家門口的大自然系列:奶奶的花園 奶奶的菜園(全2冊)
創(chuàng)意立體紙魔坊玩具書——賽車 作業(yè)車
納尼亞傳奇:銀椅(全英文版) 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:9787501594399
- 條形碼:9787501594399 ; 978-7-5015-9439-9
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
納尼亞傳奇:銀椅(全英文版) 內(nèi)容簡介
“百詞斬閱讀計劃”根據(jù)單詞詞頻、句子長度和語法難度,為每一《百詞斬·閱讀計劃 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅》設(shè)定級別(見附表),確保每本讀物至少有95%的詞匯為級別內(nèi)單詞。 此外,《百詞斬·閱讀計劃 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅》還制作了: 1.詞表:《百詞斬·閱讀計劃 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅》的級別內(nèi)單詞可添加到百詞斬App,系統(tǒng)會根據(jù)你在App內(nèi)的詞匯量測試結(jié)果,調(diào)節(jié)詞表中重點學(xué)習(xí)與快速學(xué)習(xí)的單詞比重。你可以先背單詞再看書,避免了邊看邊查字典的麻煩。 2.插畫:《百詞斬·閱讀計劃 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅》在難以理解的部分配上了原創(chuàng)插畫。在提升閱讀興趣的同時,加深你對文字的理解。 3.音頻:《百詞斬·閱讀計劃 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅》依據(jù)各大考試的聽力語速數(shù)據(jù),錄制了各級別難度遞增的專屬音頻(見附表),方便你邊聽邊看。 “百詞斬閱讀計劃”一提升你的英文閱讀體驗。
納尼亞傳奇:銀椅(全英文版) 目錄
CHAPTER 1 Behind the Gym
CHAPTER 2 Jill is Given a Task
CHAPTER 3 The Sailing of the King
CHAPTER 4 A Parliament of Owls
CHAPTER 5 Puddleglum
CHAPTER 6 The Wild Waste Lands oF the North
CHAPTER 7 The Hill of the Strange Trenches
CHAPTER 8 The House of HarFang
CHAPTER 9 How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
CHAPTER 10 Travels Without the Sun
CHAPTER 11 In the Dark Casde
CHAPTER 12 The Queen of Underland
CHAPTER 13 Underland Without the Queen
CHAPTER 14 The Bottom oF the World
CHAPTER 15 The Disappearance of Jill
CHAPTER 16 The Healing of Harms
附錄一 詞條拓展
附錄二 躍級單詞表·檢索
納尼亞傳奇:銀椅(全英文版) 節(jié)選
《百詞斬·閱讀計劃 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅》: It was a dull autumn day and Jill Pole was crying behind the gym. She was crying because they had been bullying her. This is not going to be a school story, so I shall say as little as possible about Jill's school, which is not a pleasant subject. It was "Co-educational," a school for both boys and girls, what used to be called a "mixed" school; some said it was not nearly so mixed as the minds of the people who ran it. These people had the idea that boys and girls should be allowed to do what they liked. And unfortunately what ten or fifteen of the biggest boys and girls liked best was bullying the others. All sorts of things, horrid things, went on which at an ordinary school would have been found out and stopped in half a term; but at this school they weren't. Or even if they were, the people who did them were not expelled or punished. The Head said they were interesting psychological cases and sent for them and talked to them for hours. And if you knew the right sort of things to say to the Head, the main result was that you became rather a favorite than otherwise. That was why Jill Pole was crying on that dull autumn day on the damp little path which runs between the back of the gym and the shrubbery. And she hadn't nearly finished her cry when a boy came round the corner of the gym whistling, with his hands in his pockets. He nearly ran into her. "Can't you look where you're going?" said Jill Pole. "AII right," said the boy, 6eyou needn't start-" and then he noticed her face. "I say, Pole," he said, "what's up?" Jill only made faces; the sort you make when you're trying to say something but find that if you speak you'll start crying again. "It's Them, I suppose-as usual," said the boy grimly, digging his hands farther into his pockets. Jill nodded. There was no need for her to say anything, even if she could have said it. They both knew. "Now, look here," said the boy, "there's no good us all-" He meant well, but he did talk rather like someone beginning a lecture. Jill suddenly flew into a temper (which is quite a likely thing to happen if you have been interrupted in a cry). ……
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