化合物半導體加工中的表征 版權信息
- ISBN:9787560342818
- 條形碼:9787560342818 ; 978-7-5603-4281-8
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
化合物半導體加工中的表征 本書特色
化合物半導體加工中的表征 內容簡介
化合物半導體加工中的表征 目錄
preface to the reissue of the materials characterization series
preface to series
preface to the reissue of characterization of compound
semiconductor processing
preface xiii
contributors xv
characterization of iii-v thin films for electronic devices
1.1 introduction
1.2 surface characterization of gaas wafers
dislocations 3, surface composition and chemical state
1.3 ion implantation
1.4 epitaxial crystal growth
1.5 summary
ⅲ-v compound semiconductor films foroptical applications
2.1 introduction
2.2 growth rate/layerthickness
in situ growth monitors 20, post-growth structural analysis
2.3 composition analysis
2.4 impurity and dopant analysis
2.5 electrical properties in optical structures
2.6 optical properties in single and multilayer structures
2.7 interface properties in multilayer structures
2.8 summary
3.1 introduction
3.2 in situ probes
surface preparation and characterization 44, initial metal deposition 45,
subsequent metal deposition
3.3 unpatterned test structures
electrical characterization 48, concentration profiling 49,
electron microscopy
3.4 patterned test structures
barrier height 51, contact resistance 53, morphology
dielectric insulating layers
4.1 introduction
4.2 oxides and oxidation
4.3 heteromorphicinsulators
4.4 chemical modification of gaas surfaces
4.5 indium phosphide-insulator interfaces
4.6 heterojunction quasi-insulator interfaces
4.7 epitaxial fluoride insulators
4.8 commentary
other compound semiconductor films
5.1 introduction
a focus on hgcdte 83, objective and scope 84, background 84,
representative device structure
5.2 substrates and the cdte surface (interface 1)
substrate quality 86, substrate surface preparation
5.3 epitaxial hgcdte materials (between interfaces 2 and 5)
desired characteristics of the active layers 90, composition 90,
crystalline quality 91, doping 93, minority carrier lifetime
5.4 heterojunction interfaces (interface 3)
advantages of the heterojunction 98, desired characteristics 98,
5.5 hgcdte surface preparation (interfaces 4 and 5)
importance of the chemically etched surface 100, monitoring of the surface
cleanliness by ellipsometry 101, characterization of thin native oxides on hgcdte by xps 102, surface analysis by ups
5.6 summary
deep level transient spectroscopy: a case study on gaas
6.1 introduction
6.2 dlts technique: general features
6.3 fabrication and qualification of schottky diodes
6.4 dlts system
6.5 dlts measurement procedure
6.6 data analysis
dlts spectrum 117, activation energy for thermal emission 118,
trap densities
6.7 el2 center
6.8 summary
appendix: technique summaries
1 auger electron spectroscopy (aes)
2 ballistic electron emission microscopy (beem)
3 capacitance-voltage (c-v) measurements
4 deep level transient spectroscopy (dlts)
5 dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (d-sims)
6 electron beam induced current (ebic) microscopy
7 energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (eds)
8 focused ion beams (fibs)
9 fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir)
10 hall effect resistivity measurements
11 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icpms)
12 light microscopy
13 low-energy electron diffraction (leed)
14 neutron activation analysis (naa)
15 optical scatterometry
16 photoluminescence (pl)
17 raman spectroscopy
18 reflection high-energy electron diffraction (rheed)
19 rutherford backscattering spectrometry (rbs)
20 scanning electron microscopy (sem)
21 scanning transmission electron microscopy (stem)
22 scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning force microscopy (stm and sfm)
23 sheet resistance and the four point probe
24 spreading resistance analysis (sra)
25 static secondary ion mass spectrometry (static sims)
26 surface roughness: measurement, formation by sputtering, impact on depth profiling
27 total reflection x-ray fluorescence analysis (txrf)
28 transmission electron microscopy (tem)
29 variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (vase)
30 x-ray diffraction (xrd)
