走進(jìn)西瓦諾-大型社區(qū)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的案例研究-影印版 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:9787560345031
- 條形碼:9787560345031 ; 978-7-5603-4503-1
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
走進(jìn)西瓦諾-大型社區(qū)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的案例研究-影印版 本書特色
this greensource book offers a complete survey of civano, the largest high-performancemixed-use community in the united states. located in tucso.n, arizona, civano encom-passes high standards of resource conservation, sustainability, and solar energy use.inside the civano project features insider information on the planning, funding, building, and management of this development, which integrates residential communitieswith shopping, workplace, school, and civic facilities, as well as parks and naturalopen spaces. the book discusses the zoning and building code guidelines, sustainablebuilding materials, energy standards, and water conservation technologies that makecivano ahead of its time.
走進(jìn)西瓦諾-大型社區(qū)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的案例研究-影印版 內(nèi)容簡介
《走進(jìn)西瓦諾:大型社區(qū)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的案例研究(影印版)(英文)》內(nèi)容簡介:This GreenSource book offers a complete survey of Civano, the largest high-performancemixed-use community in the United States. Located in Tucso.n, Arizona, Civano encom-passes high standards of resource conservation, sustainability, and solar energy use.Inside the Civano Project features insider information on the planning, funding, building, and management of this development, which integrates residential communitieswith shopping, workplace, school, and civic facilities, as well as parks and naturalopen spaces. The book discusses the zoning and building code guidelines, sustainablebuilding materials, energy standards, and water conservation technologies that makeCivano ahead of its time.
走進(jìn)西瓦諾-大型社區(qū)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的案例研究-影印版 目錄
chapter 1 a seed is planted: the early stages
of land planning
planning permits
introduction to the charter of the new urbanism
location, location, location
proximity to water and wastewater infrastructure
framing the commons
imperiled species and ecological communities
wetland and water body conservation
useful agricultural land conservation
floodplain avoidance
brownfield redevelopment
high priority brownfield redevelopment
preferred locations
reduced oil-fueled automobile dependence
bicycle infrastructure
fantasy island
local (vvalking/bicycle scale) housing and jobs
school proximity
solar radiation, wind and rainfall
back to the plan
chapter 2 the public/private partnership: a balancing act
the state open public meeting law--title 38, chapter 3, article
land development meetings
reframing the tragedy
oil overcharge funds
civano gets a petrol-funded boost
the tucson institute for sustainable communities
state lands department
urban lands act
metropolitan energy commission
ideal ideas
chapter 3 guiding growth: master planning and analysis
excerpt of paul rollins' interview with wayne moody
ian mcharg's design with nature, 1969
master planning: applied new urbanism
consider density
diversify uses
mixed use zoning--coming back home
transportation network
connect to surroundings
public spaces
maximize accessibility for all
involve the community
the plan book that never was
new urbanism's code
chapter 4 impacts and adjustments: the basics of
high performance, a.k.a. green
auditing the project, energy and water
characteristics of the 2007 energy and water use
monitoring study
evaluation of 2007 energy use
cost and energy savings for the city of tucson and civano
water use
civano phase i water use in common areas
civano phase i vs. phase ii comparison
mou adaptation
home resale values: phase i, phase ii, and a neighboring
inter-civano energy comparison
inter-civano water comparison
leed-- neighborhood development "certification of a completed
neighborhood development"
embodied energy
a closer vision
chapter 5 germination
chapter 6 tug of war: rediscovery
chapter 7 ground breaking: neighborhood one
chapter 8 a middle ground--phase ih the costs and benefits of production housing
chapter 9 civano's dna: leading the evolution
chapter 10 the future neighborhoods: phase iii, iv, the commercial center, and beyond
appendix a civano impact system memorandum
of understanding on implementation and monitoring
processes; signed june 26, 1
appendix b revised sustainable energy standard
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