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柔巴依108首選譯 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787560994918
  • 條形碼:9787560994918 ; 978-7-5609-9491-8
  • 裝幀:一般輕型紙
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
  • 所屬分類:>

柔巴依108首選譯 本書特色

波斯詩人歐瑪爾 哈亞姆的《柔巴依》享有世界性聲譽,近代世界知名大學的學者把它列為世界上必讀50本書籍中的信仰類之首本。本書選譯了《柔巴依》中108首,為方便讀者欣賞,譯者將諸詩歸入十個大組:晨曲、愛情、人生、學習、命運、辯證觀、世界觀、地獄與天堂、宇宙觀、暮歌。本書提供中英文譯文及波斯文原文,供讀者品鑒。

柔巴依108首選譯 內容簡介


柔巴依108首選譯 目錄

table of contents
ⅰ. morning song [晨歌]
no.1 [shah khosrau] l1, 4, 6, 5
[國王霍斯魯] ...2
no.2 [flower of justice] l1, 6, 9, 5
[正義之花] ...3
no.3 [morning song] l1, 2, 4, 9
[不能復生] ...4
no.4 [many dawns ahead of us] l6, 4
[明日何其多] ...5
ⅱ. on love [愛情]
no.5 [the wine jug’s handle] l1, 2, 6
[酒壺把] ...8
no.6 [seeking true love] l6, 4
[求親] ...9
no.7 [lust warning] l6, 4
[色戒] ...10
no.8 [your true lover] l6, 4
[真愛] ...11
no.9 [to a beloved girl] l6, 4, 17
[贊美人] ...12
no.10 [true love] l6, 4
[真情實愛] ...13
no.11 [why is she so designed?] l5, 4
[美人從何而來] ...14
no.12 [you are mine] l 5, 6, 4
[你是我的] ...15
no.13 [love can relieve...] l5
[愛能……] ...16
no.14 [she] l5, 6
[她] ...17
no.15 [the compasses] l6, 4, 10, 5
[圓規] ...18
ⅲ. on life [人生]
no.16 [without a place] l1, 4, 9
[沒有位置] ...20
no.17 [grasp today] l1, 9
[抓緊今天] ...21
no.18 [do not beg] l1
[不乞求] ...22
no.19 [stand on your own] l1, 9
[自力更生] ...23
no.20 [food and clothing—basic needs] l1
[基本需要] ...24
no.21 [land of china] l1, 4, 9,
[中國版圖] ...25
no.22 [a tramp] l1, 6, 11
[流浪者] ...26
no.23 [propertied men] l1, 6, 4
[有產者] ...27
no.24 [thirst for blood] l10, 4, 1, 5, 6
[吸血鬼] ...28
no.25 [you are wiser than heaven] l1, 2, 4, 9, 6
[莫信上天] ...29
no.26 [principles of drinking] l10, 9, 1
[飲酒原則] ...30
no.27 [avoid being depressed] l1,
[不要消沉] ...31
no.28 [jamshid & bahram v] l1, 2, 9, 6
[兩種命運] ...32
no.29 [paradise on the earth] l6, 9, 4
[人間天堂] ...33
no.30 [self-sacrifice] l6, 4
[飛蛾撲火] ...34
no.31 [the art of life] l5, 4
[生活的藝術] ...35
no.32 [change the world] l14, 15
[換新天] ...36
no.33 [weeds] l5
[莠草] ...37
no.34 [speak without reservation] l5
[說一是一] ...38
no.35 [you throw the dice] l5, 6
[擲色子] ...39
no.36 [a trap] l5
[陷阱] ...40
no.37 [hurt nobody] l5
[別害人] ...41
ⅳ. learning [學習]
no.38 [an apprentice of time] l6, 1, 9
[歲月學徒工] ...44
no.39 [depart like wind] l6, 2, 1, 4, 9
[隨風去] ...45
no.40 [i know nothing] l1, 9
[知識無限] ...46
no.41 [criterion of making friends] l1, 4
[交友之道] ...47
no.42 [protect the meadow] l1, 2,
[愛護草坪] ...48
no.43 [a fair lady’s eye] l1, 2
[女士之眼] ...49
no.44 [blood and mole] l1, 4
[血與痣] ...50
no.45 [youthfulness] l1, 2, 4, 6
[青春] ...51
no.46 [freedom of belief] l6, 2, 1, 5
[信仰自由] ...52
no.47 [a philosopher] l6, 4, 9
[哲學家] ...53
no.48 [self-control] l10, 4, 6
[管好自己] ...54
no.49 [science and art] l5
[科學與藝術] ...55
no.50 [concealment of secrets] l1, 9
[隱藏秘密] ...56
ⅴ. on fate [命運]
no.51 [no rebirth] l1, 6
[不能再生] ...58
no.52 [middle age] l1, 9, 6
[人到中年] ...59
no.53 [treasure every hour of life] l1, 2
[珍惜] ...60
no.54 [likely life is tradable!] l1, 9
[當心被交換] ...61
