unit 1knowing yourselfpart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text aincreasing confidencepart threeextensive readingtext bpersonality and behaviorpart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 2the value of lifepart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text athree days to seepart threeextensive readingtext ba new look from borrowed timepart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 3happinesspart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text asense of happinesspart threeextensive readingtext bwhat is happiness?part fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 4family and marriagepart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text adifferences between married and singlepart threeextensive readingtext bmen and women in divorcepart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 5sports and healthpart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text asix mistakes in fitnesspart threeextensive readingtext bcan yoga keep fit?part fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 6new information agepart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text anew information agepart threeextensive readingtext bare you a smart phone freak?part fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 7hopes and fears for futurepart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text aa letter addressed to my futurepart threeextensive readingtext bhow to prepare for your career futurepart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 8cultural appreciationpart oneleadinpart twointensive readingtext ahow to be an americanpart threeextensive readingtext bdifferences between american & chinese culturepart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 9learning to work togetherpart oneleadinpart twointensive readingtext ateamworkpart threeextensive readingtext bsome common career mistakes new employees makepart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 10shopping onlinepart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text ais online shopping the future of commerce?part threeextensive readingtext bthe irrational buying occupies the students marketpart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 11job huntingpart oneleadinpart twointensive readingtext athe ways to find a jobpart threeextensive readingtext bmake yourself competitive in the job marketpart fourgrammarpart fivewritingunit 12chinese tea industrypart oneleadinpart twointensive reading text aopportunities in chinese tea industrypart threeextensive readingtext bthe analysis of chinese tea industry’s present situationpart fourgrammarpart fivewritingbibliography