Acknowledgements xiiiGeneral Editor’s Preface xvList of Figures xxiiA Note on References xxvIntroduction: Modern Beginnings 1Part I Elements1. The Modern Literary Market 172. Modern Authorship 363. Modern English Usage 57Part II Forms4. Modern Poetry 75Verse Technique 76Hardy and Yeats 80Masefield, Brooke, Thomas, and ‘Georgian’ Poetry 87Imagism and After: Pound, Eliot, Sitwell, and Lawrence 94W. H. Auden and the Poetry of the Thirties 103Trends, Anthologies, and Reputations 1075. Modern Drama 114From Problem Play to Discussion Play 117Comedy of Manners: Maugham and Coward 125Historical and Verse Drama 1326. Modern Short Stories 1377. The Modern Novel: Principles and Methods 1558. The Modern Novel as Social Chronicle 170Provincial Chronicles and Sagas 170Condition of England, Industrial, and Civic Novels 1809. The Modern Psychological Novel 189Realism and the Education Novel 191High Modernism, Memory, and Consciousness 20010. Modern Romance, Fable and Historical Fiction 212Romances of Truancy 213Historical Novels 219Fabulous Romances 224Visionary Romances 22811. Modern Satire 234Verse Satire: Hardy, Eliot, and Sassoon 236Prose Satire: Huxley, Waugh, and Others 23912. Modern Essays, Biographies, Memoirs, and Travel Books 25313. Modern Entertainment: Forms of Light Reading 272Detective Fiction 273The Thriller 281Romantic Love Stories 288Comical Prose Fiction 293Part III Occasions14. England and the English 303Names for England 303England Epitomized 304England Explored 310The English Character 315The English Abroad 32015. The Great War 325Survivals of Heroic Literature 328Four Phases of War-Writing 331Passivity, Martyrology, and War Myths 34416. Childhood and Youth 34917. Sex and Sexualities 364Sex-Talk in the Freudian Age 364Realism, Deviance, and Censorship 371Erotic Writing 384Retrospect: Three Decades of Modern Realism 391Author Bibliographies 402Suggestions for Further Reading 449Index 459