪-(含DVD互動光盤1張) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787030362858
- 條形碼:9787030362858 ; 978-7-03-036285-8
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
Step by Step聽懂CNN全球巨星專訪-(含DVD互動光盤1張) 本書特色
liveabc編著的《step by step聽懂cnn全球巨星專訪(附光盤)》的專訪報道采用中英文對照體例,除了列出單詞與重要短語的解析,還適時補充了近義詞并比較易混淆的用法,同時針對受訪對象與主題內容補充各種相關信息。隨書附贈互動光盤,運用多媒體科技,將文字(text)、影像(image)、聲音(sound)結合在一起,如此一來將能夠加深讀者的學習印象,進而提高學習效率。針對苦于跟不上英語一般語速的讀者,互動光盤中除了有正常速度的原音報道mp3之外,還附有慢速的朗讀mp3。
Step by Step聽懂CNN全球巨星專訪-(含DVD互動光盤1張) 內容簡介
Step by Step聽懂CNN全球巨星專訪-(含DVD互動光盤1張) 目錄
影視娛樂 entertainment
1 pop misfit lady gaga talks art,music and fame “我的搞怪藝術觀” ——cnn專訪lady gaga
2 skater girl grows up avril lavigne discusses music, fashion and charity work with talk asia cnn專訪搖滾朋克精靈艾薇兒
3 sting sings in the holidays veteran musician celebrates the winter season 搖滾詩人斯汀的冬季狂想曲
4 diana krall?s brazilian odyssey the jazz musician takes a tropical turn on her latest recording cnn專訪新生代爵士天后戴安娜·克瑞兒
5 unusual suspect talk asia interviews acclaimed stage and screen actor kevin spacey “電影與我”——cnn專訪凱文·斯貝西
6 robert redford talks tech legendary actor and director discusses the intersection of art and technology 現代科技與電影藝術的對話——cnn專訪羅伯特·雷德福
7 celluloid prophet talk asia looks through the lens of filmmaker oliver stone 大導演奧利佛·斯通鏡頭下的世界觀
8 vintage coppola fine wine and iconic films flow through legendary director?s career 大導演的另一片天──cnn專訪弗朗西斯·科波拉
9 a man of action a talk asia exclusive interview with infl uential hong kong director john woo cnn專訪吳宇森——華人導演的好萊塢經驗
10 taking hollywood by storm talk asia interview with south korean actor lee byung-hun 成名的滋味——cnn專訪李秉憲
11 chasing a dream talk asia exclusive interview with korean film star jang dong-gun cnn專訪韓國個性巨星張東健
12 butt-kicking beauty a talk asia exclusive interview with action star michelle yeoh 智慧、美麗與身手——cnn專訪華人邦德女郎楊紫瓊
13 zhou xun talk asia interview with the quirky queen of chinese cinema cnn專訪中國*具影響力的女演員周迅
14 transplanted talent talk asia sits down with actor-director daniel wu 無心插柳的星路奇緣——cnn專訪吳彥祖
15 ballad of john and yoko rock legend?s widow remembers lennon on his 70th birthday 約翰·列儂與我——cnn專訪小野洋子
時尚生活 fashion & life
16 a partnership in fashion love and business intertwine for style icons dolce and gabbana 永遠的時尚伙伴——cnn專訪d&g創始人
17 putting your best face forward behind the scenes with makeup artist bobbi brown 從彩妝師到彩妝王國——cnn專訪波比·布朗
18 dressing for success fashion upstart jason wu?s star continues to rise 臺灣設計師吳季剛——打造自己的時尚舞臺
19 wok on the wild side talk asia goes into the kitchen with celebrity chef bobby chinn 創造另類的美食風格──cnn專訪名人主廚鮑比·秦
20 architect for the ages norman foster looks to the past,present and future of building design 當代建筑大師諾曼·福斯特談本于人性的建筑觀
政治財經 politics & finance
21 when michelle met barack first lady describes her initial impressions of the future u.s. president **夫人眼中的奧巴馬
22 the world is flat... so what next? talk asia interview with thomas friedman 為什么世界是“ 平” 的?——cnn專訪作者托馬斯·弗里德曼
體壇文藝 athletics&art
23 going the distance ultra-marathoner scott jurek pushes mind and body to the edge of endurance 超越身心的極限——cnn專訪超級馬拉松名將斯科特·尤雷克
24 king of the mound talk asia interview with japanese pitching sensation yu darvish cnn專訪日本職業棒球投手──達比修有
25 battered but not broken yao ming battles back from injury to resurrect his nba career cnn專訪姚明——“職業生涯終有結束的一天”
26 courting victory dreams come true at the french open for chinese champ li na 史上首位網球大滿貫賽事中國冠軍──李娜
27 her toughest opponent how tennis champ martina navratilova battled and beat cancer 女性不可忽視的防癌常識──網球女將娜拉提諾娃細說抗癌之路
28 unconventional maestro cnn interview with the remarkable chinese pianist lang lang 飛躍在琴鍵上的一雙手──cnn專訪華裔鋼琴家郎朗
29 piano prodigy young virtuoso marc yu wrestles with“little mozart”label and promising future cnn專訪鋼琴神童“小莫扎特”余峻承
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