西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
點擊職業英語:1:基礎英語模塊:學生頻道 版權信息
- ISBN:9787561187159
- 條形碼:9787561187159 ; 978-7-5611-8715-9
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
點擊職業英語:1:基礎英語模塊:學生頻道 內容簡介
《點擊職業英語基礎英語模塊》為引進版權圖書,與圣智出版公司聯合出版,在原作者查莫特等人的作品基礎之上,經國內一線專家重新改編打造,更加適合中國高職高專院校學習者使用。《點擊職業英語基礎英語模塊》以聽說能力的培養為主,兼顧讀寫能力的培養。《點擊職業英語基礎英語模塊》原作者為多名外籍專家,改編者為引領國內高職高專教學改革的專家劉黛琳,牛健老師。 他們都擁有多年一線教學經驗及針對高職高專教學的深入研究。引領中國高等教育改革的新步伐。
點擊職業英語:1:基礎英語模塊:學生頻道 目錄
Practical Language
Negative instructions·Numbers from 1-20·Personal identification·Classroom instructions·More classroom
instructions·The days of the week and months of the year·Formal greetings and farewells
1 Welcome to L.A,!
Making introductions
Asking about and identifying people
Talking about occupations
2 This isn't your apartment!
Identifying things and groups
of people
Talking about possession
Talking about family
3 Where's the phone?
Talking about location
Asking questions about location
Making telephone calls
4 Let's go rollerblading.
Talking about activities
Asking and answering questions
about activities
Making and responding to
Review 1: Units 1-4
Practical Language
Numbers 21-120·Telling the time·Name, address, and telephone·Saying a telephone number·Asking for help
in your English class·Asking for information in your English class
5 Can you sing and dance?
Talking about things you can
and can't do
Talking about nationalities
and where people are from
6 What's it like?
Talking about location
Describing places
7 A sandwich and some coffee?
Talking about food
Talking about location
Shopping in a supermarket
Talking about clothes and colors
8 Jason doesn't have any lines.
Talking about daily life
Asking questions about daily life
Asking for and giving opinions
Review 2: Units 5-8
Practical Language
Ordinal numbers·Talking about where and when people were born·Saying the date·Talking about age ·
Talking about prices·Making a purchase·Having a meal
9 Don't eat it all!
Giving instructions
Asking about quantity and number
10 You don't look well.
Ordering in a restaurant
Talking about how often
things happen
Talking about health problems
and giving advice
11 OOps! Where did our website go?
Talking about the past
Talking about the seasons
and weather
12 I'm going to call her.
Talking about future plans and
Talking about people and things
Talking about feelings
Review 3: Units 9-12
Student B Activities
Vocabulary Summary
Vocabulary Index
Basic Vocabulary
Hollywood Oaks Apartments
Stay Tuned
Negative instructions·Numbers from 1-20·Personal identification·Classroom instructions·More classroom
instructions·The days of the week and months of the year·Formal greetings and farewells
1 Welcome to L.A,!
Making introductions
Asking about and identifying people
Talking about occupations
2 This isn't your apartment!
Identifying things and groups
of people
Talking about possession
Talking about family
3 Where's the phone?
Talking about location
Asking questions about location
Making telephone calls
4 Let's go rollerblading.
Talking about activities
Asking and answering questions
about activities
Making and responding to
Review 1: Units 1-4
Practical Language
Numbers 21-120·Telling the time·Name, address, and telephone·Saying a telephone number·Asking for help
in your English class·Asking for information in your English class
5 Can you sing and dance?
Talking about things you can
and can't do
Talking about nationalities
and where people are from
6 What's it like?
Talking about location
Describing places
7 A sandwich and some coffee?
Talking about food
Talking about location
Shopping in a supermarket
Talking about clothes and colors
8 Jason doesn't have any lines.
Talking about daily life
Asking questions about daily life
Asking for and giving opinions
Review 2: Units 5-8
Practical Language
Ordinal numbers·Talking about where and when people were born·Saying the date·Talking about age ·
Talking about prices·Making a purchase·Having a meal
9 Don't eat it all!
Giving instructions
Asking about quantity and number
10 You don't look well.
Ordering in a restaurant
Talking about how often
things happen
Talking about health problems
and giving advice
11 OOps! Where did our website go?
Talking about the past
Talking about the seasons
and weather
12 I'm going to call her.
Talking about future plans and
Talking about people and things
Talking about feelings
Review 3: Units 9-12
Student B Activities
Vocabulary Summary
Vocabulary Index
Basic Vocabulary
Hollywood Oaks Apartments
Stay Tuned
點擊職業英語:1:基礎英語模塊:學生頻道 作者簡介
Chamot,A.U.為資深外籍專家,擁有多年的教材編寫經驗,參與編寫多部教材.劉黛琳 牛健博士為國家開放大學的資深教學專家,擁有多年的一線教學經驗和管理經驗,組織編寫了多部國內一線品牌教材,擁有很高的聲譽。
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