introduction for teachers and students..........ithere are three main kinds of thinkers..........1the fairminded critical thinker..........2the selfish critical thinker..........3the na?ve thinker..........4developing intellectual character..........5how to become a fairminded critical thinker..........6intellectual standards help you think better..........9be clear: don’t confuse people..........10be accurate: make sure it’s true..........11be relevant: make sure you stay on track..........12be logical: make sure everything fits together..........13be fair: make sure you consider others..........14some important intellectual standards..........15a checklist of questions you can ask to targetintellectual standards..........16think about fairness..........17journal entry focusing on unfair thinking and behavior..........18we take our thinking apart to find problems in our thinking — and solve them..........19think about purpose..........20state the question..........21gather the information..........22check your inferences..........23question your assumptions..........24clarify your concepts..........25understand your point of view..........26think through the implications..........27clarifying inferences and assumptions 28finding your inferences and assumptions..........30critical thinkers seek better ways of doing things..........32strategies for using the parts of thinking..........33analyzing problems..........33analyzing characters in a story..........35analyzing chapters in a textbook..........37analyzing experiments..........39analyzing the data collected (after experiments)..........40analyzing subjects or disciplines..........41asking questions in class which target the parts of thinking..........42strategies for clarifying and understanding important ideas:clarifying your own ideas, clarifying what o