習近平談治國理政 第四卷
新絲路·新格局——全球治理變革的中國智慧(英) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787510471940
- 條形碼:9787510471940 ; 978-7-5104-7194-0
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
新絲路·新格局——全球治理變革的中國智慧(英) 本書特色
新絲路·新格局——全球治理變革的中國智慧(英) 內容簡介
新絲路·新格局——全球治理變革的中國智慧(英) 目錄
The Spirit of the Belt and Road Initiative has Created New Drivers for Globalization / 1
The Building of BRI is Blazing New Paths for Global Governance/ 4
BRI is a China Plan that Perfects the Global Governance System / 8
Sustained Development of the BRI Based on My Visits to Fifty Countries / 12
Chapter 1 Global Governance and the BRI in the Eyes of Foreign Political Figures
BRI Guides the Future with Innovation / 21
Building of the BRI Adds Human Touch to Globalization / 25
The World Should Start Exploring a New Global Governance Model / 28
Chapter 2 BRI’s Contribution to Global Governance and Development
BRI Contributes Chinese Wisdom in Advancing the Reform of Global Governance / 35
China is Fulfilling Its Responsibilities and Missions as a Major Country in the World / 39
The BRI Brings Innovation to the Global Development Model / 43
The BRI is the greatest public good China has offered to the world / 46
The BRI Enjoys Strong Supply-chain Drivers / 49
Chapter 3 The Belt and Road Initiative is an Opportunity for Reform of Global Governance
The Belt and Road Initiative Will Share China’s Experience with the World / 53
China’s Development Offers the Greatest Opportunity for Global Governance / 58
The Belt and Road Initiative Promotes “Hard” Development of the World / 62
The Belt and Road Initiative Serves as a Model for Global Governance and Development / 65
The Belt and Road Initiative Provides Solutions for Global Economic Development / 71
The Belt and Road Advances Mutual Benefits / 74
Chapter 4 The Belt and Road Initiative is Rebalancing Unbalanced Globalization
The Belt and Road Initiative is the Starting Point for a New Round of Globalization / 81
The Belt and Road Initiative Adjusts the Current Global Governance System / 85
Challenges Faced by Traditional Global Governance Models / 90
The Belt and Road Initiative Focuses on Global Multilateral Cooperation / 94
Developing Country Participation in Global Governance Continues to Increase / 97
Anti-terrorism Challenges in Advancement of the BRI / 100
Chapter 5 BRI Brings Innovation to Global Governance
A Comparison between China’s Proposal and Current Mechanisms for Global Governance / 105
Multilateral Cooperation: New Ways to Think and Do / 109
The Belt and Road Initiative: Better Global Governance / 114
The Belt and Road Initiative: A New Type of Globalization / 119
The Belt and Road Initiative: New Approaches to Global Governance / 124
The Belt and Road Initiative: A Problem-Solving Mechanism for Global Governance / 128
Chapter 6 BRI Builds a New Platform for Global Governance
The Belt and Road Initiative: A Platform of Concrete Cooperation / 135
The Belt and Road Initiative: Building A New Platform for International Cooperation and Common Development / 138
The Belt and Road Initiative: Connecting the Eurasia Continent / 141
Develop Local Currency in Countries along the Belt and Road Initiative / 144
The Belt and Road Initiative: Boosting Transnational Investment / 148
The City of Chaoshan on the Maritime Silk Road / 153
Partnership between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) /155
Promoting People-to-People Exchanges along the Belt and Road / 159
Chapter 7 BRI and Global Sustainable Development
BRI is full of Vibrancy and Dynamism / 163
Achieving Sustainable Development for the World through Mutually-Beneficial and Win-win Success / 167
BRI Brings Prosperity to Peripheral Countries / 169
BRI Strengthens Financial Cooperation of Member Countries / 170
Chapter 8 Promote Institutional Building of BRI
Build a Discourse System for BRI / 175
Enhance Power of China’s Discourse in Existing Global Governance System / 177
Seek Institutional Building of BRI / 181
Re-globalization: Global Governance under the Principle of “Extensive Consultation, Joint Contribution, and Shared Benefits.”
—Annual Report on China and Global Governance (2017)
新絲路·新格局——全球治理變革的中國智慧(英) 作者簡介
王利明,男,1960年生,湖北仙桃人,新中國第一位民法學博士(師從著名民法學者佟柔先生),中國人民大學常務副校長、“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家人選,享受國務院政府特殊津貼。 中國人民大學重陽金融研究院(人大重陽)成立于2013 年1 月19 日,是重陽投資董事長裘國根先生向母校捐贈并設立教育基金運營的主要資助項目。 作為中國特色新型智庫,人大重陽聘請了全球數十位前政要、銀行家、知名學者為高級研究員,旨在關注現實、建言國家、服務人民。目前,人大重陽下設7個部門、運營管理3個中心(生態金融研究中心、全球治理研究中心、中美人文交流研究中心)。近年來,人大重陽在金融發展、全球治理、大國關系、宏觀政策等研究領域在國內外均具有較高認可度。
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