能源互聯網及智能電網技術 版權信息
- ISBN:9787562499213
- 條形碼:9787562499213 ; 978-7-5624-9921-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
能源互聯網及智能電網技術 內容簡介
《能源互聯網及智能電網技術(英文版)》是一本學術會議論文集,收集了美中綠色能源促進會( UCGEC )主辦的“2016美中綠色能源峰會”的學者論文共50篇。這些論文分別從能源互聯網、智能電網、大數據、互聯網+、清潔能源和可再生能源計劃、智慧環保城市項目等方面進行了專題探討,作者來自中國和美國的各高校及科研機構。
能源互聯網及智能電網技術 目錄
Part I Energy Strategy, Policy & Economy Development
Study on the Effect of DPV Feed-in Tariff Policy on Investment Based System DynamicsZeng Ming, Li Ran, Wang Xin, et al.
Design of Market Mechanism to Prompt Wind Power Based on Risk Evaluation
Building Carbon Emission in China: Scenario Analysis through 2050
Development of Chinese Electric Vehicle Industry
A Study on Optimal'Wind Power Consumption Ratio in Grid
The Preliminary Research for Key Operation Mode and Technologies of Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources under Energy Intemet
The Influence of Power System Reform Measures on the Randomness of Electricity Supply
Modeling the Annual Growth Rate of Electricity Consumption of China in the 21st Century: Trends and Prediction
The Fusion of Smart Grid and Energy-net: Evaluation Indicator and Typical ScenesChen Zexing, Zhang Yongiun, Li Licheng, et al.
Study on the Multi-energy Flow Algorithm for Eenrgy Intemet Containing Electricity, Heat and Gas
Research on Information Economies and Market Mechanisms of E-net
Analysis of Global Energy Interconnection Development Prospect on Ultra High Voltage Power Grid
Pumped Storage Plant Engineering Practice Review and Prospects in China
SWITCH-Chin.a: A Systems Approach to Decarbonize China's Power System
Part II Energy Internet
Resonance Detection Method Based on the Combined Method of Wavelet Transform and HHTLi Peng, Gao Jing, Huang Renle
Resonance Detection Method of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Based on Improved HHT
A Voltage and Frequency Regulation Method of Active Distribution Network Considering Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltalc Cell
Voltage sag Detection Based on Improved Kalman Filter with Frequency Compensation
Effect of Metallic Pipe on Power System Grounding Grids Diagnsis
Analysis of Transformer Vibration under DC Bias Based on Approximate EntropyLiu Xingmou, Yang Yongming
Explicit Analytics Based Reliability Assessment Algorithm for Regional Energy Intemet Planning
Classification Evaluation Algorithm for Scene Comprehensive Competitiveness of Distributed Energy Supply System
The Coordination of Optimal Configuration and Voltage Regulation for DG Integration in Distribution Systems
Multi-machine System Frequency Predictions Using Cellular Computational Neural Network
Power System Cascading Failure Path Searching Under Multiple Faults Based on Probability Estimation
A Generalized Model for Condition Parameter Anomaly Identification of Wind Turbine Based on SCADA Data
Part Ⅲ Renewable Energy Integration Technology
A DFIG Crowbar Resistance Design Method'Based on Fuzzy Membership Function
A Classified Irradiance Forecast Approach for Solar PV Prediction Based on Wavelet Decomposition
Anysis of Resonance Characteristics in Distributed PV Multiple Grid-connected Inverters with LCL Filters
Analysis on Interactive Influences of Reactive Power Control in Clustered Grid-connected PV Inverters
A Hierarchical Multi-mode Var Control Strategy for Grid——con- nected PV Clusters
The Impact of Distributed PV Cluster on Reactive-load Compensation Means in Distribution Network
System Dynamics Based Method for Electric Vehicles Scale Evolution and Charging Load Estimation
Optimal Placement of Distributed Renewable Generation Units in Distribution Network
Evaluation of Impact of Integrated Distributed Generation on Distribution Network Based on Time-series Analysis
Long-term Charging Demand Prediction for Plug-in Eectric Vehicle Based on Multi-agent ModelingYang Wei, Liu Junyong, Lfi Lin, et al.
Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Used for Automatic Generation Control Considering Wind Fluctuations
Analysis of Electromagnetic Forces on Involute Part of End Winding in a 1,550 MW Nuclear Generator
study on Modeling Standardization of Double-fed Wind Turbine and Its Application
Analysis and Model on Space-time Characteristics of Wind Power Output Based on the Measured Wind Speed Data
Robust Unit Commitment with Wind and Pumped-storage Units Based on the Extreme Scenario Set
How Does "Renewable-Energy Priority Dispatch Protocol" Weaken the Abilities of Wind Power and Carbon Tax to Reduce Emissions?
Impact on Wind Power Accommodation Capacity by Conventional Power Ramp-rate
The Effects of Policies for Renewable Energy Vehicles and the Purchase Motivations of Chinese Consumers
Part Ⅳ Smart Grid Technology
Impact of Droop Coefficients and Load Types on Multiple Converters-interfaced Microgrid Stability
Economic Operation of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Based on Bilevel Programming Considering Load Translation Haorui, Li Peng
Optimal Operation of AC-DC Hybrid Microgrid Considering the Influence of Converter LossesLi Peng, Di Kaili, Zhao Bo
Optimal Operation of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Considering the Carbon Trading Mechanism
The Cooperative Control of Photovoltaic in Microgrid Based on Multi-agent Consistency TheoryZhou Guohua, Li Peng, Zhao Bo
Design and Optimization of the Wireless Charging System for Running or Motionless Electrical Vehicles Based on Coupled Electric Field Theory
Big Data Applications in Smart Grids Analyze AMIs' impact on Energy Efficiency in USA
Optimal Decentralized Coordination Control Method for Microgrid Based on the Performance Index
Micro-grid Optimal Operation Based on the Best Size of the Energy Storage SystemLi Peng, Yu Hang, Xia Man
Research on Digital Intelligent Integration at the User Side of Modem Urban Tram Green Energy Technologies
The Auto-Demand Response Resource Prices Set Assessment Model Based on Rough Set Theory
Economical Evaluation Model on Power Grid Planning with Demand Response Resource
Economic Impact of Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging Routing on Power Systems
Study on the Effect of DPV Feed-in Tariff Policy on Investment Based System DynamicsZeng Ming, Li Ran, Wang Xin, et al.
Design of Market Mechanism to Prompt Wind Power Based on Risk Evaluation
Building Carbon Emission in China: Scenario Analysis through 2050
Development of Chinese Electric Vehicle Industry
A Study on Optimal'Wind Power Consumption Ratio in Grid
The Preliminary Research for Key Operation Mode and Technologies of Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources under Energy Intemet
The Influence of Power System Reform Measures on the Randomness of Electricity Supply
Modeling the Annual Growth Rate of Electricity Consumption of China in the 21st Century: Trends and Prediction
The Fusion of Smart Grid and Energy-net: Evaluation Indicator and Typical ScenesChen Zexing, Zhang Yongiun, Li Licheng, et al.
