西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
小婦人(純英文)/床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物 版權信息
- ISBN:9787568271684
- 條形碼:9787568271684 ; 978-7-5682-7168-4
- 裝幀:簡裝本
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
小婦人(純英文)/床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物 本書特色
小婦人(純英文)/床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物 內容簡介
小婦人(純英文)/床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物 目錄
Chapter 1 Christmas Gifts
**章 圣誕禮物
Chapter 2 A Merry Christmas
第二章 歡樂圣誕
Chapter 3 The Laurence Boy
第三章 勞倫斯家的男孩
Chapter 4 Responsibilities
第四章 責任
Chapter 5 Being Neighborly
第五章 友鄰睦居
Chapter 6 Beth Finds the Palace Beautiful
第六章 貝絲發現美麗宮殿
Chapter 7 Amy's Shame
第七章 艾米的恥辱
Chapter 8 Jo's Sorrow
第八章 喬的悲傷
Chapter 9 Meg's Visit
第九章 梅格的出訪
Chapter 10 Experiments
第十章 試驗
Chapter 11 Castles in the Air
第十一章 空中樓閣
Chapter 12 Secrets
第十二章 秘密
Chapter 13 A Telegram
第十三章 一封電報
Chapter 14 Letters
第十四章 書信
Chapter 15 The Little Faithful
第十五章 忠誠的小人兒
Chapter 16 Dark Days
第十六章 黑暗的日子
Chapter17 Amy's Will
第十七章 艾米的遺囑
Chapter 18 More Secrets
第十八章 更多的秘密
Chapter 19 Laurie's Letter
第十九章 勞里的信
Chapter 20 Pleasant Times
第二十章 歡樂時光
Chapter 21 Aunt March Settles the Question
第二十一章 馬奇嬸嬸解決問題
小婦人(純英文)/床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物 節選
"Some handkerchiefs," said Beth. "I'll get a little bottle of perfume. She likes it,and it won't cost much, so I'll have some left to buy pencils for drawing," added Amy. "How willwe give the things?" asked Meg. "We'll put them on the table, and bring her in and see her open each gift. Don't you remember how we used to do that on our birthdays?" answered Jo. "I used to be so frightened when it was my turn to sit in the big chair, and see you all come around me to give me the presents, with a kiss. I liked the things and the kisses, but it was terrible to have you sit looking at me while I opened the presents," said Beth. "Marmee will think we are getting things for ourselves, and then we'll surprise her. We must go shopping tomorrow afternoon, Meg. There is so much to do about the play for Christmas night,"said Jo, walking up and down the stairs, with her hands behind her back. "I don't plan to act in any more plays after this one. I'm getting too old for such things," observed Meg, who still secretly delighted in dressing up and acting. "You won't stop, I know, as long as you can walk around in a white dress. You are the best actress we've got, and there'll be an end to everyt,hing if you quit," said Jo. "We should practice our roles for the play tonight. There is still much work to be done before the Christmas play." "I don't understand how you can write and act such wonderful things, Jo. You're a regular Shakespeare!"exclaimed Beth, who strongly believed her sisters were gifted with extraordinary talents. "Not quite," replied Jo modestly, "though, I do think this play is a rather nice thing." "Hello, my dear girls," said a cheery voice at the door, and the girls turned to welcome a tall,motherly lady with a "can-l-help-you" look about her which was truly delightful.
- 主題:真善美的美德
小說背景設定在戰爭年代,父親去了戰場,母親帶著四個女兒留在家里。全家人都期盼父親的定期信件,收到信、讀信,將使家里洋溢著幸福的氣氛。開篇讀到四個女兒的人物介紹時,我的關注點落在她們的年紀差,年齡相差不大。她們的母親在孕育生命時,是真的生猛哇。估計身體尚未從上一次生產恢復過來,就又懷孕了。情節記得不大清晰了,但四個女兒的善良品質,依舊留存在我對整本書的印象中。三女兒剪斷一頭秀發換錢,想表達對父親受傷的關愛;四女兒去探望貧窮人家時,不幸也被傳染病襲擊,年長的三姐妹在母親不在家主持大局的節骨眼,所表現出來的團結互助令人欣慰,當然是少不了主人公二女兒的聰慧。二女兒與鄰居小少爺之間,也埋下少年的情竇初開,只不過二女兒尚未察覺。大女兒雖最年長,但在被人戲弄的場景下,足以看出她的怯懦。不過,瘦死的駱駝比馬大呢。little woman的家里還有長久傭人呢,把西方的社會文化展現地淋漓盡致。
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