礦冶固廢管理:概念及應(yīng)用:concepts and application:英文版 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:9787548750727
- 條形碼:9787548750727 ; 978-7-5487-5072-7
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
礦冶固廢管理:概念及應(yīng)用:concepts and application:英文版 內(nèi)容簡介
礦冶固廢管理:概念及應(yīng)用:concepts and application:英文版 目錄
Chapter 1 Low-Sulfide Mining Waste Rock as Aggregates for Concrete: Mechanical Properties and Durability Assessment
Chapter 2 Effect of Fractal Gangue on Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Mechanical Properties of Cemented Waste Rock Backfill
Section II Minerals Wastes
Chapter 3 Geochemical Evaluation of Sulphidic Tailings and Cemented Paste Backfill with Respect to Environmental Impacts
Chapter 4 Cementing Sulfur Tailings Using Low-Clinker Cement
Chapter 5 Mechanical Activation on Mine Waste Material for Integrated Mineral Carbonation Process in Turnagain Project, A Summary
Chapter 6 Feasibility and Performance Evaluation of Cementitious Material Mixed with Coal Gangue Solid Waste
Section III Metallurgical and Utilization Wastes
Chapter 7 Management and Disposal of Alumina Production Wastes
Chapter 8 Application of Geosynthetic Clay Liner for Coal Combustion Products Disposal
Chapter 9 Geopolymerization of Coal Fly Ash: Effect of Milling and Mechanical Activation
Chapter 10 Recovery of Steel Slag as A Raw Material in Cement-Based Mixes: Usefulness as Aggregate and Binder
Chapter 11 Solid Ashes Investigation for Its Efficient Recycling: Chemical Properties and Clustering Analysis
Section IV Applications
Chapter 12 Mining Waste Utilization: Cases Studies and Good Practices
Chapter 13 Recent Practices in Mine Tailings' Recycling and Reuse
礦冶固廢管理:概念及應(yīng)用:concepts and application:英文版 作者簡介
齊沖沖 graduated from The University of Western Australia in 2019 with a PhD in Civil Engineering. After a visiting period at University of Transport and Technology and Inha University, he joined Central South University as a Professor. His research interests include solid waste recycling, cemented paste backfill, environmental pollution assessment, mine closures, etc. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 publications and a member of the editorial boards of 5 SCI journals. He is currently on 3 well-reputed international committees, including ISSMGE, ASCE and ASTM. He has been awarded as the World's Top 2% Scientists in 2021 by Stanford University (Rank 11, 367 out of 190064 based on 2020 single year impact).
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