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包郵 幽默英文:交給我你就不用放心了

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幽默英文:交給我你就不用放心了 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787544259446
  • 條形碼:9787544259446 ; 978-7-5442-5944-6
  • 裝幀:暫無
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
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幽默英文:交給我你就不用放心了 本書特色

  能講笑話的人,都是智慧之人。  會聽笑話的人,都是快樂的人。  時不時地幽默一下,人生增加了許多諧趣。  《幽默英文:帥也白搭還不是要被卒子吃掉》為渴望擁有陽光心情者選取當下流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及感悟,青春,愛情,趣味和思維方面,堅持有趣,有啟發,經典原則,是朋友間,是職場上潤滑的良劑,讓人笑不完樂不夠! 》浅P∏煽蓯鄣臅,帶著小清新小文藝范兒,擱在包里也不沉,適合閑暇時拿出來翻翻。中英對照的好處是遇上忘記了或者不知道的單詞可以免去查字典的煩惱,對照中文找一下就好了,讓每個讀者都感覺棒棒噠。!

幽默英文:交給我你就不用放心了 內容簡介

  生活里不能沒有笑聲,沒有笑聲的世界該是多么寂寞,只有愛笑的人,生活才能過得更美好! ∵@里的笑話讓人忍俊不禁。《幽默英文:帥也白搭,還不是要被卒子吃掉》這本書將國外名人搞笑,網絡火熱爆料,經典古今中外幽默一鍋端,迎合讀者胃口,內容涉及面廣! ∠矚g這本書,一切源于對生活的熱愛、對語言的熱愛。全書配以精彩的英文,讀者不僅可以享受幽默帶來的快樂,還可以了解到基本的英語常識和豐富的異域文化,而且是學習英語的好材料。

