生物多樣性100+全球案例選集(英文版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787511153210
- 條形碼:9787511153210 ; 978-7-5111-5321-0
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
生物多樣性100+全球案例選集(英文版) 內容簡介
The 2050 vision of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), \"living in harmony with nature\", is not only the core of biodiversity conservation and ecological civilization, but also in line with the concept of \"a community with shared future\". In the last few decades biodiversity has declined rapidly over the world. World Wildlife Fund (WWF)'s \"Living Planet Report 2020\" warned that from 1970 to 2016,the populations of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish monitored had globally shrunk by an average of 68%. Among freshwater species, this figure is thought to have reached 84%. The report also pointed out that the global biodiversity integrity index (BII) has plummeted to 79%, far lower than the proposed lower safe limit of 90%,and it is continuing to fall. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)'s survey shows that the major direct drivers of global ecosystem decline include changes in land and sea use, and the direct consumption of natural resources, together accounting for more than 50% of the decline. Reversing the downward trend of biodiversity is the common goal of humanity which, given its commonality and urgency, necessitates society-wide participation in conservation. Non-state entities including social organizations work on the ground to provide innovative and diverse solutions that make a difference. They have devised and implemented new ideas and methods of biodiversity conservation, in addition to providing a way for the general public to participate in and support these activities. This is the context in which China Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF)and Paradise International Foundation, under the guidance of the CBD Secretariat and the Office of the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Work for the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15), launched \"100+ Biodiversity Positive Practices and Actions Around the World\" campaign to showcase the determination and effectiveness of non-state entities around the globe in delivering diverse and successful.examples of biodiversity conservation. of the 258 submissions from 196 applicants in 26 countries and seven continents, 108 have been selected as \"Noteworthy Practices\" for this publication. The majority of those selected cases (about 80%) are from China, with the remainder from more than 20 other countries,territories and cross-regional collaborations. The selected case studies are presented here in ten categories, according to conservation approach. Half of these case studies demonstrate various approaches to in-situ conservation,including conservation actions for species (mammals, amphibians, avifauna, aquatic creatures, plants and others) and ecosystems (forests, grasslands, mountains, arid and semi-arid areas, wetlands, oceans, coastal, urban areas and so on); the other half includes measures such as legal approaches, public participation, publicity, advocacy and education, policy-making and implementation, financial support mechanisms,technological innovation, sustainable use, benefit sharing of genetic resources, andtraditional knowledge. Of the entire 258 actors, 50% are social organizations, 20% arecorporate entities, 20% are government agencies, institutions, and schools, and 10% arerural, urban communities and individuals. This mix reflects the diversity ofcontributions by multiple actors engaged in biodiversity conservation.
生物多樣性100+全球案例選集(英文版) 目錄
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