LEED-新型建造項目管理-影印版 版權信息
- ISBN:9787560345079
- 條形碼:9787560345079 ; 978-7-5603-4507-9
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
LEED-新型建造項目管理-影印版 本書特色
LEED-新型建造項目管理-影印版 內容簡介
LEED-新型建造項目管理-影印版 目錄
part 1 process
chapter 1 introduction
from green to leed
the fundamentals of the leed rating system
leed-nc credit categories
impact of leed buildings
energy performance
financial returns
occupant productivity
co2 emissions reduction
what this book is about
what this book is not
why manage leed projects differently?
how to use this book
part 1: process
part 2: implementation
chapter 2 leed project management process
the traditional architectural design process
the integrated design process
the gbci leed certification process
the leed project management process
project team
leed project team roles and responsibilities
budget/costing leed
chapter 3 stage i: project definition and goal setting
step 1 : collect and compile preliminary data
activity 1.1- identify owner's project requirements
activity 1.2--collect preliminary site data
activity 1.3--gather preliminary project data
activity 1.4-- perform leed occupancy calculations
activity 1.5--create project team directory
activity 1.6--obtain preliminary project schedule
activity 1.7-- research green incentives
activity 1.8--compile all data
step 2: prepare a preliminary leed assessment
activity 2.1--review credit requirements to assess feasibility
activity 2.2-- identify potential implementation strategies
activity 2.3--identify next steps
activity 2.4--prepare a credit responsibility matrix
step 3: register the project on leed online
activity 3.1- register project on leed online
activity 3.2--assign credit responsibilities online
step 4: organize a leed vision workshop
activity 4.1--prepare workshop outline
activity 4.2--facilitate the workshop
step 5: prepare a leed project workbook
activity 5.1 --update preliminary documents
activity 5.2--prepare leed project workbook
chapter 4 stage ih design phase integration
schematic design (sd)
leed phase
sd leed phase
step 1: perform credit analyses
activity 1.1--perform credit calculations
activity 1.2--prepare energy simulation model
activity 1.3--perform lighting analyses
activity 1.4--perform ventilation and thermal comfort analyses
sd leed phase
step 2: research and identify green products
activity 2.1 -- research and identify green products
sd leed phase
step 3: integrate green requirements into design
activity 3.1 --prepare a cost-benefit analysis
activity 3.2--organize an sd-phase leed coordination meeting
activity 3.3--integrate leed credit requirements into drawings
sd leed phase
step 4: review schematic design drawings
activity 4.1 --review sd drawings
activity 4.2--provide review feedback
design development (dd)
leed phase
dd leed phase
step 5: update credit analyses and drawings
activity 5.1--update credit analyses and drawings
activity 5.2-- begin online documentation
dd leed phase
step 6: prepare for construction phase
activity 6.1 --review budget to set targets for mr credits
activity 6.2-- prepare green specifications
activity 6.3--prepare leed construction reporting forms
dd leed phase
step 7: develop building management policies
activity 7.1--develop management policies
activity 7.2--identify innovation opportunities
dd leed phase
step 8: review design development drawings
activity 8.1 --review dd drawings
activity 8.2--conduct a dd phase leed coordination meeting
construction documents (cd)
leed phase
cd leed phase
step 9: prepare documentation for design credits
activity 9.1 --update credit analyses, drawings, and
activity 9.2--finalize innovation credits documentation
activity 9.3--complete online credit forms
activity 9.4--prepare exhibit drawings for submission
cd leed phase
step 10: submit to gbci for design review
activity 10.1--review cd drawings and specifications
activity 10.2--review leed online documentation
activity 10.3--complete project information forms on leed online
activity 10.4--submit credits for preliminary design phase review
activity 10.5--respond to gbci's preliminary design review
activity 10.6--accept or appeal final design review comments
chapter 5 stage iih construction phase implementation
step 1 : organize a pre-construction leed kick-off meeting
activity 1.1--establish meeting outline
activity 1.2--facilitate kick-off meeting
step 2: review progress of credit implementation
activity 2.1--complete construction progress reporting forms
activity 2.2--review progress reporting forms
activity 2.3--organize progress review meetings
step 3: prepare documents for gbci construction review
activity 3.1 --complete construction credit documentation
activity 3.2--update design credit documentation
