1.魅力葡萄酒 the magic of wine1.1 法國葡萄酒簡介 018 / 018 1.1 introduction1.2 法國葡萄酒產區 019 / 021 1.2 france’s regions1.3 葡萄酒的釀造過程 023 / 023 1.3 how wine is made1.4 **次品嘗葡萄酒 024 / 025 1.4 the first taste1.5 葡萄酒的醒酒 026 / 026 1.5 decantation1.6 葡萄酒的品嘗 026 / 026 1.6 wine tasting1.7 葡萄酒的侍酒溫度 026 / 026 1.7 the temperature1.8 烈酒 028 / 028 1.8 spirits1.9 葡萄酒的酒標 029 / 029 1.9 the label1.10 常見葡萄品種指南 031 / 032 1.10 a small guid to well known grape varieties1.11 消費者注意:難以避免的假酒 034 / 034 1.11 buyer beware:a word on wine fraud1.12 葡萄酒小詞匯 040 / 041 1.12 small wine vocabulary2.葡萄酒和法國美食 wine and french cooking3.波爾多產區 bordeaux and its region3.1 波爾多地理 062 / 062 3.1 geography3.2 波爾多經濟 063 / 063 3.2 economy3.3 波爾多編年史 064 / 068 3.3 a bit of history3.4 波爾多文藝 071 / 071 3.4 art and culture3.5 波爾多現代藝術 074 / 074 3.5 modern art3.6 波爾多建筑 075 / 075 3.6 architecture3.7 波爾多小鎮 077 / 077 3.7 bordeaux – the town3.8 穿越波爾多 083 / 083 3.8 walks through bordeaux3.9 歷史趣聞 096 / 097 3.9 anecdotes from bordeaux3.10 波爾多郊區 098 / 098 3.10 the suburbs of bordeau3.11 波爾多葡萄酒產區和酒莊分級 100 / 101 3.11 wine regions and classifications3.12 葡萄園游覽路線 105 / 105 3.12 routes through the vineyard3.13 波爾多產區周圍的吃住行 169 / 171 3.13 where to eat in bordeaux and the southwest4.勃艮第產區 burgundy4.1 風土、葡萄酒、美食 194 / 195 4.1 the region, its wines,its food4.2 勃艮第簡史 196 / 197 4.2 a bit of history 4.3 勃艮第葡萄酒 198 / 199 4.3 wine in burgundy4.4 勃艮第的餐廳和酒店 209 / 209 4.4 restaurants and hotels of burgundy5.香檳產區 champagne5.1 香檳產區、香檳與美食 219 / 219 5.1 the region, its wines and its food 5.2 香檳歷史簡介 221 / 221 5.2 a short history of champagne 5.3 香檳酒 225 / 225 5.3 wine in champagne5.4 香檳生產者特寫——哥塞香檳 228 / 229 5.4 portrait of a winegrower: gosset5.5 餐飲住宿 232 / 234 5.5 where to eat and where to stay6.羅納河谷產區the rh?ne region6.1 羅納河谷產區的美食和美酒 238 / 238 6.1 the region, its cooking and its wines 6.2 羅納河谷產區簡史 243 / 243 6.2 a bit of history 6.3 羅納河谷產區葡萄酒 244 / 245 6.3 rh?ne wine6.4 羅納河谷產區吃住行 251 / 253 6.4 where to eat, to stay and to buy7.干邑產區the spirits of cognac7.1 干邑產區的氣候、葡萄藤和蒸餾 266 / 267 7.1 the region, its climate,its wines and the distillation of cognac7.2 干邑歷史 276 / 276 7.2 cognac history 7.3 干邑的品質 282 / 283 7.3 the qualities of cognac7.4 干邑知多少 284 / 284 7.4 things to know about cognac7.5 干邑產區的吃住行購 288 / 288 7.5 where to stay,eat and shop in and round cognac7.1 干邑產區的氣候、葡萄藤和蒸餾 266 / 267 7.1 the region, its climate,its wines and the distillationof cognac7.2 干邑歷史 276 / 276 7.2 cognac history 7.3 干邑的品質 282 / 283 7.3 the qualities of cognac7.4 干邑知多少 284 / 284 7.4 things to know about cognac7.5 干邑產區的吃住行購 288 / 288 7.5 where to stay,eat and shop in and around cognac8.常用地址useful addresses and phone numbers