西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
百年鐘聲--香港沉思錄 版權信息
- ISBN:9787500152569
- 條形碼:9787500152569 ; 978-7-5001-5256-9
- 裝幀:80g膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
百年鐘聲--香港沉思錄 本書特色
回歸祖國十六年,香港發生了怎樣的變化?祖國對香港的發展給予了多少支持和影響?香港同胞的民心回歸、對祖國的認同感如何?香港給內地帶來了怎樣的啟迪與反思?作者著力書寫了回歸后的現實情狀,其中包括:解放軍駐港部隊面臨的各種考驗和優異表現,香港各路精英的成長之路及對港貢獻,香港的慈善事業,香港的民生、醫療、文化、媒體、教育,香港的廉政建設,香港所面臨的挑戰與前景等。作者真實書寫了回歸后香港的現狀。其中一些章節,不僅是當今香港成功經驗的寫照,而且對內地乃至許多國家地區的發展有著借鑒意義,其中zui為突出的是香港的廉政建設。 What sort of changes has Hong Kong seen in the eighteen years since its return to China. And what sort of support has the motherland provided to Hong Kong's development? How has the support influenced it? Do the people of Hong Kong feel a sense of belonging where the motherland is concerned? And what sort of enlightenment and reflection has Hong Kong occasioned in the mainland? The author has strived to portray the reality of post-return Hong Kong, including: the tests faced by the PLA's Hong Kong garrison (as well as its achievements); the path to success and the contributions of a number of Hong Kong's elites; charity in Hong Kong; the lives of the city's people, as well as its culture, media, and education; the origins of clean governance in Hong Kong; the challenges the city faces, and its prospects. The author has written the truth of Hong Kong post-return. Some chapters, particularly the one on clean governance, go beyond simply portraying Hong Kong's success; they hold instructive value for both the mainland and many other countries and regions.
百年鐘聲--香港沉思錄 內容簡介
張雅文,1944年出生,國家一級作家、國家政府津貼享受者。曾獲中國魯迅文學獎、全國“五個一”工程獎、徐遲報告文學獎等。發表小說、報告文學、散文、編劇共計700余萬字。小說《蓋世太保槍口下的中國女人》被作為禮物贈送比利時國王菲利普。作品被翻譯成英語、法語、印度語等多種文字。Zhang Yawen was born in 1944, has been selected as a "national level writer" by the China Writer's Association, and is a recipient of the central government's honorary stipend provided to distinguished men and women of letters. She is a past winner of the Lu Xun Prize, the national "Best Works Award", and the Xu Chi Award for Non-Fiction Novels. Her collected published works, including novels, non-fiction novels, essays, and plays, total tens of thousands of pages. Her novel A Chinese Woman at Gestapo Gunpoint was given as a gift to King Phillipe of Belgium.Her works have been translated into English, French, and Hindi, among other languages.
百年鐘聲--香港沉思錄 目錄
百年鐘聲--香港沉思錄 作者簡介
張雅文,1944年出生,國家一級作家、國家政府津貼享受者。曾獲中國魯迅文學獎、全國“五個一”工程獎、徐遲報告文學獎等。發表小說、報告文學、散文、編劇共計700余萬字。小說《蓋世太保槍口下的中國女人》被中國國家主席習近平贈送比利時國王菲利普。作品被翻譯成英語、法語、印度語等多種文字。 Zhang Yawen was born in 1944, has been selected as a "national level writer" by the China Writer's Association, and is a recipient of the central government's honorary stipend provided to distinguished men and women of letters. She is a past winner of the Lu Xun Prize, the national "Best Works Award", and the Xu Chi Award for Non-Fiction Novels. Her collected published works, including novels, non-fiction novels, essays, and plays, total tens of thousands of pages. Her novel A Chinese Woman at Gestapo Gunpoint was given as a gift by President Xi Jinping to King Phillipe of Belgium. Her works have been translated into English, French, and Hindi, among other languages.
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