幽默英文:交給我你就不用放心了 目錄

**章 動物也瘋狂
1 So Fast 太快了 2
2 The Clever Dog 聰明的狗 2
3 Three Dollars 三元 3
4 The Parrot 鸚鵡 4
5 Three Mice 三只老鼠 4
6 A Drunken Cab 喝醉的螃蟹 5
7 Dog Property Rules 狗的財產規則 6
8 What Did the Chicken Do 那只雞犯了什么錯 7
9 Get the Umbrella 小烏龜取傘 8
10 Bat‐infestation Problems 蝙蝠困擾問題 9
11 Elephant VS Ants Soccer Game 大象對螞蟻的足球賽 10
12 Ambitious Dog Mother 望子成龍的狗媽媽 11
13 I Am Called the Blister 我叫水泡 12
14 The Story of the Bats 蝙蝠的故事 13
15 A Fine Match 勢均力敵 15
16 A Duck in a Convenience Store 便利店里的鴨子 16
17 You Know That 你知道我要說什么 17
18 Cat and Mouse 貓和老鼠 18
19 Who Is It 誰呀 20
20 The Centipede Puts on Its Shoes 蜈蚣穿鞋 22
第二章 神級回復
1 So Dirty 如此臟 26
2 Fortune 財產 26
3 Just Her Choice Give Me a Surprise 讓人吃驚的選擇 27
4 No Worries 不用擔心 27
5 The Banker and the Artist 銀行家和畫家 28
6 Make Way for a Fool 給傻瓜讓路 28
7 Novels 作品 29
8 Use My Phone 用我的電話 30
9 Pancakes and Pizza 煎餅和比薩 30
10 Pull Over 停車 31
11 How Much Is Two plus Two 2加2等于多少 32
12 I Can’t Afford Them 我買不起 32
13 I’ll See to the Rest 剩下的我來做 33
14 Fake Money 假錢 34
15 A Rule 規矩 35
16 On The Beach 沙灘上的對話 35
17 You Must Be an Expert 你一定是一位專家 36
18 Bicycle 自行車 37
19 Hogarth 霍迦斯 38
20 A Wise Man’s Advice 金玉良言 39
21 Ask for a Job with the Circus 馬戲團的工作 40
22 A Heavy Sleeper 瞌睡者 41
23 Room 房間 42
24 I Am Not Stupid 我又不傻 44
25 One Way Street Wilson 我行我素的威爾遜 45
26 The Wise Manager 聰明的經理 46
27 It’s an Extra 另行收費 47
28 The Closest Answer *接近正確答案 48
第三章 思維短路
1 Time 時間 52
2 Bigamy 重婚 52
3 Looking All Over for It 正在到處找它 52
4 Thanks to the Bookbinder 多虧裝訂工人 53
5 Let Them Go 讓他們滾 53
6 How Do They Get Along? 它們怎么相處的? 54
7 Shirt 襯衣 54
8 Accident 事故 55
9 The Conductor 售票員 55
10 You Have to Bring It Back 你得把它開回來 56
11 Dog Food 狗糧 57
12 Where Are You Now? 你現在在哪里? 57
13 A So‐called Pigeon Expert 養鴿專家 58
14 Can You Tell Me Where We Are 您可以告訴我這是什么地方嗎 59
15 Jump Twice 跳兩次 60
16 Corruption Trial 受賄案件 61
17 The Cat’s Doubt 貓的疑惑 62
18 In Your Left Arm 打在你左臂上 63
19 Imperturbably 面不改色 64
20 All Day 一整天 65
21 Then Where Is My Cat? 那我的貓去哪里了? 66
22 Don’t Forget to look to the Right 別忘了向右看 67
23 Small Frying‐pan 煎鍋太小 68
24 The World Is Going to End 世界末日 69
25 The Gas Men 煤氣工人 71
26 Dead Men Do Bleed 死人會流血 72
27 A Blind Man Visits the State of Texas 參觀德克薩斯的盲人 73
28 The Scientist and the Farmer 科學家和農夫 75
29 Learn to Fly 學習飛行 76
30 Bad Heart 心臟不好 78
第四章 親子碎碎念
1 Homework 家庭作業 82
2 Waste or Save 浪費還是節約 82
3 Goldfish 金魚 83
4 So Downcast 如此沮喪 83
5 A Birthday Present 生日禮物 84
6 The Lucky Cat 幸運貓 84
7 A Good Example 一個好例子 85
8 My Car Is Under 18 車未滿18歲 85
9 Bring the Hole in the House 把坑帶到屋里來 86
10 Birthday Present 生日禮物 86
11 Regret 后悔 87
12 A Slower Group 慢班 88
13 I Can Not See It At All 我根本就看不見 88
14 To Open the Door 開門 89
15 Pretend 偽裝 90
16 A Trip to Disney 迪斯尼之旅 90
17 Imitation 模仿 91
18 Keep the Change 不用找了 92
19 At the Same Age 在相同的年紀時 92
20 Church Manners 教堂禮貌 93
21 Confusion 思維混亂 94
22 I’m Going to Use It Later 我還要用 95
