全息成像概論 版權信息
- ISBN:9787566405890
- 條形碼:9787566405890 ; 978-7-5664-0589-0
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
全息成像概論 本書特色
全息成像概論 內容簡介
全息成像概論 目錄
chapter 1 holography.the ultimate 3d visualization tool
1.1 human 3d perception
1.1.1 anatomy
1.1.2 stereopsis
1.1.3 accommodation and convergence
1.1.4 motion parallax
1.1.5 pictorial information
1.1.6 some photometric visual parameters
1.2 3d visualization systems
1.2.1 stereoscopic displays
1.2.2 autostereoscopic displays
1.2.3 volumetric displays
1.2.4 holography
1.3 historical background
1.3.1 a twostep lensless imaging process
1.3.2 whitelight holography
1.3.3 computergenerated hologram
1.3.4 holographic video display
1.3.5 chinese magic mirrors
1.3.6 the tentacled holographic entity
chapter 2 wave optics
2.1 the basic nature of lightwave
2.1.1 maxwell's equations and wave equation
2.1.2 complex representation and helmholtz wave equation
2.1.3 plane and spherical wave
2.1.4 angular spectrum representation of plane waves
2.2 scalar diffraction theory
2.2.1 huygensfresnel principle
2.2.2 fresnel and fraunhofer approximations
2.2.3 another derivation of fresnel approximations
2.3 polarization
2.3.1 polarization
2.3.2 polarizer, rotator and polarizing beam splitter
2.3.3 electrooptical characteristics of liquid crystals
chapter 3 the basic types of optical hologram
3.1 classical optical holography
3.1.1 diffraction grating
3.1.2 inline holography (gabor configuration)
3.1.3 offaxis holography (leithupatnieks configuration)
3.1.4 rainbow (benton) holograms
3.1.5 reflection (denisyuk) holograms
3.2 holographic stereogram
3.2.1 what is a holographic stereogram
3.2.2 holographic functional screen
3.2.3 holographic screen for image projection
3.3 practical aspects of optical holography
3.3.1 light sources for holography
3.3.2 holographic recording media
3.3.4 making a simple hologram:integral's holography kits
chapter 4 computergenerated holograms
4.1 celloriented computation
4.1.1 lohmanntype detour hologram
4.1.2 burckhardt amplitude encoding
4.1.3 twophase encoding
4.1.4 fourier holograms
4.1.5 an example of display application
4.2 phaseoriented computation
4.2.1 lesem's kinogram
4.2.2 phase manipulation in imaging
4.2.3 herative phase retrieval
4.3 computation of wave field propagating
4.3.1 numerical techniques for fresnel diffraction
4.3.2 diffractionspecific fringe computation
4.3.3 noninterferometric computation of the diffraction field
4.4 digital holography (dh)
4.4.1 system setup
4.4.2 limitations and challenges in dh recording
4.4.3 reconstruction algorithms
chapter 5 holographic video
5.1 liquidcrystal based slm device
5.1.1 introduction
5.1.2 deformation effects of nematic liquid crystals
5.1.3 coding domains and high diffraction efficiency wide angle
5.1.4 problems associated with a pixelated device
5.2 display by acousticoptical modulator
5.2.1 scophony
5.2.2 mark display system
5.2.3 acoustooptical bragg display architecture
5.3 dmdbased display system
5.3.1 digital micromirror device architecture
5.3.2 an experimental setup and diffraction analysis
5.3.3 performance achieved
5.3.4 discussions
5.4 lcosbased display system
5.4.1 lcos device and electronics system
5.4.2 performance calibration methods of lcos
5.4.3 computational lcos
5.4.4 color holographic display
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