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中醫藥,東方智慧之學 版權信息
- ISBN:9787508551494
- 條形碼:9787508551494 ; 978-7-5085-5149-4
- 裝幀:平裝
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
中醫藥,東方智慧之學 本書特色
中醫藥,東方智慧之學 內容簡介
中醫藥,對很多人來說熟悉又陌生的。日常生活中常常用到的生姜、小茴香、花椒、桂皮、紫蘇、薄荷等都是中藥,中醫診所體驗的針灸、推拿、拔罐等治療方法都是中醫療法,圖書館和互聯網還有海量的中醫藥學文獻資料……然而,中醫治療疾病的機理究竟是什么?中醫和現代醫學的區別在哪里?中醫是科學還是哲學?這些問題又是大家陌生的。 作者運用多年教學、科研、臨床實踐,對中醫藥學的歷史淵源、基本概念、理論精髓、關鍵技術等做深入淺出地介紹,用通俗易懂的語言、圖文并茂的形式、趣味盎然的故事帶領讀者走進神秘神奇的中醫藥世界。Traditional Chinese medicine is both familiar and unfamiliar to many people. Ginger, cumin, Pericarpium Zanthoxyli, cinnamon, Perilla, peppermint, etc., often used in daily life, are all traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, massage, cupping and other treatment methods experienced by traditional Chinese medicine clinics are all traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and the corresponding TCM literature can be found in libraries and on the Internet.However, what is the mechanism of TCM treatment of disease? What is the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine? Is Chinese medicine science or philosophy? These are worth exploring.Using many years of teaching, scientific research and clinical practice, the author introduces the historical origin, basic concepts, theoretical essence and key technologies of Chinese medicine in a profound and simple way, and leads readers into the mysterious and magical world of Chinese medicine with easy to understand language, illustrated forms and interesting stories.中醫藥,對很多人來說熟悉又陌生的。日常生活中常常用到的生姜、小茴香、花椒、桂皮、紫蘇、薄荷等都是中藥,中醫診所體驗的針灸、推拿、拔罐等治療方法都是中醫療法,圖書館和互聯網還有海量的中醫藥學文獻資料……然而,中醫治療疾病的機理究竟是什么?中醫和現代醫學的區別在哪里?中醫是科學還是哲學?這些問題又是大家陌生的。 作者運用多年教學、科研、臨床實踐,對中醫藥學的歷史淵源、基本概念、理論精髓、關鍵技術等做深入淺出地介紹,用通俗易懂的語言、圖文并茂的形式、趣味盎然的故事帶領讀者走進神秘神奇的中醫藥世界。Traditional Chinese medicine is both familiar and unfamiliar to many people. Ginger, cumin, Pericarpium Zanthoxyli, cinnamon, Perilla, peppermint, etc., often used in daily life, are all traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, massage, cupping and other treatment methods experienced by traditional Chinese medicine clinics are all traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and the corresponding TCM literature can be found in libraries and on the Internet.However, what is the mechanism of TCM treatment of disease? What is the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine? Is Chinese medicine science or philosophy? These are worth exploring.Using many years of teaching, scientific research and clinical practice, the author introduces the historical origin, basic concepts, theoretical essence and key technologies of Chinese medicine in a profound and simple way, and leads readers into the mysterious and magical world of Chinese medicine with easy to understand language, illustrated forms and interesting stories.
中醫藥,東方智慧之學 目錄
中醫藥,東方智慧之學 作者簡介
李健,醫學博士,教授,博士生導師,北京中醫藥大學中醫學院組織胚胎學教研室主任,曾主編《遠離肝炎與肝硬化》《器官纖維化的基礎與臨床》,發表學術專著及論文60余篇。薛曉鷗,醫學博士,教授,博士生導師。北京中醫藥大學東直門醫院婦科主任醫師,北京中醫藥大學中西醫結合婦科學科帶頭人,曾主編《中西醫結合婦科內分泌學》《中西醫結合婦科腫瘤學》。Li Jian, M.D., professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the Teaching and Research Department of Tissue Embryology, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. He edited the articles Away From Hepatitis and Cirrhosis and The Basis and Clinical of Organ Fibrosis, and published more than 60 academic monographs and papers.Xue Xiao’ou, M.D., Professor, doctoral supervisor, chief gynecologist of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, head of the department of Integrative Gynecology of Chinese and Western Medicine in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. She is the editor-in-chief of Gynecologic Endocrinology of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine andGynecologic Oncology of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine.
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