step 4: review final documents for gbci submission
activity 4.1 --review documents and online credit forms
activity 4.2--organize construction phase coordination meeting
step 5: submit to gbci for construction review
activity 5.1 --submit credits for preliminary construction review
activity 5.2--respond to gbci's preliminary construction review
activity 5.3--accept or appeal construction review results
activity 5.4--order materials to display leed certification
chapter 6 leed process: adaptability, applicability,
and best practices
other leed rating systems
leed core & shell
leed for schools
leed portfolio program (pilot)
leed-nc for different building types
building commissioning
leed commissioning process
benefits of the leed project management process
credit interpretations and troubleshooting
best practices for leed projects
chapter 7 future of green: 2010 and beyond
building design and construction
performance-based design
integrated design approach
green codes and standards
net zero energy buildings
buildings anchored in sustainable communities
building technologies
advanced energy-efficient systems
renewable energy systems
smart meters
building operations
post-occupancy evaluation/performance monitoring
green leases
building finance
life-cycle costing
power purchase agreements
building policies/regulation
mandatory green building
performance data or green label for buildings
net metering/smart grid
co2 emissions tax
chapter 8 success stories
case study one: great river energy headquarters, maple grove, mn
project overview
project management
leed scorecard
findings and conclusion
case study two: rockefeller hall renovation--harvard divinity school,
cambridge, ma
project overview
project management
leed scorecard
findings and conclusion
case study three: pnc bank green branch~ bank branches
project overview
project management
leed scorecard and strategy
findings and conclusion
part 2 implementation
how to read the implementation worksheets
section 1 credit implementation~sustainable sites
sample documents
section 2 credit implementation--water efficiency
sample documents
section 3 credit implementation--energy and
sample documents
section 4 credit implementation--materials and resource
sample documents
section 5 credit implementation--indoor environmental quality
sample documents
section 6 credit implementation--innovation in design,,
sample documents
appendix a acronyms
appendix b glossary
appendix c bibliography
part 1 process
chapter 1 introduction
from green to leed
the fundamentals of the leed rating system
leed-nc credit categories
impact of leed buildings
energy performance
financial returns
occupant productivity
co2 emissions reduction
what this book is about
what this book is not
why manage leed projects differently?
how to use this book
part 1: process
part 2: implementation
chapter 2 leed project management process
the traditional architectural design process
the integrated design process
the gbci leed certification process
the leed project management process
project team
leed project team roles and responsibilities
budget/costing leed
chapter 3 stage i: project definition and goal setting
step 1 : collect and compile preliminary data
activity 1.1- identify owner's project requirements
activity 1.2--collect preliminary site data
activity 1.3--gather preliminary project data
activity 1.4-- perform leed occupancy calculations
activity 1.5--create project team directory
activity 1.6--obtain preliminary project schedule
activity 1.7-- research green incentives
activity 1.8--compile all data
step 2: prepare a preliminary leed assessment
activity 2.1--review credit requirements to assess feasibility
activity 2.2-- identify potential implementation strategies
activity 2.3--identify next steps
activity 2.4--prepare a credit responsibility matrix
step 3: register the project on leed online
activity 3.1- register project on leed online
activity 3.2--assign credit responsibilities online
step 4: organize a leed vision workshop
activity 4.1--prepare workshop outline
activity 4.2--facilitate the workshop
step 5: prepare a leed project workbook
activity 5.1 --update preliminary documents
activity 5.2--prepare leed project workbook
chapter 4 stage ih design phase integration
schematic design (sd)
leed phase
sd leed phase
step 1: perform credit analyses
activity 1.1--perform credit calculations
activity 1.2--prepare energy simulation model
activity 1.3--perform lighting analyses
activity 1.4--perform ventilation and thermal comfort analyses
sd leed phase
step 2: research and identify green products
activity 2.1 -- research and identify green products
sd leed phase
step 3: integrate green requirements into design
activity 3.1 --prepare a cost-benefit analysis
