縣中的孩子 中國縣域教育生態
英語教學技能訓練教程 版權信息
- ISBN:9787544651950
- 條形碼:9787544651950 ; 978-7-5446-5195-0
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
英語教學技能訓練教程 內容簡介
《英語教學技能訓練教程/SFLEP專門用途英語》的目的在于提高教師的教學技能,促進教師的專業發展。因此,在編寫過程中,我們強調實用性,突出訓練合格外語教師所應具備的各項教學技能;同時,力圖將有關外語教學方法、二語習得、教師發展研究的新理念和成果融合并應用于各項技能之中。 《英語教學技能訓練教程/SFLEP專門用途英語》的教學以學習者為中心,力圖使學習者在完成任務的過程中研究和解決問題,熟悉并運用相關教學技能。 《英語教學技能訓練教程/SFLEP專門用途英語》各章均設案例部分,集中體現該章各項技能的綜合運用。
英語教學技能訓練教程 目錄
Unit 1 Basic Considerations in English Teaching
1.1 Agood EFLteacher
1.1.1 What makes a good EFL teacher?
1.1.2 What makes a successful EFL lesson?
1.2 Teacher and teaching methods
1.2.1 Introduction to various methodologies
1.2.2 Dealing with ever-evolving approaches and methods
1.3 Roles of teachers
1.4 Samples of lesson plans with different teaching methods
Questions and Tasks
Unit 2 Teaching Pronunciation
2.1 Reasons for teaching pronunciation
2.2 Phonological items involved in pronunciation teaching
2.2.1 Sounds and phonetic symbols
2.2.2 Consonants and vowels
2.2.3 Consonant clusters and digraphs
2.2.4 Fluency and pauses
2.2.5 Pitch and intonation
2.2.6 Stress and rhythm
2.3 Principles for teaching pronunciation
2.4 Methods of pronunciation teaching
2.4.1 Presenting phonological items
2.4.2 Practicing phonological items
2.4.3 Other issues of designing pronunciation teaching activities
2.5 Samples of pronunciation teaching
Questions and Tasks
Unit 3 Teaching Vocabulary
3.1 The significance of teaching vocabulary
3.2 Aspects of vocabulary worth teaching
3.3 Principles for teaching vocabulary
3.4 Methods of vocabulary teaching
3.4.1 Presenting vocabulary items
3.4.2 Practicing vocabulary items
3.4.3 Enlarging students' vocabulary
3.5 Samples ofvocabulary teaching
Questions and Tasks
Unit 4 Teaching Grammar
4.1 The role of grammar teaching in EFL teaching
4.2 Features of grammar.
4.2.1 Definition of grammar
4.2.2 Basic features of grammar
4.3 Approaches to teaching grammar
4.4 Principles for teaching grammar
4.5 Methods of grammar teaching
4.5.1 Presenting grammar in context
4.5.2 Practicing grammar in context
4.6 Samples of grammar teaching
Questions and Tasks
Unit 5 Teaching Listening
5.1 Basic issues related to listening teaching
1.1 Agood EFLteacher
1.1.1 What makes a good EFL teacher?
1.1.2 What makes a successful EFL lesson?
1.2 Teacher and teaching methods
1.2.1 Introduction to various methodologies
1.2.2 Dealing with ever-evolving approaches and methods
1.3 Roles of teachers
1.4 Samples of lesson plans with different teaching methods
Questions and Tasks
Unit 2 Teaching Pronunciation
2.1 Reasons for teaching pronunciation
2.2 Phonological items involved in pronunciation teaching
2.2.1 Sounds and phonetic symbols
2.2.2 Consonants and vowels
2.2.3 Consonant clusters and digraphs
2.2.4 Fluency and pauses
2.2.5 Pitch and intonation
2.2.6 Stress and rhythm
2.3 Principles for teaching pronunciation
2.4 Methods of pronunciation teaching
2.4.1 Presenting phonological items
2.4.2 Practicing phonological items
2.4.3 Other issues of designing pronunciation teaching activities
2.5 Samples of pronunciation teaching
Questions and Tasks
Unit 3 Teaching Vocabulary
3.1 The significance of teaching vocabulary
3.2 Aspects of vocabulary worth teaching
3.3 Principles for teaching vocabulary
3.4 Methods of vocabulary teaching
3.4.1 Presenting vocabulary items
3.4.2 Practicing vocabulary items
3.4.3 Enlarging students' vocabulary
3.5 Samples ofvocabulary teaching
Questions and Tasks
Unit 4 Teaching Grammar
4.1 The role of grammar teaching in EFL teaching
4.2 Features of grammar.
4.2.1 Definition of grammar
4.2.2 Basic features of grammar
4.3 Approaches to teaching grammar
4.4 Principles for teaching grammar
4.5 Methods of grammar teaching
4.5.1 Presenting grammar in context
4.5.2 Practicing grammar in context
4.6 Samples of grammar teaching
Questions and Tasks
Unit 5 Teaching Listening
5.1 Basic issues related to listening teaching
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