三個火槍手 版權信息
- ISBN:9787544770910
- 條形碼:9787544770910 ; 978-7-5447-7091-0
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
三個火槍手 本書特色
《三個火槍手》是法國19世紀偉大的浪漫主義作家大仲馬的代表作,他一生創作的小說和劇作多達300多卷,《基督山伯爵》和《三個火槍手》已成為流傳世界各國的必讀名著。《三個火槍手》以 1625年–1628年為時代背景,以青年達達尼昂的冒險經歷為線索,講述了法國國王路易十三時代的權力斗爭。牛津大學出版社的英譯本附有英國利茲大學法學文學終身教授大衛?科沃德的導讀和注釋,以及大仲馬的生平年表、相關參考書目等閱讀資料。
三個火槍手 內容簡介
三個火槍手 目錄
Select Bibliography
Explanatory Notes
三個火槍手 節選
AUTHOR’S PREFACE It is about a year ago, that in making researches in the Bibliotheque Nationale for my History of Louis the Fourteenth, I by chance met with the Memoirs of Monsieur d’Artagnan, printed by Peter the Red at Amsterdam—as the principal works of that period, when authors could not adhere to the truth without running the risk of the Bastile, generally were. The title attracted my notice; I took the Memoirs home, with the permission of the librarian, and actually devoured them. It is not my intention here to make analysis of this curious work, but to satisfy myself by referring such of my readers to the work itself as appreciate the pictures of those times. They will there discover portraits traced by the hand of a master; and although these sketches are mostly drawn on the doors of a barrack, or the walls of an inn, they will not find them less true than those likeness of Louis XIII, of Anne of Austria, of Richelieu, Mazarin, and the majority of the countries of that age, drawn by M. Anguetil. But, as every one knows, that which strikes the eccentric mind of the poet, does not always make an impression on the great mass of readers. So, whilst admiring (as all others doubtless will do) the details which we have described, the thing which strikes us most, is one which certainly had not attracted the attention of any other person. D’Artagnan relates, that on his first visit to M. de Treville, Captain of the Royal Musketeers, he met three young men in the ante-chamber, serving in the illustrious corps into which he solicited the honour of being admitted, and bearing the names of Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. We confess that these foreign names struck us much, and we suspected that they were feigned appellations, by which d’Artagnan had perhaps concealed the names of illustrious persons; if, perchance, the bearers of them had not themselves chosen them, when, through caprice, discontent, of lack of fortune, they had donned the simple coat of a Musketeer. Therefore we could not rest satisfied till we had found in contemporary literature some trace of the extraordinary titles which had so forcibly excited our curiosity. The mere catalogue of the books we read to gain this end would fill a whole chapter, which would perhaps be very instructive, but certainly far from amusing, to our readers. We will, therefore, content ourselves with saying, that at the very moment when, discouraged by such fruitless investigations, we were about to abandon researches, we at last, guided by the counsels of our illustrious and learned friend, Paulin Paris, discovered a manuscript folio, numbered 4772, or 4773, we forget which, having for its title— THE MEMOIRS OF M. LE COMTE DE LA FERE; RELATING TO SOME OF THE EVENTS WHICH PASSED IN FRANCE ABOUT THE END OF THE TEIGN OF LOUIS XIII, AND THE BEGINNING OF THE REIGN OF LOUIS XIV Our pleasure may be guessed, when, in turning over this manuscript, our last hope, we found at the twentieth page, the name of Athos; at the twenty-first, the name of Aramis; at the twenty-seventh, the name of Porthos. The discovery of a manuscript entirely unknown, at a period when historical knowledge was raised to such a high pitch, appeared to be almost a miracle. We therefore quickly requested permission to print it, that we might one day introduce ourselves to the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Letters with the goods of others, if we do not happen (as is very probable) to enter the French Academy on our own merits. This permission was most graciously accorded; which we here declare, to give a public contradiction to hose malevolent persons who pretend that government is not inclined to indulge authors. We offer today the first part of this valuable manuscript to our readers, restoring to it the title which suits it, and promising, if (as we doubt not) this should meet with the success it merits, to publish immediately the second. In the meantime, as the godfather is second father, we invite our readers to look to us, and not to the Comte de la Fere, for his amusement or his ennui. ……
三個火槍手 作者簡介
(法國)亞歷山大·仲馬(Alexandre Dumas,1802年7月24日—1870年12月5日),通常譯作大仲馬,以區別他的兒子小仲馬。他一生創作的小說和劇作約有300卷,作品被譯為100種語言。作品以真實歷史為背景,以主人公的歷險經歷推動情節發展,可讀性強。代表作包括:《亨利第三及其宮廷》(劇本)、《基督山伯爵》(長篇小說)、《三個火槍手》(長篇小說)等。2002年,大仲馬去世132年后遺骸移入了法國先賢祠。
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