23 It’s His Fault 是他的錯 96
24 Baby Bird 雛鳥 97
25 God’s Scrabble Game 上帝的拼字游戲 98
26 The Stories Are Still in Them 故事都在里面 99
27 Where 's My Booger 我的鼻涕呢 100
28 Leaving the Bad Ones 留下壞的 101
29 Son Wears Father’s Clothes 子穿父裝 102
30 A Useful Lesson 有用的經驗 103
31 He Walks Everywhere He Goes 耶穌從不開車 104
32 One Place Ahead 前進一名 106
33 Follow One’s Father 效仿老爸 107
34 Violin Lessons 小提琴課 109
第五章 巧言圓場
1 Done Anything 什么也沒干 114
2 Not Bad 不錯 114
3 Is It a Good Way 是好辦法嗎 115
4 Why Men Go First 為什么男人先走 115
5 Just Great 進展不錯 116
6 A Witty Retort 聰明的反擊 116
7 Boxing and Running 拳擊和逃跑 117
8 No Sense in Putting a Roof on an Empty Barn 空谷倉上不必蓋屋頂 117
9 My Violin Never Drinks Tea 我的提琴從不喝茶 118
10 Which End of Fork 哪一頭 119
11 Tell a False 說假話 119
12 The Power of Your Picture 照片的力量 120
13 Lady and Gentleman 女士和紳士 121
14 Good Morning,Garden Cemetery 早上好,這里是花園墓地 121
15 It’s Rather Personal 這太私人了 122
16 Front and Back 正面背面 123
17 How Rich You Are 你們真有錢 123
18 The Only Instance 唯一一次 124
19 A Few Tips 小貼士 125
20 The General Theory of Relativity 愛因斯坦的相對論 126
21 No Need to See a Doctor 不必看醫生 126
22 Making up Stories 虛構的故事 127
23 The Difference Between Man and Woman 男女有別 128
24 Big Game Mishap 捕獵中的意外 129
25 So Easy 太簡單 130
26 Sometimes 有時 132
27 Lady and Elephant 女士和大象 133
28 Put Your Tongue Out Again 再伸一下舌頭 134
第六章 出人意料
1 One or Two 一還是二 138
2 Absence 缺考 138
3 Otherwise 否則 139
4 Blend Coffee 調制咖啡 139
5 Waiting 等待 140
6 Is It Helped You 這對你有幫助嗎 140
7 Sixteen 十六 141
8 Good Thing He Has You 有你教他真好 141
9 Bedtime Prayers 睡前禱告 142
10 Aunt Hattie 海蒂姑媽 143
11 Three Dogs 三只狗 143
12 Homework 作業 144
13 That Was a Hard Pull 爬山真費勁 145
14 The Dog Doesn’t Know 狗不知道 145
15 Looking for the Perfect 追尋完美 146
16 Hunt 打獵 147
17 Installing a Carpet 鋪地毯 148
18 I’m an Undertaker 我是殯儀館的 149
19 Hair Cut 理發 150
20 Mafia’s Kid 黑手黨的孩子 151
21 Looking for My Husband 找丈夫 152
22 Pistol 手槍 153
23 One Less Lawyer 又少一個律師 154
24 Poor Eyesight 視力很差 155
25 The Reason Behind It 原來如此 157
26 Guess the Present 猜禮物 158
27 I’m George 我是喬治 160
第七章 嘲弄VS自嘲
1 Millionaire 百萬富翁 164
2 Bulb 燈泡 164
3 Half Price 半價 165
4 Car Repairing 修車 165
5 Former Wife 前妻 165
6 Who Are Crooks 誰是騙子 166
7 That Was an Echo 那是回聲 166
8 Honest 誠實 167
9 My Wife Will Exchange Them Tomorrow 反正我太太明天會來換的 168
10 The Same Thing 同樣的事 168
11 You Have My Shopping Cart 你用了我的購物車 169
12 It’s Short of $700 少了七百美元 170
13 They Are Busy 他們很忙 170
14 Too Late 太晚了 172
15 Doctor’s Advice 醫生的建議 172
16 Nonconformist 另類分子 173
17 But the Teacher Cried 可是老師哭了 174
18 Special Enclosure 特殊圍欄 175
19 Lace 蕾絲 176
20 So Optimistic 如此樂觀 177
21 Get Off 馬上離開 178
22 A Pair of Slacks 褲子 180
23 I Haven’t Got a Penny 身無分文 181
24 They Are Still Damp! 床單還潮著哩! 182
25 Drunk and Arthritis 醉鬼與關節炎 183
26 Encore 再來一遍 185
27 Which One to Marry 娶哪一位 186
28 Ten Dollars 十美元 187
29 A Little Old Lady 小老太太 189
30 Stages of Being Drunk 喝醉的五個階段 191

