1.Introduction1.1 Why is the Topic of the Book Worthwhile Studying?
1.2 Thermodynamics1.3 Statistical Mechanics: Simple Models1.4 Mermin-Hohenberg Theorem
2.Quantum Spin-1/2 Chain with the Nearest-Neighbour Couplings2.1 One-Dimensional Spin Hamiltonian2.2 Ising Chain2.3 Isotropic XY Ring2.4 Ising Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field2.5 Dimerized XY Chain3.Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz for a Heisenberg-Ising Ring3.1 Bethe Ansatz3.2 Simple Solutions of the Bethe Ansatz Equations:Strings3.3 Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz3.4 The Ground State Behaviour3.5 Magnetic Field Behaviour in the Ground State:Wiener-Hopf Method4.Correlated Electron Chains:Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz4.1 Hubbard Chain4.2 t-J Chain5.Algebraic Bethe Ansatz5.1 The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for a Spin-1/2 Chain5.2 SU(2)-Symmetric Spin-S Chain5.3 The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for Correlated Electron Models6.Correlated Quantum Chains with Open Boundary Conditions6.1 Open Boundaries. XY and Ising Chains6.2 Open Boundaries:Co-ordinate Bethe Ansatz for the Heisenberg-Ising Chain6.3 Open Boundaries. The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz6.4 Open Hubbard Chain6.5 Open Supersymmetric t-J Chain7.Correlated Quantum Chains with Isolated Impurities7.1 Impurities in XY Chains7.2 Impurities in Spin Chains:Bethe Ansatz7.3 Impurity in Correlated Electron Chains8.Correlated Quantum Chains with a Finite Concentration of Impurities8.1 Impurities'Bands8.2 Disodered Ensembles of Impurities in Correlated Chains “Quantum Transfer Matrix” Approach
9.Finite Size Corrections in Quantum Correlated Chains9.1 Finite Size Corrections for Quantum Spin Chains9.2 Finite Size Corrections for Correlated Electron Chains9.3 Elements of Conformal Field Theory9.4 Asymptotics of Correlation Functions9.5 Persistent Currents in Correlated Electron Rings10.Beyond the Integrability:Approximate Methods10.1 Scaling Analysis10.2 BosonizationBibliographyIndex