兩種文化之爭 戰(zhàn)后英國的科學(xué)、文學(xué)與文化政治
西方文化論 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:9787517800651
- 條形碼:9787517800651 ; 978-7-5178-0065-1
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
西方文化論 本書特色
西方文化論 內(nèi)容簡介
西方文化論 目錄
chapter 1 ancient greece: fountainhead of western culture 1.1 homer's epics 1.2 the polis 1.3 religion 1.4 philosophy 1.5 classical philosophers 1.6 history 1.7 poetry and drama 1.8 the heritage of the greekschapter 2 ancient rome: pragmatic rationality 2.1 roman law 2.2 literature and art 2.3 the heritage of the romanschapter 3 the middle ages: duty of conscience 3.1 the rise of christianity 3.2 patristic writers 3.3 thomas aquinaschapter 4 the renaissance: human life in this world 4.1 the italian renaissance 4.2 the northern european renaissance 4.4 the heritage of the renaissancechapter 5 the reformation: split within western christendom 5.1 martin luther 5.2 john calvin 5.3 the heritage of the reformationchapter 6 scientific revolution: new conception of the universe 6.1 the rise of modern science 6.2 rationalism and empiricism 6.3 new political theory 6.4 the heritage of seventeenth-century culturechapter 7 the enlightenment: power of reason 7.1 the nature of the enlightenment 7.2 philosophy and theology 7.3 social criticism 7.4 emotion and unreason 7.5 the heritage of the enlightenmentchapter 8 the french revolution and the industrial revolution: political and economic transformation 8.1 the french revolution 8.2 the heritage of the french revolution 8.3 the industrial revolution 8.4 the impact of the industrial revolutionchapter 9 romanticism: fresh insight into human experience 9.1 the romantic movement 9.2 romantic literature 9.3 the romantic social and political thought 9.4 the heritage of romanticismchapter 10 socialism: faith in human progress 10.1 science and technology 10.2 social sciences 10.3 marxism 10.4 darwinism 10.5 the middle-class moral attitudes 10.6 the heritage of socialismchapter 11 psychoanalysis: discovering man's inner world 11.1 philosophy 11.2 social sciences 11.3 freudian psychology 11.4 natural sciences 11.5 the heritage of fin de siecle culturechapter 12 contemporary western world: seeking a meaningful existence 12.1 the legacy of war and revolution 12.2 natural sciences 12.3 social and behavioral sciences 12.4 philosophy and theology 12.5 the heritage of the twentieth centuryreferencesindex
西方文化論 作者簡介
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