憲政與中國 本書特色
In 1978,China entered into a new era of “reform and opening up”,in which four strategic transformations began to take place.“Taking class struggle as the key link” gave way to economic construction as the central task;isolation was replaced by opening up to the outside world;planned economy moved towards market economy and“r11le of law” began to replace“r11le of man.”Some of these transformations have already basically been completed,while others still need several decades to complete.Nevertheless.the achievements china has made in all four arenas are remarkable and have drawn attention from the world.I feel gratified and proud to be a witness to these historical transformations and to be an active participant in the construction of the modern rule of 1aw in China. Today, academic exchange between the Chinese and international law circles is on the rise.China needs to understand the world,just as the world needs to understand China.Yet.few Chinese legal scholars are able to write in English.Nor have many Chinese legal works been translated and published outside China.This has created great difficulties for foreign scho1ars in under8tandhag the historical development and the current situation of 1egal studies in China.The purpose of this English collection of papers is to facilitate the academic exchange between Chinese and international law circles.I hope this book will provide some useful information and materials to foreign scholars who are interested in the construction of rule of law in China.
憲政與中國 內容簡介
In 1978,China entered into a new era of "reform and opening up",in which four strategic transformatios began to take place."Taking class struggle as the key link"gave way to economic construction as the central task; isolation was replaced by opening up to the outside world; planned economy moved towards market economy and "rule of law began to replace "rule of man."Some of these transformations have already basically been completed,while others still need several decades to complete.Nevertheless,the achievements China has made in all four the world.I feel gratified and proud to be a witness to these historical transformations and to be an actiue participant in the construction of the modern rule of law in China.
Li Buyun,Director of the Public Law Research Center of the Law Insti-tute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS),Honorary Dean of both Gunangxhou Unversity Law nad Du-nam University Law Schols and Di-rector of Research Center for Human Rights in boty Guangzhou University and Hunam University.Graduating from the Law Department of Peking Universtity in 1965,he used to be Di-rector of the Research Division of Jurisprudence of the Law Institute of CASS,and Editor-in -chidf of the Journal of Law Currently he is appointde as a member of the Expert Consultative Committoeeof the Supreme People's Procuratorate,part-time Nrofessor of the Supreme of Administration As an expert wity outstanding con-tributions ,he enjoys the special subsidy of the State Council.He has already published 30 words and moer than 180 papers.He got 13 awards for academic research achievements.His masterpieces include March to Rule of Law,Jurispredence Ex-ploration,and Human Right Jurisprudence,etc.
憲政與中國 目錄
2.On Ruling the Country by Law
3.Basic Contradiction between Rule of Law and Rule of Man
4.Scientific Nature of the Concept of Rule of Law
5.Theoretical Basis and Significance ...
憲政與中國 作者簡介
Li Buyun Director of the Public Law Research Center of the Law Insti-tute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS),Honorary Dean of both Guangzhou University and Hu-nan University Law Schools and Di-rector of Researdch Center for Human Rights in Both Guangzhou University and Hunan University.Graduating from the Law Department of Peking University in 1965,he used to be Di-rector of the Research Division of Jurisprudence of the Law Institute of CASS,and Editor-in-chief of the journal of Law.Currently he is appointed as a member of the Exoert Consultative Committee of the National School of Administration..
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