31 x-ray fluorescence (xrf)
32 x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps)
preface to series
preface to the reissue of characterization of compound
semiconductor processing
preface xiii
contributors xv
characterization of iii-v thin films for electronic devices
1.1 introduction
1.2 surface characterization of gaas wafers
dislocations 3, surface composition and chemical state
1.3 ion implantation
1.4 epitaxial crystal growth
1.5 summary
ⅲ-v compound semiconductor films foroptical applications
2.1 introduction
2.2 growth rate/layerthickness
in situ growth monitors 20, post-growth structural analysis
2.3 composition analysis
2.4 impurity and dopant analysis
2.5 electrical properties in optical structures
2.6 optical properties in single and multilayer structures
2.7 interface properties in multilayer structures
2.8 summary
3.1 introduction
3.2 in situ probes
surface preparation and characterization 44, initial metal deposition 45,
subsequent metal deposition
3.3 unpatterned test structures
electrical characterization 48, concentration profiling 49,
electron microscopy
3.4 patterned test structures
barrier height 51, contact resistance 53, morphology
dielectric insulating layers
4.1 introduction
4.2 oxides and oxidation
4.3 heteromorphicinsulators
4.4 chemical modification of gaas surfaces
4.5 indium phosphide-insulator interfaces
4.6 heterojunction quasi-insulator interfaces
4.7 epitaxial fluoride insulators
4.8 commentary
other compound semiconductor films
5.1 introduction
a focus on hgcdte 83, objective and scope 84, background 84,
representative device structure
5.2 substrates and the cdte surface (interface 1)
substrate quality 86, substrate surface preparation
5.3 epitaxial hgcdte materials (between interfaces 2 and 5)
desired characteristics of the active layers 90, composition 90,
crystalline quality 91, doping 93, minority carrier lifetime
5.4 heterojunction interfaces (interface 3)
advantages of the heterojunction 98, desired characteristics 98,
5.5 hgcdte surface preparation (interfaces 4 and 5)
importance of the chemically etched surface 100, monitoring of the surface
cleanliness by ellipsometry 101, characterization of thin native oxides on hgcdte by xps 102, surface analysis by ups
5.6 summary
deep level transient spectroscopy: a case study on gaas
6.1 introduction
6.2 dlts technique: general features
6.3 fabrication and qualification of schottky diodes
6.4 dlts system
6.5 dlts measurement procedure
6.6 data analysis
dlts spectrum 117, activation energy for thermal emission 118,
trap densities
6.7 el2 center
6.8 summary
appendix: technique summaries
1 auger electron spectroscopy (aes)
2 ballistic electron emission microscopy (beem)
3 capacitance-voltage (c-v) measurements
4 deep level transient spectroscopy (dlts)
5 dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (d-sims)
6 electron beam induced current (ebic) microscopy
7 energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (eds)
8 focused ion beams (fibs)
9 fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir)
10 hall effect resistivity measurements
11 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icpms)
12 light microscopy
13 low-energy electron diffraction (leed)
14 neutron activation analysis (naa)
15 optical scatterometry
16 photoluminescence (pl)
17 raman spectroscopy
18 reflection high-energy electron diffraction (rheed)
19 rutherford backscattering spectrometry (rbs)
20 scanning electron microscopy (sem)
21 scanning transmission electron microscopy (stem)
22 scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning force microscopy (stm and sfm)
23 sheet resistance and the four point probe
24 spreading resistance analysis (sra)
25 static secondary ion mass spectrometry (static sims)
26 surface roughness: measurement, formation by sputtering, impact on depth profiling
27 total reflection x-ray fluorescence analysis (txrf)
28 transmission electron microscopy (tem)
29 variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (vase)
30 x-ray diffraction (xrd)
31 x-ray fluorescence (xrf)
32 x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps)
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