幽默英文:交給我你就不用放心了 節選

  **章 動物也瘋狂  1 So Fast  When a snail crossed the road, he was run over by a turtle.  Regaining consciousness in the emergency room, he was asked what caused the accident.  “I really can’t remember. ”the snail replied,“You see, it all happened so fast. ”  太快了  一個蝸牛過馬路,被一個烏龜從身上軋過。在急救室里它恢復了知覺,有人問它事故 是怎樣發生的!  拔艺娴挠洸黄饋砹,”蝸牛回答說。“你瞧,一切發生得都太快了!薄 2 The Clever Dog  A little boy was practicing his violin, while his father sat reading the newspaper.  The family dog began to howl along dismally. Finally, the father could endure the combination no more and said,“Can’t you play something the  dog doesn’t know?”  聰明的狗  一個小男孩在練習小提琴,他的父親在讀報紙。隨著小男孩的琴聲,家里養的狗也開始高一聲低一聲地叫起來。*后,小男孩的父親實在忍不下去了,說:“難道你就不能拉一些狗聽不懂的曲子嗎?”  3 Three Dollars  A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news stall to buy a newspaper. His friend insisted on a demonstration and handed the dog some money. The dog trotted off, but an hour later, he had still not returned with the paper.  “How much did you give him? ”asked the owner.  “Three dollars.”  “Well, that explains it. When you give him three dollars, he goes to a movie.”  三元  一位養狗人聲稱,要是給他的愛犬一些錢,它便會到賣報亭買份報紙來。他的朋友堅 持要來個演示,并給了狗一些錢。狗一溜小跑著去了。但一個小時過去了,仍不見它帶報 紙回來!  澳憬o了它多少錢?”狗的主人問!  叭!薄  斑@就是了。你給它三元錢時,它就會去看電影!薄 4 The Parrot  A man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot.  “We have three.”says the clerk,“This blue one speaks four languages and costs $100, and the red parrot knows six languages and costs $200. The orange one over there costs $300, but doesn’t talk at all.”  “Three thousand!”exclaims the man,“How come so much?”  “Well, ”the clerk goes on,“we don’t know what he does, but the other two call him‘boss’. ”  鸚鵡  一個人去寵物店買鸚鵡。  “我們有三只!钡陠T說,“這只藍色的會說四種語言,價值100美元;這只紅色的 懂六種語言,價值200美元;那只橙色的價值300美元,但什么話也不說!薄  300元!”那人大聲叫道,“怎么這么貴?”  “噢,”店員接著說道,“我們也不知道為什么,但另兩只鸚鵡都叫它‘老板’!薄 5 Three Mice  Three mice walked into a pub. The first mouse bragged,“When  I see a mousetrap, I set it off, and when the bar comes down, I catch it in my teeth, bench‐press it 20 times to work up an appetite and then make off with the cheese. ”  The second mouse bragged,“Yeah, well, when I see rat poison, I grind it up and add it to my coffee to build up my strength. ”  The third mouse said,“Can’t stay long. I’ve got a date with a cat. ”  三只老鼠  三只老鼠走進了一家酒店。**只老鼠吹噓說:“我看到捕老鼠器時,就把它弄開。 當鐵柵欄落下時,我就用牙咬住它,上下推舉20次,以此來激發我的食欲,然后帶著奶酪 溜之大吉!薄 〉诙焕鲜罂淇谡f:“我看見鼠藥時,就把它嚼成碎末,然后加進我的咖啡,以此來 增加我的力量!薄 〉谌焕鲜笳f:“我不能久留。我和一只貓還有個約會呢。”  6 A Drunken Cab  A male crab asked a female crab to marry him.She noticed that he  was walking straight instead of sideways.“Wow, ”she thought,“this  crab is really special. I can’t let him get away.”So they got married  immediately.  The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs, and got upset.“What happened?”she asked,“You used to walk straight before we married.”  “Oh, honey, ”he replied,“I can’t drink that much every day.”  喝醉的螃蟹  一只公螃蟹向一只母螃蟹求婚。母螃蟹注意到,這只公螃蟹走路直著走,而不是橫著 爬。“哇!”她心想,“這只螃蟹可真特別。我絕不能錯過他!庇谑撬麄兞ⅠR結婚了! 〉诙,母螃蟹發現她的新婚老公竟然橫著爬,與其他螃蟹沒有什么兩樣,她很是沮喪。 “怎么回事?”她問道,“我們結婚前你是直著走路的。”  “哦,親愛的,”公螃蟹回答道,“我總不能每天都喝高吧!薄  

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