no.55 [the secular world] l1, 2, 9
[塵世] ...62
no.56 [the troubled world] l1, 4
[亂世] ...63
no.57 [i want to know] l1, 2, 9, 6
[欲知] ...64
no.58 [they would not come] l1, 6
[不會來] ...65
no.59 [on polo] l 6, 5, 1
[馬球觀] ...66
no.60 [escape] l5
[躲開] ...67
ⅵ. dialectic thinking [辯證觀]
no.61 [equinox of spring] l1, 2, 9
[春分時節] ...70
no.62 [the sky won’t fall] l1, 9
[天塌不下來] ...71
no.63 [life is short] l1, 5
[短促人生] ...72
no.64 [opposite to your will] l1, 4, 9
[一無所有] ...73
no.65 [the resprouting chives] l1
[割韭菜] ...74
no.66 [i do not drink] l1, 9
[不喝酒] ...75
no.67 [tasty maxims] l1, 11, 9, 6,
[警句] ...76
no.68 [arrival and departure] l 6, 2, 9, 11
[入世與離世] ...77
no.69 [effects of great drought] l6, 5, 4
[大旱時魚鴨對話] ...78
no.70 [making man] l6, 11, 9
[造人] ...79
no.71 [kindness] l6, 4
[仁愛] ...80
no.72 [relative & stranger] l10, 4
[生人與親人] ...81
no.73 [one breath] l2, 4, 6, 9
喘息之間 ...82
ⅶ. world outlook [世界觀]
no.74 [eliminate the exploitation] l6, 4, 9, 1, 5, 10
[當無剝削時] ...84
no.75 [behind the curtain] l1, 2, 9
[幕后] ...85
no.76 [the well of zamzam] l1, 6, 9, 11
[茲姆泉] ...86
no.77 [the dead end] l1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11
[死胡同] ...87
no.78 [puppets] l1, 4, 6, 10, 9
[木偶] ...88
no.79 [secret of death] l1, 9, 6
[死的秘密] ...89
no.80 [the sky] l17
[蒼天] ...90
no.81 [with truth in hand] l1
[真理在握] ...91
no.82 [we would praise heaven if...] l1
[假如……] ...92
no.83 [neither a saint nor a sinner] l6, 5, 3, 4
[不是圣人也非罪人] ...93
no.84 [setback in love] l1
[失戀] ...94
ⅷ. hell & paradise [地獄與天堂]
no.85 [heaven is here] l5
[這就是天堂] ...96
no.86 [an empty paradise] l10, 2, 9
[天堂空空] ...97
no.87 [hard cash] l1, 4, 6
[抓緊現實] ...98
no.88 [lay bricks on the sea] l6, 1, 9
[海上鋪磚] ...99
no.89 [heaven & hell] l5, 9
[地獄與天堂] ...100
no.90 [where lives god?] l10
[上帝住哪里?] ...101
no.91 [my paradise] l1, 33
[我的天堂] ...102
no.92 [better than sultan’s banquet] l1, 4
[賽過活神仙] ...103
ⅸ. view of the universe [宇宙觀]
no.93 [the jihun river] l6, 2, 1, 9, 10
[吉洪河] ...106
no.94 [chinese walking-horse lantern] l6,2,4,1,9,5
[走馬燈] ...107
no.95 [not found] l6
[沒有神] ...108
no.96 [woman’s spinning wheel] l6, 4
[無能的人世大轉輪] ...109
no.97 [the inverted bowl] l10
[倒扣的碗] ...110
no.98 [independent of our will] l1, 9, 4
[八重天] ...111
no.99 [the route to dawn] l1, 2, 6, 9
[黎明之路] ...112
no.100 [spiritual world] l1, 4
[精神世界] ...113
ⅹ. evening song [暮歌]
no.101 [sleep forever] l1, 2, 6, 9
[長眠地下] ...116
no.102 [make bricks for a grave] l1, 2, 6, 9
[墳磚] ...117
no.103 [meadows on graves] l1, 2
[墓上青草] ...118
no.104 [the finish line] l1
[復活] ...119
no.105 [king kaius] l6, 1, 5, 4, 9
[國王考烏斯] ...120
no.106 [quit the world] l6
[離開人世] ...121
no.107 [baghdad & balkh] l2, 1, 9, 4, 6
[巴格達與巴爾赫] ...122
no.108 [spreading my poetry] l2, 4, 6
[不樹碑要立傳] ...123

附錄a 哈氏絕句尾韻分析 
the ending rhyme spectrum of khayyam’s quatrains ...124
附錄b 詩譯史上的大悲劇
mr. edward fitzgerald’s renderings destroying the essence of mr. khayyam’s thought ...128

references 參考書目 ...145

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