量子計算與量子信息(10周年版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787302394853
- 條形碼:9787302394853 ; 978-7-302-39485-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
量子計算與量子信息(10周年版) 內容簡介
《量子計算與量子信息(10周年版)》是量子信息領域的經典之作,其主要特色是內容全面、系統,結構清晰,深入淺出,很好地反映了本領域的交叉學科特色。因此,非常適合于具有物理學、信息科學、數學等不同學科背景的讀者閱讀參考。 全書分三大部分。第1部分為基本概念,介紹了量子計算與量子信息領域的主要思想和成果,以及進入本領域所必需的數學、量子力學和計算機科學基礎知識。第2部分講述量子計算,包括量子算法及其物理實現。第3部分為量子信息論,主要介紹量子糾錯碼和量子信息論的數學框架,其中還包括了量子密碼的基礎內容。 書中配有大量練習和習題,每章末尾均有“本章小結”以及“歷史和進一步閱讀的資料”,書末還附有多個附錄及參考文獻,可幫助讀者深入理解書中的主要內容,補充必要的背景知識,并為讀者進一步深入學習提供了有益的線索。
量子計算與量子信息(10周年版) 目錄
Introduction to the Tenth Anniversary Edition
Afterword to the Tenth Anniversary Edition
Nomenclature and notation
Part Ⅰ Fundamental concepts
I Introduction and overview
1.1 Globalperspectives
1.1.1 History ofquantum computation and quantum information
1.1.2 Future directions
1.2 Quantum bits
1.2.1 Multiplequbits
1.3 Quantumcomputation
1.3.1 Single qubit gates
1.3.2 Multiple qubit gates
1.3.3 Measurements in bases other than the computational basis
1.3.4 Quantum circuits
1.3.5 Qubit copying circuit?
1.3.6 Example: Bell states
1.3.7 Example: quantum teleportation
1.4 Quantum algorithms
1.4.1 Classical computations on a quantum computer
1.4.2 Quantum parallelism
1.4.3 Deutsch's algorithm
1.4.4 The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
1.4.5 Quantum algorithms summarized
1.5 Experimental quantum information processing
1.5.1 The Stern-Gerlach experiment
1.5.2 Prospects for practical quantum information processing
1.6 Quantuminformation
1.6.1 Quantum information theory: example problems
1.6.2 Quantum information in a wider context
2 Introduction to quantum mechanics
2.1 Linear algebra
2.1.1 Bases and linear independence
2.1.2 Linear operators and matrices
2.1.3 The Pauli matrices
2.1.4 Inner products
2.1.5 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
2.1.6 Adjoints and Hermitian operators
2.1.7 Tensor products
2.1.8 Operator functions
2.1.9 The commutator and anti-commutator
2.1.10 The polar and singular value decompositions
2.2 The postulates ofquantum mechanics
2.2.1 State space
2.2.2 Evolution
2.2.3 Quantum measurement
2.2.4 Distinguishing quantum states
2.2.5 Projectivemeasurements
2.2.6 POVM measurements
2.2.7 Phase
2.2.8 Composite systems
2.2.9 Quantum mechanics: a global view
2.3 Application: superdense coding
2.4 The density operator
2.4.1 Ensembles ofquantum states
2.4.2 General properties ofthe density operator
2.4.3 The reduced density operator
2.5 The Schmidt decomposition and purifications
2.6 EPR and the Bellinequality
3 Introduction to computer science
3.1 Models for computation
3.1.1 Turingmachines
3.1.2 Circuits
3.2 The analysis ofcomputational problems
3.2.1 How to quantify computational resources
3.2.2 Computationalcomplexity
3.2.3 Decision problems and the complexity classes P and NP
3.2.4 A plethora ofcomplexity classes
3.2.5 Energy and computation
3.3 Perspectives on computer science
Part Ⅱ Quantum computation
Part Ⅲ Quantum information
Afterword to the Tenth Anniversary Edition
Nomenclature and notation
Part Ⅰ Fundamental concepts
I Introduction and overview
1.1 Globalperspectives
1.1.1 History ofquantum computation and quantum information
1.1.2 Future directions
1.2 Quantum bits
1.2.1 Multiplequbits
1.3 Quantumcomputation
1.3.1 Single qubit gates
1.3.2 Multiple qubit gates
1.3.3 Measurements in bases other than the computational basis
1.3.4 Quantum circuits
1.3.5 Qubit copying circuit?
1.3.6 Example: Bell states
1.3.7 Example: quantum teleportation
1.4 Quantum algorithms
1.4.1 Classical computations on a quantum computer
1.4.2 Quantum parallelism
1.4.3 Deutsch's algorithm
1.4.4 The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
1.4.5 Quantum algorithms summarized
1.5 Experimental quantum information processing
1.5.1 The Stern-Gerlach experiment
1.5.2 Prospects for practical quantum information processing
1.6 Quantuminformation
1.6.1 Quantum information theory: example problems
1.6.2 Quantum information in a wider context
2 Introduction to quantum mechanics
2.1 Linear algebra
2.1.1 Bases and linear independence
2.1.2 Linear operators and matrices
2.1.3 The Pauli matrices
2.1.4 Inner products
2.1.5 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
2.1.6 Adjoints and Hermitian operators
2.1.7 Tensor products
2.1.8 Operator functions
2.1.9 The commutator and anti-commutator
2.1.10 The polar and singular value decompositions
2.2 The postulates ofquantum mechanics
2.2.1 State space
2.2.2 Evolution
2.2.3 Quantum measurement
2.2.4 Distinguishing quantum states
2.2.5 Projectivemeasurements
2.2.6 POVM measurements
2.2.7 Phase
2.2.8 Composite systems
2.2.9 Quantum mechanics: a global view
2.3 Application: superdense coding
2.4 The density operator
2.4.1 Ensembles ofquantum states
2.4.2 General properties ofthe density operator
2.4.3 The reduced density operator
2.5 The Schmidt decomposition and purifications
2.6 EPR and the Bellinequality
3 Introduction to computer science
3.1 Models for computation
3.1.1 Turingmachines
3.1.2 Circuits
3.2 The analysis ofcomputational problems
3.2.1 How to quantify computational resources
3.2.2 Computationalcomplexity
3.2.3 Decision problems and the complexity classes P and NP
3.2.4 A plethora ofcomplexity classes
3.2.5 Energy and computation
3.3 Perspectives on computer science
Part Ⅱ Quantum computation
Part Ⅲ Quantum information
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