縣中的孩子 中國縣域教育生態
Humanities and arts of the silk road:Volume 1 版權信息
- ISBN:9787311058722
- 條形碼:9787311058722 ; 978-7-311-05872-2
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
Humanities and arts of the silk road:Volume 1 內容簡介
《絲綢之路人文與藝術》從跨學科、跨國別等視角入手,重點研究和介紹絲綢之路沿線國家的文化藝術,以及與該領域相關的史料、信息、學術動態等內容。本書**輯主要對亞美尼亞的各種藝術進行介紹和研究,包括亞美尼亞的音樂、建筑、雕塑、宗教藝術、飾帶花邊、手工地毯和杜夫石石碑等,具有極高的藝術性,是絲路藝術的重要組成部分。本書具有較強的知識普及和藝術教育意義,對于加強國際文化藝術交流有重要推動作用,本書以中、英、俄三種語言版本出版,以期具有國際性和時代性。 本書適合絲綢之路人文與藝術相關研究者和愛好者閱讀。
Humanities and arts of the silk road:Volume 1 目錄
Artistic Theory & Aesthetics of the Silk Road
A Thorough Inquiry into the Art History of the Silk Road as Based on ThreeArtistic Phenomena
Basic Theoretical Problems of the Silk Road Art
A Discussion of the Types and Paradigms of Aesthetic Style of China'sExport Porcelain
Religious Art of the Silk Road
Fusion and Reference of Manichaeism to Nestorian Christianity
Adaptation in the Construction of Ritual Vernaculars: Preliminary Notes onThree ManuscriptsPaul Copp
Zen Thought in Images of the Buddha's Nirvana in China
Tetsufumi Muramatsu
Implications of the Mustachioed Big Buddha Statue in the Gangu Grottoesfrom the Perspective of the Silk Road Art
Armenian Topic
A History of Armenian Trade and Cultural Relations in the Thirteenth andFourteenth Centuries
The Cultural Landscape of Medieval Vayots Dzor: A Discussion from thePerspective of the Silk Road
Armenian Manuscripts from the Ninth to the Fourteenth Century
Karen Matevosyan
Trade City and Political Arena: Excavation of the Armenian Arai-BazarjughCaravan Inn in the Late Medieval Period Kathryn
A Report on the Archaeological Survey in Selim Caravanserai
Vayots Dzor as a Pivot for the Silk Road Defence System Husik Melqonyan
The Dvin-Ani Trade Route and the Aruch and
Talin Posts Karen Matevosyan180 A Sisajan-Gelakuni Section of the Dvin-Partav Trade RouteBabken Harutyunyan
The Dvin-Partav Road in the Early Medieval Period (Fifth to Ninth Century)
Armenian Pomegranate Art: A Case-Study of Silk Road Cultural ExchangesGuo Maoquanand a Symbol of National Spirit
Exploring Musical Exchange on the Silk Road through the Duduk of Armenia
Artistic Exchanges of the Silk Road
A Study on the Activities of Hu People from Central Asia in Qinzhou fromthe Late Northern Dynasties Period to the Sui and
Tang DynastiesSun Xiaofeng-With a Focus on the Maiji Mountain Grottoes
The Relationship between a Portrait of Prince Sh?toku and Tang Royal
Murals: On the Materiality of the Cultural Identity in the Tang Dynasty
The Introduction of Buddhist Statues in the Maijishan Grottoes and TheirArtistic Characteristics
The Qijia Painted-Pottery Culture on the Silk Road
Literature Research of the Silk Road
Literary Archaeology: a New Field of Ancient Chinese Literary Studies—aCase Study on the Gansu Section of the SilkRoadArtistic Dynamic of the Silk Road
Subjects Integration and Academic Innovation Motivated by the Humanisticand Art Studies of the Silk Road: Overview of the
Humanistic and ArtForum on the Silk Road
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