家門口的大自然系列:奶奶的花園 奶奶的菜園(全2冊)
創意立體紙魔坊玩具書——賽車 作業車
名家繪本:中國56個民族神話故事典藏(朝鮮族卷)(英文版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787530756843
- 條形碼:9787530756843 ; 978-7-5307-5684-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
名家繪本:中國56個民族神話故事典藏(朝鮮族卷)(英文版) 本書特色
This series caters to young readers home and abroad, featuring cherry-picked mythological stories of the 56 Chinese ethnic groups and innovative hand-drawn illustrations by well-known artists. In both Chinese and English versions, this series consists of 30 volumes including vivid stories, customs and cultures of different ethnic groups. We hope it will help children of other countries to know more about Chinese culture, especially the cultures of China's 56 ethnic groups.
名家繪本:中國56個民族神話故事典藏(朝鮮族卷)(英文版) 內容簡介
本店所有圖書均為正版 請放心購買,有任何問題請聯系在線客戶或致電,謝謝
名家繪本:中國56個民族神話故事典藏(朝鮮族卷)(英文版) 作者簡介
李學勤(Li Xueqin),Born in Beijing in 1933, Professor Li Xueqin of Tsinghua University is an eminent historian and paleographer. He is also a member of the International Academy of Sciences for Europe and Asia (IASEA), a member of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Couricil, and guest professor of Nankai University, Northwest University of C.hina, etc.
潘守永(Pan Shouyong),Born in Zaozhuang of Shandong Province in 1966, Professor Pan Shouyong of Minzu University of China is an anthropologist, a member of Academic Board of Research Center for Ethnology and Anthropology, editor of Chinese Review of Anthropo/ogy, and director of both Archaeology & C.ultural Relics Institute and Multi-Culture Studies Institute.
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