activity 3.2--organize an sd-phase leed coordination meeting
activity 3.3--integrate leed credit requirements into drawings
sd leed phase
step 4: review schematic design drawings
activity 4.1 --review sd drawings
activity 4.2--provide review feedback
design development (dd)
leed phase
dd leed phase
step 5: update credit analyses and drawings
activity 5.1--update credit analyses and drawings
activity 5.2-- begin online documentation
dd leed phase
step 6: prepare for construction phase
activity 6.1 --review budget to set targets for mr credits
activity 6.2-- prepare green specifications
activity 6.3--prepare leed construction reporting forms
dd leed phase
step 7: develop building management policies
activity 7.1--develop management policies
activity 7.2--identify innovation opportunities
dd leed phase
step 8: review design development drawings
activity 8.1 --review dd drawings
activity 8.2--conduct a dd phase leed coordination meeting
construction documents (cd)
leed phase
cd leed phase
step 9: prepare documentation for design credits
activity 9.1 --update credit analyses, drawings, and
activity 9.2--finalize innovation credits documentation
activity 9.3--complete online credit forms
activity 9.4--prepare exhibit drawings for submission
cd leed phase
step 10: submit to gbci for design review
activity 10.1--review cd drawings and specifications
activity 10.2--review leed online documentation
activity 10.3--complete project information forms on leed online
activity 10.4--submit credits for preliminary design phase review
activity 10.5--respond to gbci's preliminary design review
activity 10.6--accept or appeal final design review comments
chapter 5 stage iih construction phase implementation
step 1 : organize a pre-construction leed kick-off meeting
activity 1.1--establish meeting outline
activity 1.2--facilitate kick-off meeting
step 2: review progress of credit implementation
activity 2.1--complete construction progress reporting forms
activity 2.2--review progress reporting forms
activity 2.3--organize progress review meetings
step 3: prepare documents for gbci construction review
activity 3.1 --complete construction credit documentation
activity 3.2--update design credit documentation
step 4: review final documents for gbci submission
activity 4.1 --review documents and online credit forms
activity 4.2--organize construction phase coordination meeting
step 5: submit to gbci for construction review
activity 5.1 --submit credits for preliminary construction review
activity 5.2--respond to gbci's preliminary construction review
activity 5.3--accept or appeal construction review results
activity 5.4--order materials to display leed certification
chapter 6 leed process: adaptability, applicability,
and best practices
other leed rating systems
leed core & shell
leed for schools
leed portfolio program (pilot)
leed-nc for different building types
building commissioning
leed commissioning process
benefits of the leed project management process
credit interpretations and troubleshooting
best practices for leed projects
chapter 7 future of green: 2010 and beyond
building design and construction
performance-based design
integrated design approach
green codes and standards
net zero energy buildings
buildings anchored in sustainable communities
building technologies
advanced energy-efficient systems
renewable energy systems
smart meters
building operations
post-occupancy evaluation/performance monitoring
green leases
building finance
life-cycle costing
power purchase agreements
building policies/regulation
mandatory green building
performance data or green label for buildings
net metering/smart grid
co2 emissions tax
chapter 8 success stories
case study one: great river energy headquarters, maple grove, mn
project overview
project management
leed scorecard
findings and conclusion
case study two: rockefeller hall renovation--harvard divinity school,
cambridge, ma
project overview
project management
leed scorecard
findings and conclusion
case study three: pnc bank green branch~ bank branches
project overview
project management
leed scorecard and strategy
findings and conclusion
part 2 implementation
how to read the implementation worksheets
section 1 credit implementation~sustainable sites
sample documents
section 2 credit implementation--water efficiency
sample documents
section 3 credit implementation--energy and
sample documents
section 4 credit implementation--materials and resource
sample documents
section 5 credit implementation--indoor environmental quality
sample documents
section 6 credit implementation--innovation in design,,
sample documents
appendix a acronyms
appendix b glossary
appendix c bibliography
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