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2022 閱讀同源外刊 時文精析

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2022 閱讀同源外刊 時文精析 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787522106298
  • 條形碼:9787522106298 ; 978-7-5221-0629-8
  • 裝幀:一般膠版紙
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
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2022 閱讀同源外刊 時文精析 本書特色

配有全文音頻、視頻課程和**詞匯表選文貼合時下熱點,譯文語言精美流暢開闊視野,提高英文閱讀理解能力 ★鮮讀時文報刊 把握出題思路★對接閱讀題源 直搗閱讀要害★詳解長句難句 攻破閱讀瓶頸★配套視頻講解 名師帶你悅讀

2022 閱讀同源外刊 時文精析 內容簡介


2022 閱讀同源外刊 時文精析 目錄

No.1 Explosion of U.S. tech jobs concentrated in just five metro areas, study finds 研究發現,美國的科技崗位大爆發,但只集中在五個大型都市 No.2 Microsoft president's criticism of app stores puts pressure on Apple 微軟總裁對應用商店的批評讓蘋果面臨壓力 No.3 You see Pepsi, I see Coke: New tricks for product placement 量體裁衣,因人制宜——廣告植入新招式 No.4 Three reasons stocks are rising 股票上漲背后的三個因素 No.5 A new way to travel: by subscription 訂購服務——全新的旅行選擇 No.6 The coronavirus could rewrite the rules for Silicon Valley 新冠肺炎或改寫硅谷規則 No.7 The big-screen brawl that could reshape the movies 重塑電影業的爭斗:電影院 vs. 流媒體 No.8 Independent bookstores get creative to survive the long lockdown 獨立書店發掘新型經營模式,熬過漫長歇業期 No.9 The oil price crash in one word: 'inelasticity' 一詞概括油價崩盤:彈性不足 No.10 Farewell for now to a golden age of drinking 暫且對飲酒的黃金年代說聲再見吧 No.11 Spotify wants to become the go-to for podcasts. Creators and audiences should worry Spotify欲變身為默認播客平臺,創作者和收聽者應表示關切 No.12 Even the oil giants can now foresee the end of the gasoline age 石油行業日薄西山,即便石油巨頭自己也清楚這一點 No.13 Germany's recipe for lockdown: Reduced hours, not layoffs 德國外出禁令期間的秘訣:減工時不減職位 No.14 For our overhyped, overvalued tech startups, soon the reckoning will come 對于過度炒作、過度估值的科技初創公司,算總賬的日子就快到了 No.15 Maryland's way out of traffic isn't more lanes 拓寬道路救不了馬里蘭的交通擁堵 No.16 How Baltimore can pull itself from its death spiral 巴爾的摩如何擺脫死亡螺旋 No.17 This is how democracy dies 民主湮滅之路 No.18 Private schools criticise plans to get more poor students into university 大學擬提高弱勢學生錄取率;私立高中表示批評 No.19 Global problems need social science 解決全球問題,離不開社會科學 No.20 Defund the police 停止向警隊撥款 No.21 Why Time decided to revisit a century of women and influence 《時代周刊》為什么回顧創造歷史的100位女性? No.22 The corporate boycott of Facebook is illiberal.We need the courage to fight against it. 聯合抵制Facebook是狹隘之舉,我們需要勇敢地對抵制說“不” No.23 The census is more than just a form. It's a window into the history of American families 人口普查不單單是個表格,它是透視美國家庭的歷史之窗 No.24 The 'cancel culture' war is really about old elites losing power in the social media age “抵制文化”是舊時精英階層在社交媒體時代失去力量的體現 No.25 Whether Trump likes it or not, network news is riding a pandemic ratings boom 無論特朗普是否滿意,新聞乘了疫情報道收視率暴漲的東風之便 No.26 Do you know your neighbours? Thanks to lockdown, I do 你認識自己的鄰居嗎?多虧了居家令,我現在認識他們了 No.27 Our cities only serve the wealthy. Coronavirus could change that 城市只為富人服務。新冠肺炎可以顛覆這一現象 No.28 These anti-racism protests show it's time for Britain to grapple with its difficult history 反種族主義游行爆發,英國應解決自己的歷史疑難問題 No.29 The personal finance industry must address racial discrimination 個人理財行業必須解決種族歧視問題 No.30 To my white friends, the time for talk has passed. Now is the time for work. 