西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
小城之戀 版權信息
- ISBN:9787508526188
- 條形碼:9787508526188 ; 978-7-5085-2618-8
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
小城之戀 本書特色
王安憶的《小城之戀》是孤立處境中的男女關系,兩個少年人,還未及創造履歷,生活、觀念、幾乎是赤裸裸本體的,相逢了,他們之間能有如何的關系?性,便凸現出來,成為了關系的惟一形式和內容。 a true story based on wang's experiences in the countryside during the cultural revolution, love in a small town is also the author's personal exploration into human nature and sexuality. written at a time when sex was still a taboo subject in china, the book's real innovation is not its sexual explicitness, but its acknowledgement of sexual love as a powerful force in a human.
小城之戀 內容簡介
西語版“中國當代文學精選”叢書選擇一批中國當代重要作家的代表作品,介紹給西班牙語讀者。通過這些作品,西班牙語讀者可以欣賞中國當代文學的多種流派、風格,看到中國所經歷的歷史進程與社會變遷,直觀感受當代中國的生活場景,深入了解中國人的精神世界。我們希望通過這套叢書,不斷將優秀的中國文學作品傳播到西班牙語世界,讓西班牙語世界的4億多讀者分享當代中國文學的燦爛成果。目前已推出《暗算》《一九四二》等21種,共計30種。 china’s contemporary literature (spanish) has achieved great success. since the 80s of the 20th century, many talented writers have been offering their excellent works. the best example is mo yan, winner of the nobel prize of literature in 2012. in the collection “jewels of china contemporary literature”, we have selected a number of works of chinese prestigious writers to present to the hispanic readers. through these books, you can know the different styles and trends in china’s contemporary literature, witness the historical and social changes that this country is living and enter into the spiritual world of chinese people. with this collection, we offer 400 million spanish-speaking readers the best literature of modern china and share the joy of reading with them.
小城之戀 作者簡介
王安憶,中國當代著名女作家,1954年3月出生于南京,中國作家協會副主席、復旦大學中文系教授,是中國當代在海內外都享有很高聲譽的女作家,被視為文革后,自1980年代中期起盛行于中國文壇的“知青文學”、“尋根文學”等文學創作類型的代表性作家。王安憶的作品主要有小說、散文、兒童文學作品等等,代表作品有《長恨歌》《小鮑莊》《流逝》《富萍》等等。 Wang Anyi was born in Nanjing in 1954 but grew up in Shanghai. She is among the most widely read and anthologized authors of the post-Mao era, a breaker of taboos and a speaker for China’s younger generation. Among Wang’s acclaimed Shanghai novels is the nostalgic Changhen Ge (The Song of Everlasting Sorrow)(1996). Voted the most influential work of the 1990s in China, it won the fifth Mao Dun Literature Award in 2000, one China’s most prestigious literary prizes. It has been adapted for television, stage and screen.
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