Study on the Multi-energy Flow Algorithm for Eenrgy Intemet Containing Electricity, Heat and Gas
Research on Information Economies and Market Mechanisms of E-net
Analysis of Global Energy Interconnection Development Prospect on Ultra High Voltage Power Grid
Pumped Storage Plant Engineering Practice Review and Prospects in China
SWITCH-Chin.a: A Systems Approach to Decarbonize China's Power System
Part II Energy Internet
Resonance Detection Method Based on the Combined Method of Wavelet Transform and HHTLi Peng, Gao Jing, Huang Renle
Resonance Detection Method of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Based on Improved HHT
A Voltage and Frequency Regulation Method of Active Distribution Network Considering Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltalc Cell
Voltage sag Detection Based on Improved Kalman Filter with Frequency Compensation
Effect of Metallic Pipe on Power System Grounding Grids Diagnsis
Analysis of Transformer Vibration under DC Bias Based on Approximate EntropyLiu Xingmou, Yang Yongming
Explicit Analytics Based Reliability Assessment Algorithm for Regional Energy Intemet Planning
Classification Evaluation Algorithm for Scene Comprehensive Competitiveness of Distributed Energy Supply System
The Coordination of Optimal Configuration and Voltage Regulation for DG Integration in Distribution Systems
Multi-machine System Frequency Predictions Using Cellular Computational Neural Network
Power System Cascading Failure Path Searching Under Multiple Faults Based on Probability Estimation
A Generalized Model for Condition Parameter Anomaly Identification of Wind Turbine Based on SCADA Data
Part Ⅲ Renewable Energy Integration Technology
A DFIG Crowbar Resistance Design Method'Based on Fuzzy Membership Function
A Classified Irradiance Forecast Approach for Solar PV Prediction Based on Wavelet Decomposition
Anysis of Resonance Characteristics in Distributed PV Multiple Grid-connected Inverters with LCL Filters
Analysis on Interactive Influences of Reactive Power Control in Clustered Grid-connected PV Inverters
A Hierarchical Multi-mode Var Control Strategy for Grid——con- nected PV Clusters
The Impact of Distributed PV Cluster on Reactive-load Compensation Means in Distribution Network
System Dynamics Based Method for Electric Vehicles Scale Evolution and Charging Load Estimation
Optimal Placement of Distributed Renewable Generation Units in Distribution Network
Evaluation of Impact of Integrated Distributed Generation on Distribution Network Based on Time-series Analysis
Long-term Charging Demand Prediction for Plug-in Eectric Vehicle Based on Multi-agent ModelingYang Wei, Liu Junyong, Lfi Lin, et al.
Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Used for Automatic Generation Control Considering Wind Fluctuations
Analysis of Electromagnetic Forces on Involute Part of End Winding in a 1,550 MW Nuclear Generator
study on Modeling Standardization of Double-fed Wind Turbine and Its Application
Analysis and Model on Space-time Characteristics of Wind Power Output Based on the Measured Wind Speed Data
Robust Unit Commitment with Wind and Pumped-storage Units Based on the Extreme Scenario Set
How Does "Renewable-Energy Priority Dispatch Protocol" Weaken the Abilities of Wind Power and Carbon Tax to Reduce Emissions?
Impact on Wind Power Accommodation Capacity by Conventional Power Ramp-rate
The Effects of Policies for Renewable Energy Vehicles and the Purchase Motivations of Chinese Consumers
Part Ⅳ Smart Grid Technology
Impact of Droop Coefficients and Load Types on Multiple Converters-interfaced Microgrid Stability
Economic Operation of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Based on Bilevel Programming Considering Load Translation Haorui, Li Peng
Optimal Operation of AC-DC Hybrid Microgrid Considering the Influence of Converter LossesLi Peng, Di Kaili, Zhao Bo
Optimal Operation of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Considering the Carbon Trading Mechanism
The Cooperative Control of Photovoltaic in Microgrid Based on Multi-agent Consistency TheoryZhou Guohua, Li Peng, Zhao Bo
Design and Optimization of the Wireless Charging System for Running or Motionless Electrical Vehicles Based on Coupled Electric Field Theory
Big Data Applications in Smart Grids Analyze AMIs' impact on Energy Efficiency in USA
Optimal Decentralized Coordination Control Method for Microgrid Based on the Performance Index
Micro-grid Optimal Operation Based on the Best Size of the Energy Storage SystemLi Peng, Yu Hang, Xia Man
Research on Digital Intelligent Integration at the User Side of Modem Urban Tram Green Energy Technologies
The Auto-Demand Response Resource Prices Set Assessment Model Based on Rough Set Theory
Economical Evaluation Model on Power Grid Planning with Demand Response Resource
Economic Impact of Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging Routing on Power Systems
能源互聯網及智能電網技術 作者簡介
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