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三個火槍手 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787568271325
  • 條形碼:9787568271325 ; 978-7-5682-7132-5
  • 裝幀:250g銅版紙
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
  • 所屬分類:>>

三個火槍手 本書特色

★這套《床頭燈英語叢書》,囊括了諸多英語名著,都是我們這代人在青少年時期曾汲取營養、啟迪審美、塑造三觀的世界文學經典之作,或思想蘊涵深厚,或行文清新細膩,或情節曲折感人,都有很高的文學審美價值和語言學習價值。 要讓青少年真正地愛讀名著,社會、老師和家長要形成一種合力,從高處著眼,從細處入手,激發閱讀興趣,引導閱讀方式,營造閱讀氛圍,做好高質量的閱讀陪伴。必須要說的是,這套叢書的中英雙語形式,恰如其分地降低了閱讀英文原著的門檻,為更廣泛的英語學習者和愛好者們提供了便利。讓大家既能欣賞原汁原味的英文作品,切實感受到世界名著的魅力,也能在遇到閱讀障礙時對照中文翻譯,得心應手,這些都是單純的譯本所不能達到的效果。 《床頭燈英語叢書》是閱讀經典與實用學習的得兼之作,值得青少年朋友們閱讀學習。 ——師傳寶 中國外語教育研究中心中小學英語教育研究中心秘書長、英語周報社副總編輯 ★想學好英語,多讀經典好書是捷徑之一。《床頭燈英語叢書》有語言、有思維、有文化、有審美、有情感、有人生百味。英語名諺說:“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”運動強健軀體,閱讀滋養靈魂。快來把閱讀變成你的生存方式吧!它將給你一雙隱形的翅膀,讓你的人生從此自由而豐滿。 ——陳力 人民教育出版社編審、《義務教育課程標準實驗教科書英語(新版)》責編 ★閱讀給我們打開了一扇窗。透過窗我們看到了別人,也看到了世界,通過這扇窗,我們也更好地看到了自己。 ——陳新忠 北京教育科學研究院基礎教研中心英語教研員、教育部《高中課程標準》修訂組核心成員 ★我有一位同事,他是數學教師,但英語學得很棒。我曾經問他:“你的英語學得如此地道純正,有什么秘訣嗎?”他坦誠回答:“我只是讀了幾本床頭燈英語小說。”可見,對于學習英語而言,名著閱讀可以起到事半功倍的作用,也完全符合英語課程標準的理念。 ——何書利 北京教育學院朝陽分院教師專業發展中心主任、北京市英語學科骨干教師 ★20世紀60年代,我也是中學生,曾經閱讀過所推薦書目中的大部分簡寫本,夯實了基礎,開闊了思維,增加了興趣,讓我受益良多。我號召中學生朋友們翻開書,一本本讀,會大有裨益! ——范存智 北大附中資深英語教師、人民教育出版社新課標教材培訓教師、北京教育考試院高考和會考試卷評價課題組成員、英語沙龍雜志顧問、北京教育出版社教育科學研究院副院長

三個火槍手 內容簡介

  《床頭燈英語·3000詞讀物(純英文):三個火槍手》主要內容包括Leaving Home,The Missing Letter,Meeting Mister Treville,Three Duels,Meeting the King,Mister Bonacieux,The Duke of Buckingham,The Man with the Scar,Making the Trap,Making a Plan,Rush to the Coast,London,The Queen's Party,Capture!,The Rescue Plan,The Race to the Convent,The Man in Red,The Trial,The Execution,The Cardinal's Messenger。

三個火槍手 目錄

Chapter 1 Leaving Home
Chapter 2 The Missing Letter
Chapter 3 Meeting Mister Treville
Chapter 4 Three Duels
Chapter 5 Meeting the King
Chapter 6 Mister Bonacieux
Chapter 7 The Duke of Buckingham
Chapter 8 The Man with the Scar
Chapter 9 Making the Trap
Chapter 10 Making a Plan
Chapter 11 Rush to the Coast
Chapter 12 London
Chapter 13 The Queen's Party
Chapter 14 Capture!
Chapter 15 The Rescue Plan
Chapter 16 The Race to the Convent
Chapter 17 The Man in Red
Chapter 18 The Trial
Chapter 19 The Execution
Chapter 20 The Cardinal's Messenger

三個火槍手 節選

  《床頭燈英語·3000詞讀物(純英文):三個火槍手》:  Mister Treville, like young d'Artagnan, had left home when quite young to find his fortune in the world. He had come to Paris without money or connections. The only thing he brought with him was his bravery, great skill with a sword, and a quick mind. After many years his fame grew and, eventually, he became one of the King's most trusted servants. Louis xm trusted Mister Treville perhaps even more than he trusted the Prime Minister or even his own wife. He made Treville the captain of his guards - the Musketeers.  Mister Treville was the third most powerful man in France at this time. Cardinal Richelieu was the second; he was the Prime Minister of France. Cardinal Richelieu had great influence with the King, who listened to his advice closely. Both the King and the Cardinal had a group of armed bodyguards. The two men were both very competitive and they each tried to find the best swordsmen. The King's guards were called the Musketeers; they were all brave men who did not fear death. Richelieu's men were called simply the Cardinal's Guards.  The Cardinal needed loyal guards because he had many powerful enemies. One of his enemies was the Queen-Anne of Austria-she feared the Cardinal's power and his influence over her husband, the King.  The second was Mister Treville. He would often have his Musketeers train in front of the Cardinal's house to show off their strength. This always made the Cardinal red with anger.  D'Artagnan found his way to the Musketeer's camp early that day. The camp was full of men, all wearing the traditional uniform of the Musketeers.  They all carried sword and were standing in groups talking and laughing.  ……

三個火槍手 作者簡介

亞歷山大·仲馬(1802-1870年),又稱大仲馬,法國19世紀浪漫主義作家,杰出的通俗小說家。他的祖父是侯爵德·拉·巴那特里,與黑奴結合生下其父。大仲馬在三歲的時候父親病故了,二十歲的他只身闖蕩巴黎,曾經當過公爵的書記員、國民自衛軍指揮官6他自學成才,一生創作的各類作品達三百卷之多,主要以小說和劇作著稱于世。 大仲馬的通俗小說情節迂回曲折,結構完整巧妙,人物形象鮮明,對話精彩生動,在藝術上有著極高的成就,是世界通俗小說中獨一無二的作品,大仲馬因此享有“通俗小說之王”的稱號。其代表作有《三個火槍手》《基督山伯爵》等。

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