(精) 薊與玫瑰(共2冊)
父與子-英漢對照 版權信息
- ISBN:9787220113376
- 條形碼:9787220113376 ; 978-7-220-11337-6
- 裝幀:一般輕型紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
父與子-英漢對照 本書特色
父與子-英漢對照 內容簡介
★父愛如山,一代幽默大師的傾情奉獻 ★經典幽默演繹多彩生活 ★傳世精品再現父子深情★不朽杰作震撼世間心靈★靈活線條勾勒智慧光芒
父與子-英漢對照 目錄
Trick photography
特技攝影 001
Coaxing the son into sleeping
哄兒子入睡 003
Who deserves the punishment
誰該挨罰 006
Disregard meal times and go without sleep
廢寢忘食 008
The car broke down
汽車拋錨 010
A wise ticket evader
逃票絕招 012
Fathers and sons
兩對父子 014
Children say what they like
童言無忌 016
神槍手 018
Super Mario
超級瑪麗 020
意外收獲 021
All taken into account except a tiny defect
百密一疏 024
卓有成效 026
榜樣 028
Modern hairstyle
新潮發型 030
Remedial measure
補救措施 032
After the trouble
兒子闖禍以后 036
Slaving for son
做牛做馬 038
An eye for an eye
兒子的報復 040
The gifts of Easter Bunny
小兔的禮物 042
Drunken Father
老爸醉酒 044
Big fans
鐵桿球迷 046
The letter from the fish
來自魚兒的信 048
Killing three birds with one stone
一舉三得 050
Mobile toilet for dogs
移動式狗廁 052
Growing tall
長高了 054
Attempted robbery
搶劫未遂 056
The presents for Father
給老爸的生日禮物 059
Fascinating game
意猶未盡 060
The winner and the powerhouse
勝者與強者 062
In the right, and forgiving
得理且饒人 064
Other usages
另有用途 066
The father and son of elephants
大象父與子 069
夢游 070
The kangaroo-like father and son
袋鼠父子 072
Blaming the kind-hearted wrongly
錯怪好人 074
The cableway
空中索道 076
Whom to blam
怪誰 078
Much will have more
得寸進尺 082
Judging people by outward appearance
以貌取人 084
The order of priorities
輕重緩急 086
Fire fighting
救火 090
Making the best of a bad bargain
將錯就錯 092
Against the game rules
違反游戲規則 094
One apple
一個蘋果 096
The horse is stubborn, too
馬也有驢脾氣 098
Cheating for signature
騙老爸簽名 100
Favorite present
心愛的禮物 102
The toy gun
玩具手槍 104
Ice Waltz
冰上圓舞曲 108
雪橇 111
The wonderful idea
絕妙創意 112
Fancy Ball
化裝舞會 114
As greedy as a wolf
貪得無厭 116
Being on the safe side
萬無一失 118
Loyal to master alone
只認主人 122
Subtly catching the greedy
巧捉饞貓 124
Joking with the rabbit
跟兔子開個玩笑 128
Hit the mark by a fluke
歪打正著 130
Getting the wrong meaning
會錯意 132
Multifunctional morning paper
多功能晨報 133
The romantic affair
艷遇 134
It’s the father’s duty on the son’s mistake
子不教,父之過 136
Lengthening the saddle
加長馬鞍 138
Nice dream
好美的夢 140
The game of betting buttons
賭扣子游戲 142
Well-meaning but misguided
好心辦壞事 144
Another usage of books
書的另一種用途 146
Taking away the firewood from under the cauldron
釜底抽薪 148
The jumping shot
會蹦的鉛球 150
Leaping into the void
無心插柳 152
Being a fool to himself
好心沒好報 154
Being on cloud nine
得意忘形 156
Obsessed with fishing
癡心不改 158
Son’s intention
兒子的心意 160
Best of a bad bunch
無奈之舉 164
At the end of the forbearance
忍無可忍 166
A casual rescue
盲目施救 168
Clever winning
巧妙制勝 170
Dressing up like father
扮成父親 174
The alluring book
引人入勝 176
Repulsing the opponent with extraordinary power
神力退敵 178
Asking for trouble
自討苦吃 180
Makeup photographing
化裝拍攝 182
Miraculous magic
神奇的魔術 184
警告 186
The special guests for Christmas
圣誕節的特殊客人 188
Three Santa Clauses
三個圣誕老人 190
False alarm
虛驚一場 192
Roast duck from the Heaven
天上掉下的烤鴨 194
Shaving after drinking
酒后剃胡子 196
No wasting
不要浪費 198
自責 200
The lettered lion
識字的獅子 202
Beyond the hope
始料不及 206
Money doesn’t change the nature
金錢不改本性 208
Beyond all expectations
出人意料 210
無可奈何 212
Cutting blocks with razor
大材小用 214
So comfortable
還是這樣自在 216
Go to the rescue by himself
親自出馬 218
Old friends
昔日的朋友 220
The leopard can’t change his spots
本性難移 222
Doctrine and practice
理論與實踐 224
Crying entertainer
哭泣的藝人 226
Take the trouble on his behalf
代勞 228
Confounding right and wrong
東郭先生 230
Poor Leopard
可憐的豹子 232
Book in the water
水里的書 264
獲救 266
Piloting the submarine
開潛艇 268
So nice to be home
回家的感覺真好 270
Mourning the frog
哀悼青蛙 272
The marvelous usage of mushrooms
蘑菇的妙用 274
純屬巧合 278
Mocking photography
惡搞拍照 280
Son’s birthday
兒子的生日 282
The dog takes no notice
狗不理 284
Getting into trouble through clever means
弄巧成拙 289
Wax museum
蠟像館 290
練習雜耍 292
The cat and its master
貓和主人 294
Suffering from beating without reason
莫名其妙挨打 296
I’m a kid, too
我也是兒童 298
A heaven-sent chance
天賜良機 300
The innocent old man
無辜的老人 302
An unexpected discovery
意外的發現 304
Four generations in one photo
四世同堂 306
The son fails to challenge his father
挑戰失敗 310
He who strikes first gains the advantage
先下手為強 312
Wonderful guarding against theft
防盜妙招 314
A novel medal
新穎的勛章 318
The counterpunch of the snowman
雪人的反擊 320
A perfect coincidence
不謀而合 324
Such benevolence
如此愛心 328
Figure skating
花樣溜冰 330
A letter from balloons
一封來自氣球的信 332
Be armed to teeth
武裝到牙齒 334
Miraculous drift bottle
神奇漂流瓶 336
Father VS monkey
老爸對猴子 338
A special fishing net
奇特的漁網 340
Just one step shorter of success
功虧一簣 342
The temptation of wine that couldn’t be refused
無法抗拒的美酒誘惑 344
A new way of putting on the glasses
眼鏡的新戴法 346
Such a warning
如此警告 348
Bicycle traveling
單車旅行 350
The trouble of the drift bottle
漂流瓶惹的禍 352
The pot calling the kettle black
五十步笑百步 354
Clever son
聰明的兒子 356
The flea dancing
跳蚤舞 358
Mystical father and son
神奇父子 360
出名 362
The consequence of being famous
出名之后 364
告別 366
編后語 368
父與子-英漢對照 作者簡介
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