通信原理(雙語)簡明教程(第2版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787302653394
- 條形碼:9787302653394 ; 978-7-302-65339-4
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
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通信原理(雙語)簡明教程(第2版) 本書特色
通信原理(雙語)簡明教程(第2版) 內容簡介
本書重點介紹通信系統中各種通信信號的產生、傳輸和調制解調的基本理論和方法,使學生熟悉并掌握通信系統的基本理論和分析方法,為后續課程打下良好的基礎。 在通信系統數學模型和相關數學工具的基礎上,本書著重介紹模擬調制系統、數字基帶/頻帶系統、模擬信號的數字傳輸系統等內容,涉及經典的調制解調、編碼譯碼方法,并注重從系統的角度進行分析和理解。全書共8章,各章之間既獨立又相互聯系;為了把知識點和相互關系清晰地表示出來,各章首一般都有思維導圖。在學習過程中應注重學習方法和技巧的總結,從系統和全局的角度對教材進行整體把握。 本書適合電子信息、通信工程和計算機等相關專業本科生學習使用。
通信原理(雙語)簡明教程(第2版) 目錄
Chapter 1Introduction 1.1Basic concepts and models of communication system 1.1.1Communication system model 1.1.2Analog communication model 1.1.3Digital communication model 1.2The classification of communication systems 1.2.1Modulation mode 1.2.2Division of frequency band 1.3Information and its measurement 1.4The main performance index of communication systems Summary and discussion Homework Vocabulary
Chapter 2Random processes 2.1Basic concepts of random processes (definition of random processes) 2.1.1Definition 2.1.2Numerical characteristics of a random process 2.2Stationary random process 2.2.1Definition 2.2.2Ergodicity 2.2.3Autocorrelation function of stationary random processes 2.2.4Power spectral density 2.3Gaussian process 2.4Transmission of a random process through a linear timeinvariant (LTI) filter 2.5Narrowband random process 2.6Sine wave plus narrowband Gaussian noise 2.7Gaussian white noise and band pass white noise Summary and discussion Homework Vocabulary
Chapter 3Channel 3.1The classification of channels 3.1.1Wireless channels 3.1.2Wire channel 3.2Channel models 3.2.1Modulation channel model (調制解調模型) 3.2.2Coding channel model (編碼信道模型) 3.3Influence of the channel characteristics on transmission (for modulation model) 3.3.1Influence of constant parameter channel on signal transmission 3.3.2Influence of random parameter channel of signal transmission 3.4Channel capacity (continuous channel) Summary and discussion Homework Vocabulary and terminologies Chapter 4Continuouswave modulation (analog modulation system) 4.1Introduction 4.2Linear modulation 4.2.1AM 4.2.2Doublesideband modulation 4.2.3Singlesideband modulation 4.2.4Vestigial sideband modulation 4.3Antinoise performance of linear demodulation 4.3.1Noise in linear receiver using coherent detection 4.3.2Noise in AM receivers using envelope detection Homework (part 1) 4.4Angle modulation (nonlinear modulation process) 4.4.1Basic definitions 4.4.2NBFM(窄帶調頻) 4.4.3Wideband frequency modulation (WBFM) 4.4.4Generating an FM signal 4.4.5Demodulation of FM signals 4.4.6Noise in FM receivers 4.5Frequencydivision multiplexing(頻分復用) Summary and discussion Homework (part 2) Terminologies Chapter 5Pulse modulation 5.1Sampling process 5.2Analog pulse modulation (模擬脈沖調制) 5.3Quantization process (量化過程)of sampled signal 5.3.1Uniform quantization (均勻量化) 5.3.2Nonuniform quantization 5.4PCM(pulse code modulation,脈沖編碼調制) 5.4.1The principle of PCM 5.4.2Noise in PCM system 5.4.3Delta modulation (增量調制) 5.4.4DPCM (differential pulse code modulation,差分脈沖調制) 5.5TDM(timedivision multiplexing,時分復用) Summary and discussion Homework Terminologies Chapter 6Baseband pulse transmission 6.1Waveform and frequency characteristics of baseband digital signal 6.1.1Waveform of baseband digital signal 6.1.2Symbol code types of baseband digital signals for transmission 6.1.3Frequency characteristic 6.2Matched filter 6.3Error rate due to noise 6.3.1Binary polar baseband system 6.3.2The unipolar baseband system 6.4Intersymbol Interference 6.4.1Nyquist’s criterion Ⅰ 6.4.2Nyquist’s criterion Ⅱ 6.5Eye pattern Summary and discussion Homework Terminologies Chapter 7Passband data transmission (digital passband transmission) 7.1The basic principle of three digital passband modulation 7.1.1ASK 7.1.2FSK 7.1.3PSK (absolute phase shift keying) 7.1.4DPSK (differential PSK) 7.2Antinoise performance of digital passband modulation system 7.2.1Bit error rate of ASK 7.2.2Bit error rate of 2FSK 7.2.3Bit error rate of PSK 7.2.4Performance comparison of digital keying transmission system 7.3Hybrid amplitude/phase modulation schemes 7.4OFDM system Summary and discussion Homework Terminologies
Chapter 8Further reading: new technologies in communication systems 8.1Compressive sensing (CS) 8.1.1Introduction 8.1.2The mathematics theory 8.1.3Application 8.2Ultra wideband (UWB) system 8.2.1The definition of UWB 8.2.2Comparison with other wireless communications 8.2.3Feature of UWB 8.2.4Impulse modulation signal in UWB signal 8.2.5The application of UWB 8.3MIMO technology 8.3.1The model of MIMO 8.3.2Applications 附錄AMATLAB仿真實驗 Experiment 1Continuouswave modulation (corresponding to Chapter 4) Experiment 2Pulse modulation (corresponding to Chapter 5) Experiment 3Digital passband transmission(corresponding to Chapter 7) 附錄B實驗箱實驗 實驗一各種模擬信號源實驗 實驗二脈沖編碼調制PCM 實驗三AMI/HDB3編碼和譯碼過程實驗 實驗四FSK調制解調實驗 實驗五通信系統綜合實驗 附錄C誤差函數表 參考文獻
通信原理(雙語)簡明教程(第2版) 作者簡介
朱艷萍 南京信息工程大學副教授,碩士生導師。畢業于南京理工大學電子工程與光電學院,獲信息與通信工程博士學位,英國雷丁大學和謝菲爾德大學訪問學者,主講“通信原理(雙語)”“雷達原理(全英文)”“信號與系統(全英文)”等多門課程,長期從事信號處理的基礎和應用研究。主要研究方向為雷達/通信信號處理、腦電波(EEG)情緒智能識別算法、超寬帶定位及微波近距離成像等。主持并完成國家自然科學青年基金1項,主研國家重點研發計劃1項、國家自然科學基金3項,發表學術論文20余篇,獲授權發明專利10余項。
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