致白人朋友們:話已說盡,現在該行動了 No.31 Getting 'tough' on protests is counterproductive 暴力鎮壓示威者適得其反 No.32 Silence is never neutral;neither is science 沉默不代表中立,科學也不應假中立之名 No.33 Oracle and Google are about to face off in tech's trial of the century 世紀科技案件:甲骨文訴谷歌 No.34 It's been 10 years since the ACA passed—what's been the impact 《平價醫療法案》通過已經十年——其影響如何 No.35 Even the pandemic doesn't stop Europe's push to regulate AI 推動人工智能規范化,歐盟沒有讓新冠肺炎拖慢腳步 No.36 Trump weakens rules on environmental reviews of infrastructure projects 特朗普削減了基礎設施項目環境審查的規則 No.37 The real lesson of the college closures 大學閉校的真正教訓 No.38'People take on more debt to make ends meet': the cost of postgrad study 讀研的代價——多借貸款滿足生活開支 No.39'Schools are killing curiosity': Why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn 學校正在扼殺好奇心:為什么不要再說“快學,別問” No.40 Market economics has driven universities into crisis—and we're all paying the price 市場經濟導致大學陷入危機——所有人都是受害者 No.41 Instead of rote learning useless facts, children should be taught wellbeing 不要死記硬背無用事實,孩子應得到幸福教育 No.42 Congratulations! You got into college without even applying 恭喜!你被錄取了!無需申請! No.43 The future belongs to the Pandemic Pragmatists 后疫情時代屬于實用主義者 No.44 The pandemic is putting law students' futures on hold 新冠肺炎給法律系學生按下了暫停鍵 No.45 Child-care centers have already been reopening.The results are troubling 保育中心重新開放已有時日,遞交的答卷卻令人不安 No.46 How to reopen schools while reducing the odds of a major outbreak 如何在重新開放學校的同時降低疫情暴發機率 No.47 Satellites are changing the night sky as we know It 人們認知中的夜空正在改變——拜衛星所賜 No.48 AI, the transcription economy, and the future of work 從音頻轉錄出發,看人工智能如何影響未來的工作 No.49 I study the Internet's flaws. The pandemic reminded me of its joys. 我是研究互聯網缺陷的,新冠疫情讓我想到了它好的一面 No.50 Apple ditches Intel for ARM processors in Mac computers with Big Sur 蘋果:運行Big Sur的 Mac電腦將棄用Intel,改用ARM處理器 No.51 NASA to fund search for signs of alien civilizations.'now we know where to look'say scientists NASA撥款支持尋找地外文明。科學家:現在知道朝哪觀測了 No.52 Pressure on good science during a pandemic is leading to confusing, and conflicting advice on COVID-19 科研嚴謹性的壓力導致了關于新冠肺炎的醫學建議混亂化、撕裂化 No.53 In praise of replication studies and results 為零結果研究和復制研究站臺 No.54 Science shouldn't be for sale—we need reform to industry-funded studies to keep people safe 科學不應出售——行業資助研究需要改革,以保公眾安全 No.55 Nurses have been invisible and undervalued for far too long 請不要繼續忽視和低估護士 No.56 The problem with direct-to-consumer genetic tests 市場亂象:消費級基因檢測產品 No.57 Medicine is getting to grips with individuality “個性化”——當下醫療的發展方向 No.58 How I broke the cycle of stress 如何逃出壓力循環 No.59 The only thing we have to fear Is… fearing fear itself 沒有什么值得恐懼,除了恐懼本身 No.60 Steep fall in emissions during coronavirus is no cause for celebration 疫情期間碳排放巨幅下降,但并不值得慶祝 No.61 One billion people will live in insufferable heat within 50 years—study 研究發現,50年內10億人將生活在難以忍受的高溫中 No.62 What birds do for us and what we can do for them 鳥類為我們做了什么,我們能為鳥類做些什么 No.63 'Playing the hand of God': scientists' experiment aims to help trees survive climate change 玩弄上帝之手:科學家實驗旨在幫助樹木渡過氣候變化危機 No.64 COVID-19 is a symptom of a bigger problem: our planet's ailing health 新冠疫情映射出一個更嚴重的問題:地球的健康每況愈下 No.65 Negative-emissions tech helps, but it's no magic bullet for the climate crisis 負排放技術有所幫助,但并非解決氣候危機的靈丹妙藥 No.66 Fast-growing mini-forests spring up in Europe to aid climate 為緩解氣候危機,生長迅速的迷你森林在歐陸涌現

2022 閱讀同源外刊 時文精析 作者簡介


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