西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
新東方-SAT寫作專項突破與模擬試題 版權信息
- ISBN:9787802564282
- 條形碼:9787802564282 ; 978-7-80256-428-2
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
新東方-SAT寫作專項突破與模擬試題 本書特色
洞悉sat考試寫作部分的考查重點,闡述相關知識要點 分步驟講解如何完成sat作文,概括寫作精要,并給出詳細的評分標準 逐一分析寫作部分的三種選擇題(改進句子題、識別句子錯誤題和改進段落題),涵蓋考試中出現的各類語法和寫作方面的問題 包含1套寫作預測題和4套寫作全真模擬題,分別用于評估考生全面復習本書前后的寫作水平
新東方-SAT寫作專項突破與模擬試題 內容簡介
新東方-SAT寫作專項突破與模擬試題 目錄
greetings from the author iii
part i
the basics: getting acquainted with the writing test 1
overview of the writing test / 3
the essay / 6
multiple-choice questions / 8
part ii
dress rehearsal: a sample test 15
sample test / 19
answer key / 37
performance evaluation chart / 45
conversion table / 46
answer explanations / 47
part iii
how to write an essay in 1,500 seconds 57
steps for writing the perfect essay / 59
prewriting: getting set to write / 60
reading and analyzing the topic carefully / 60
narrowing the topic / 63
choosing a main idea / 65
gathering and arranging ideas purposefully / 68
composing: putting words on paper / 71
writing a gripping introduction / 71
building an essay with paragraphs / 75
paragraph development / 82
transitions / 87
using plain and precise language / 89
fresh language and surprises / 94
varying sentence structure / 97
sentence types / 100
repetition of ideas / 100
short and long sentences / 101
ending your essay / 105
editing and proofreading: the final touches / 108
editing for clarity / 108
editing for interest / 115
checking for standard usage and mechanics / 126
review / 134
answer key to practice exercises / 134
part iv
you be the ump: essays for evaluation 147
how essays are judged and graded / 149
guidelines for evaluation / 149
essays for evaluation / 151
essay topics for practice / 164
part v
the heart of the test: multiple-choice questions 167
introduction / 169
improving sentences questions / 169
sample sentence improvement questions / 170
problems in style and expression / 173
problems in sentence structure / 178
problems in standard usage / 196
review / 217
identifying sentence errors / 218
errors in expression and style / 219
errors in grammar and usage / 235
improving paragraphs questions / 246
answering the questions / 248
how to answer improving paragraphs questions / 250
review / 263
answer key to practice exercises / 264
part vi
tests for practice, practice, practice 271
practice test a / 273
answer key / 291
performance evaluation chart / 295
conversion table / 296
answer explanations / 297
practice test b / 305
answer key / 322
performance evaluation chart / 326
conversion table / 327
answer explanations / 328
practice test c / 335
answer key / 352
performance evaluation chart / 356
conversion table / 357
answer explanations / 358
practice test d / 367
answer key / 385
performance evaluation chart / 389
conversion table / 390
answer explanations / 391
index 400
新東方-SAT寫作專項突破與模擬試題 節選
新東方-SAT寫作專項突破與模擬試題 作者簡介
George Ehrenhaft,多年SAT教育培訓經驗,美國SAT教學與考試專家。
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