國際象棋入門 修訂本
健身氣功圖解:八段錦 五禽戲 易筋經 六字訣
大學體育英語 版權信息
- ISBN:9787310040094
- 條形碼:9787310040094 ; 978-7-310-04009-4
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
大學體育英語 本書特色
大學體育英語 內容簡介
大學體育英語 目錄
unit one
passage a sex discrimination in sports
passage b famous female athletes from the past
passage c milestones in the development of olympic games forwomen
unit two
passage a obesity,exercise,and the role of schools
passage b worldwide physical education
passage c parents may not recognize obesity in their ownchildren
unit three
passage a benefits of exercise
passage b winter swimming
passage c what about running and burning fat?
unit four
passage a getting a grip on body composition
passage b high protein diet for athletes
passage c protein and amino acids for athletes
unit five
passage a advantages & disadvantages of commercialization insports
passage b why do businesses spo or certain sports &athletes?
passage c michael jordan and his business interests
unit six
passage a train like an olympian
passage b strength training for female athletes
passage c basketball strength training
unit seven
passage a fi t lady michelle obama's address to the internationalolympic committee
passage b how the olympic games started
passage c the olympic motto
unit eight
passage a comparing sources of stress in college student athletesand non-athletes
passage b when psychologists teach coaches how to coach,youngathletes feel better and play longer
passage c coaching the coaches
unit nine
passage a yoga:your practice
passage b tinikling:the philippine national dance
passage c traditional ethnic sports in china
unit ten
passage a training of chinese martial arts
passage b shaolin and temple-based martial arts
passage c the original meaning of chinese wushu
unit eleven
passage a the anatomy of sports injuries
passage b use cycling phases for massive muscle gai
passage c there is no such thing as a good or bad stretch
unit twelve
passage a nutrition for athletes
passage b vegetarian athletes
passage c common mistakes in nutrition for athletes
unit thirteen
passage a history of chinese kong fu
passage b the shaolin temples
passage c list of animal styles in martial arts
unit fourteen
passage a kinesiology tapes
passage b acl injury and female athletes
passage c kids' soccer injuries
unit fifteen
passage a how to define body strength
passage b benefits of good core strength
passage c core strength training
a wer keys
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