中國發(fā)展出版社新秩序:各國大使眼中的一帶一路 版權信息
- ISBN:9787517707400
- 條形碼:9787517707400 ; 978-7-5177-0740-0
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
中國發(fā)展出版社新秩序:各國大使眼中的一帶一路 本書特色
《新秩序:各國大使眼中的“一帶一路”》是目前圍繞中國“一帶一路”倡議主題的中英雙語訪談項目。書中不僅在國家層面,就目前的國際形勢探討了“一帶一路”所取得的成就,更站在經世濟民的角度,為把“一帶一路”政策惠及更多的國家與人民提出了切實可行的建議。 這是一本可以認識世界的書,里面有君主制國家王子的訪談,有波蘭的音樂家肖邦的記述,還有埃及艷后酷愛絲綢的古老傳說。這些都是“一帶一路”國家的故事。而這本書,用“一帶一路”的絲帶串起了這些故事、這些國家、這些人民、這些歷史。以史為鑒,可以知興替。這本書就是站在歷史的角度出發(fā),為“一帶一路”沿線國家更好地發(fā)展互贏做出了闡釋、提供了建議。
中國發(fā)展出版社新秩序:各國大使眼中的一帶一路 內容簡介
中國發(fā)展出版社新秩序:各國大使眼中的一帶一路 目錄
Policy Makers
“一帶一路”是聯(lián)動發(fā)展合作平臺而非外援 3
“Belt and Road” Initiative is a Cooperation Platform for Interconnected Development, not a Foreign Aid Scheme—Interview with Gu Shengzu, Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, Vice Chairman of China Democratic National Construction Association 16
Global Leaders
攜手合作,互利共贏 33
Join Hands and Work Together for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Cooperation—Interview with Zhang Wencai, Vice President of the Asian Development Bank 41
全球化的2.0版本 49
Globalization 2.0—Interview with Mattia Romani, Managing Director of Economics, Policy and Governance of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 60
中國走出了一條獨特的發(fā)展之路 71
China’s Unique Development Path—Interview with Zhu Xian, Vice President, COO of the New Development Bank 84
支持中國南南合作,借鑒中國經驗 97
Supporting China’s South-South Cooperation and Transferring China’s Experience to Other Countries—Interview with Agi Veres, Country Director of UNDP in China 106
和平的“風箏” 117
The Peaceful “Kite”—Interview with Janan Mosazai, Ambassador of Afghanistan to China 126
巴林的“輻射”力 135
The “Radiating” Power of Bahrain—Interview with Anwar Alabdulla, Ambassador of Bahrain to China 142
捷克之“重” 149
The “Heaviness” of Czech—Interview with Bedrich Kopecky, Ambassador of Czech to China 160
埃及的“奇跡” 169
The “Wonder” of Egypt—Interview with Osama Elmagdoub, Ambassador of Egypt to China 179
幸!靶 眹陨 189
A Happy “Small” Country Israel—Interview with Matan Vilnai, Ambassador of Israel to China 197
“絲綢之路經濟帶”的起點 203
The Starting Point of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”—Interview with Shakhrat Nuryshev, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China 213
科威特的“行動力” 223
Kuwait’s “Yella” Call—Interview with Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahamed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Prince and Minister of Al-Diwan Al-Amiri Affairs of Kuwait 233
友誼的“木船” 243
The “Boom” of Friendship—Interview with Sameeh Essa Johar Hayat, Ambassador of Kuwait to China 254
在中國的十年 263
The Ten Years in China—Interview with Abdullah Saleh Al Saadi, Ambassador of Oman to China 272
巴基斯坦的“愿景2025” 281
The “Vision 2025” of Pakistan—Interview with Masood Khalid, Ambassador of Pakistan to China 292
波蘭的靈魂 303
The “Soul” of Poland—Interview with Miroslaw Gajewski, Ambassador of Poland to China 313
“理性”新加坡的“感性” 323
The “Emotional” Side of “Rational” Singapore—Interview with Stanley Loh, Ambassador of Singapore to China 333
西班牙是光 343
Spain is Light—Interview with Manuel Valencia, Ambassador of Spain to China 351
斯里蘭卡的“機遇” 359
“Opportunities” for Sri Lanka—Interview with Karunasena Kodituwakku, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China 369
地中海上的“珍珠” 379
“Pearl” of the Mediterranean—Interview with Dhia Khaled, Ambassador of Tunisia to China 387
土耳其的“夢想” 395
The “Dream” of Turkey—Interview with Ali Murat Ersoy, Ambassador of Turkey to China
“兩廊一圈”對接“一帶一路” 419
Synergy between the “Belt and Road” Initiative and the “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” Initiative—Interview with Dang Minh Khoi, Ambassador of Vietnam to China 428
后記一?開放共享?不忘初心 437
Epilogue I: Keep Opening and Sharing, Remain True to Our Original Aspiration—Zhang Shaofeng, Chairman and CEO of Bairong Financial Information Services Co. Ltd. 440
后記二?新秩序 444
Epilogue II: New Order 447
中國發(fā)展出版社新秩序:各國大使眼中的一帶一路 作者簡介
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