西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
中國文化:文學:Literatura 版權信息
- ISBN:9787508537368
- 條形碼:9787508537368 ; 978-7-5085-3736-8
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
中國文化:文學:Literatura 本書特色
中國文學的歷史至少可以追溯到3000多年前。它包括一脈相承、綿延至20世紀初葉的古代文學,也包括20世紀以來在文學觀念、內容、語言諸方面已經發生全方位轉型的現當代文學。The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.”
The history of Chinese literature can be traced to more than 3,000 years ago at least. It includes ancient literature before the early 20th century traceable to the same origin and modern and contemporary literature since the 20th century with fully changed literary concepts, contents and language.
中國文化:文學:Literatura 內容簡介
本書簡要介紹了中國文學從古至今數千年的發展歷程,并以重點作家作品為中心,幫助讀者朋友去感受中國文學的美,并通過文學的視角,去了解文學所關照的中國人的生存狀況和內在精神世界。This book briefly introduces the course of Chinese literature’s development in the past thousands of years and focuses on key writers’ works to help readers feel the beauty of Chinese literature and learn about the existence and mental world of Chinese people in literary works.
中國文化:文學:Literatura 作者簡介
李春雨 文學博士,北京語言大學教授、碩士生導師,主要從事中國現當代文學與文化、漢語國際教育方面的教學和研究。近年來,先后在國內社科核心期刊發表學術論文40余篇,并參與或主持完成多個省部級研究課題。代表性論著有《出版文化與中國文學的現代轉型》《北京文化的異域審視》《中國現代文學資料與研究》《曹禺評說七十年》《心靈的憩園——走進巴金的 家 》等。2009—2010年,赴美國西點軍校外語系任教,并在日本、新加坡及臺灣、香港和澳門等國家和地區進行文化交流。Li Chunyu, Ph.D., is a professor and M.A. supervisor at Beijing Language and Culture University, mainly engaging in teaching and research of Chinese modern and contemporary literature and culture and international Chinese education. In recent years, he published more than 40 academic essays in domestic core social sciences journals and participated in or completed as person in charge several provincial and departmental research projects. Representative works include Modern Transformation of Publishing Culture and Chinese Literature, Beijing Culture Examined from a Foreign Perspective, Chinese Modern Literary Materials and Research, Comments on Cao Yu in 70 Years, Resting Place for Spirit – Approaching Ba Jin’s The Family, etc. Between 2009 and 2010, he taught at the Department of Foreign Languages, US Military Academy at West Point, and carried out cultural exchange in Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries and regions.李春雨 文學博士,北京語言大學教授、碩士生導師,主要從事中國現當代文學與文化、漢語國際教育方面的教學和研究。近年來,先后在國內社科核心期刊發表學術論文40余篇,并參與或主持完成多個省部級研究課題。代表性論著有《出版文化與中國文學的現代轉型》《北京文化的異域審視》《中國現代文學資料與研究》《曹禺評說七十年》《心靈的憩園——走進巴金的》等。2009—2010年,赴美國西點軍校外語系任教,并在日本、新加坡及臺灣、香港和澳門等國家和地區進行文化交流。 Li Chunyu, Ph.D., is a professor and M.A. supervisor at Beijing Language and Culture University, mainly engaging in teaching and research of Chinese modern and contemporary literature and culture and international Chinese education. In recent years, he published more than 40 academic essays in domestic core social sciences journals and participated in or completed as person in charge several provincial and departmental research projects. Representative works include Modern Transformation of Publishing Culture and Chinese Literature, Beijing Culture Examined from a Foreign Perspective, Chinese Modern Literary Materials and Research, Comments on Cao Yu in 70 Years, Resting Place for Spirit – Approaching Ba Jin’s The Family, etc. Between 2009 and 2010, he taught at the Department of Foreign Languages, US Military Academy at West Point, and carried out cultural exchange in Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries and regions.
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