土力學 版權信息
- ISBN:9787502461492
- 條形碼:9787502461492 ; 978-7-5024-6149-2
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
土力學 本書特色
土力學 內容簡介
繆林昌等編著的《土力學》根據國內相關的技術規范和土木工程專業土 力學教學要求,參考有關英文教材編寫而成,主要內容包括土的基本特性, 結構特征,物理、化學和力學性質,有效應力原理,以及滲流、固結、沉降 計算,邊坡穩定、地基承載力計算和相關計算的數學模型等。章末配有一定 數量的習題,并有答案。為更好地配合本科生的雙語教學,每章均配有相關 的專業詞匯(英漢對照)。 《土力學》為高校土木工程專業和相關專業土力學雙語教學的教材,也 可供相關工程技術人員參考。
土力學 目錄
1 introduction
1.1 soil and soil mechanics
1.2 civil engineering problems related to soils
1.3 development of soil mechanics
1.4 contents of soil mechanics
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2 composition and index properties of soil
2.1 formation of soil
2.2 soil particle size and particle size distributioncurve
2.2.1 soil particle size
2.2.2 particle size distribution curve
2.2.3 grain size analysis
2.3 composition of soil
2.3.1 solid phase
2.3.2 liquid phase
2.3.3 air phase
2.4 clay minerals
2.4.1 structure of clay minerals
2.4.2 the diffuse double layer
2.5 pllysical features and index properties of soil
2.5.1 weight-volume relitionships
2.5.2 basic physical indexes (w,p,,y, gs)
2.5.3 relationships among unit weight, void ratio, watercontent and specific gravity
2.5.4 relative density of cohesionless soils
2.6 consistency of soil-atterberg limits
2.6.1 liquid limit
2.6.2 plastic limit
2.6.3 shrinkage limit
2.6.4 plastic index and liquid index
2.7 soil structure
2.8 activity
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3 compaction and classification of soil
3.1 soil compaction
3.1.1 compaction principles of soil
3.1.2 moisture-density relationships
3.1.3 standard proctor test
3.1.4 factors of affecting compaction
3.2 soil classification
3.2.1 classification system
3.2.2 plasticity chart
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4 seepage flow through soil
4.1 introduction
4.2 darcy's law
4.2.1 water head in soils
4.2.2 darcy's law
4.3 determination of the coefficient of permeability
4.3.1 empirical relations for the coefficient ofpermeability
4.3.2 determination of the coefficient of permeability inthe laboratory
4.3.3 pumping test to determine the coefficient ofpermeability in the field
4.3.4 equivalent coefficient of permeability instratified soil
4.4 two dimensional flow- laplace's equation
4.4.1 laplace's equation for two-dimensional steadyflow
4.4,2 flow nets
4.5 principle of effective stress
4.5.1 the principle of effective stress
4.5.2 effective stress in saturated soil with seepage
4.6 seepage force and piping
4.6.1 seepage force
4.6.2 critical hydraulic gradient
4.6.3 piping
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5 stress in a soil mass
5.1 geostatic stresses
5.1.1 effective vertical geostatic stress
5.1.2 effective horizontal geostatic stress
5.2 contact pressure
5.2.1 rigid foundation
5.2.2 flexible foundation
5.3 pressure at the bottom of rigid foundation
5.3.1 vertical load acting at the center of thefoundation
5.3.2 eccentric and vertical load acting on thefoundation
5.3.3 net stress
5.4 stress distribution in the ground
5.4.1 vertical stress distribution due to vertical pointload
5.4.2 vertical stress distribution due to a line load(infinite length)
5.4.3 vertical stress distribution caused by a strip load(finite width and infinite length)
5.4.4 vertical stress distribution beneath the corner ofa vertical and uniformly load
5.4.5 vertical stress distribution beneath the center ofa vertical and uniformly loaded circular foundation
5.4.6 vertical stress due to a linearly increasing loadon a rectangular area
professional words
6 compression and consolidation of soil
6.1 introduction
6.2 compressibility of soils
6.2.1 one dimensional onsolidationtest
6.2.2 e-p curve
6.2.3 coefficient of volume compressibility mv
6.2.4 e-lg p curve and compressibility index
6.3 fundamentals of consolidation
6.3.1 immediate settlement calculation based on elastictheory
6.3.2 total settlement of foundation
6.4 terzaghi's theory of one-dimensional consolidation
6.4.1 terzaghi's theory of one-dimensionalconsolidation
6.4.2 average degree of consolidation
6.5 secondary consolidation
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7 shear strength of soil
7.1 introduction
7.2 mohr-coulomb failure criterion
7.2.1 coulomb formula
7.2.2 mohr's circles & mohr's strength envelope
7.2.3 mohr-coulomb failure criteria
7.2.4 failure envelope
7.3 determination of shear strength parameters
7.3.1 testing types for shear strength
7.3.2 direct shear test
7.3.3 unconfined compression test
7.3.4 triaxial compression test
7.4 shear behaviour of sand
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8 lateralearth pressure
8.1 introduction
8.2 at-rest, active, and passive earth pressure
8.3 earth pressure at-rest
8.4 rankine's earth pressure theory
8.4.1 rankine'sactive pressure
8.4.2 rankine's passive pressure
8.4.3 effect of ground water
8.4.4 effect of cohesive soil with horizontalbackfill
8.4.5 rankine active and passive pressure with slopingbackfill
8.5 coulomb's earth pressure theory
8.5.1 coulomb's active pressure
8.5.2 coulomb's passive pressure
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9 bearing capacity of foundation
9.1 introduction
9.1.1 general concept
9.1.2 modes of shear failure
9.2 allowable bearing capacity of foundations
9.3 ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations
9.3.1 prandtrs method
9.3.2 terzaghrs method
9.3.3 general bearing capacity equations
9.4 characteristic value of bearing capacity of shallowfoundations
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10 slope stability
10.1 introduction
10.2 slope stability of cohesionless soil
10.3 slope stability of cohesive soil
10.3.1 stability analysis of infinite slopes in cohesivesoil
10.3.2 total stress analysis with ~u = 0
10.3.3 method of slices (swedish solution)
10.3.4 bishop's simplified method
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