1.交流互鑒,合作共贏 一中美大學校長論壇演講 Promote Exchanges, Mutual Learning and Win-win Cooperation Speec,h al China-US University Presidents Forum2.中美關系的未來 一亞洲協會午餐會演講 The Future of China-US Relations Speech at Asia Society Luncheon3.中國的和平發展戰略和未來的中美關系 一喬治城大學演講 China''s Strategy of Peaceful Development and the Future of China-US Relations Speech at Georgetown University4.當前國際形勢下的中美關系 一芝加哥對外關系委員會午餐會演講 China-US Relations in the Current International Landscape Speech at the Luncheon by Chicago Council on Foreign Relations5.推進中美建設性合作關系 一斯諾研討會演講 Advance the Constructive and Cooperative China-US Relationship Speech at the Twelfth Biennial Edgar Snow Symposium6.推進中美建設性合作關系 一杜克大學演講 Advance the Constructive and Cooperative China-US Relationship Speech at Duke University7.共創中美關系美好明天 一華美協進社美中企業高峰會議開幕晚宴演講 Together for a Better Tomorrow for China-US Relations Speech at the Opening Night of US-China Executive Summit by China Institute8.中國的和平發展道路和中美關系 一倫敦政治經濟學院校友會演講 China''s Peaceful Development and China-US Relations Speech at the Alumni Association of London School of Economics and Political Science9.中國的發展戰略和中美關系 一康奈爾大學演講 China''s Development Strategy and China-US Relations Speech at Cornell University10.中國的和平發展與中美關系 一俄勒岡世界事務理事會演講 China''s Peaceful Development and China-US Relations Speech at World Affairs Council of Oregon11.中美經貿關系:現狀與前景 一底特律經濟俱樂部午餐會演講 China-US Economic and Trade Relations: Progress and Prospects Speech at Detroit Economic Club Luncheon12.中國經濟前景與中美經貿關系的未來 一美國商會草根項目演講 China''s Economic Prospects and the Future of China-US Economic Cooperation and Trade Ties Speech at US Chamber of Commerce Grassroots Program13.堅持節約資源和保護環境的基本國策,增強可持續發展能力 一世界環境中心主辦的演講會演講 Adhere to the Basic State Policy of Conserving Resources and Protecting the Environment to Enhance the Capacity of Sustainable Development Speech at World Environment Center Sponsored Lecture14.中美關系的現在與未來 一史密森學會專題討論會演講 China-US Relations: Present and Future Speech at the Panel Discussion on China-US Relations by Smithsonian Associates15.中非關系與中國對非政策 一霍華德大學中非關系研討會演講 China-Africa Relations and China''s Policy toward Africa Speech al Seminar on China-Africa Relations at Howard University16.發展中美關系,推進共同利益 一全美漢語大會演講 Develop China-US Relations and Promote Common Interests Speech at National Chinese Language Conference17.中美經貿合作:現狀與未來 一美國商會草根項目午餐會演講 China-US Business Cooperation: Present and Future Speech af the Luncheon hosted by US Chamber of Commerce18.共同應對自然災害挑戰,豐富中美建設性合作關系 一美國紅十字會圓桌會議致詞 Meet the Challenge of Natural Disaster Together and Enrich the Constructive and Cooperative China- US Relations419.中國的改革發展與中美關系 一肯塔基/南印第安納世界事務理事會演講 Reform and Development in China and China-US Relations Speech at Kentucky/South Indiana World Affairs Council20.愛心善舉鑄友誼 一“答謝美各界援華抗震救災并介紹中 Compassion, Generosity, Friendship Remarks at Chinese Embassy Reception "Sichuan 國賑災和重建工作”招待會致詞 Earthquake: Relief Recovery and Reconstructio21.以史為鑒,共創未來 一中美關系正;30周年研討會演講 China-US Relations:Achievements, Lessons and Future Speech at the Conference on the 30th Anniversary of Nor''malization of US-China Reiations22.中國的發展與中美關系 一賓夕法尼亞大學演講 China''s Development and China-US Relations Speech at University of Pennsy''ivania23.憶三十年巨變,創新世紀輝煌 一紀念中美建交30周年招待會致詞 Changes over Tnree Decades Inspire New Achievements Remarks at the Reception Marking the 30th Anniversary of China-US Diplomatic Relations24.撫今追昔,繼往開來 一中關建交30周年回顧攝影展開幕式致詞 Build on Past Achievements and Carry forward China-US Relations Remarks at the Opening of Photo Exhibit "China-US Relations in Retrospect"25.新時期的中美關系 一麻省理工學院演講 Cnina-US Relations in the New Era Speech at Massachusetts institute of Technology26.新時期的中美關系 一普林斯頓大學演講 China-US Relationship in the Ne''N Era Speech at Princeton University27.畢業—新的起點 一馬里蘭大學畢業典禮演講 Graduation,a New Beginning Speech at the Commencement Ceremony of University of Maryland University College28.拓展經貿合作,推進積極合作全面的中美關系 一中美經貿論壇午餐會演講 Expand Business Ties and Advance POSitive, Cooperative and Comprehensive China-US Relationship Speech at China Business 2009 Luncheon29.齊心協力,建設積極合作全面的中美關系 一美中政策基金會2 009年會晚宴致詞 Work Together for a Positive, Cooperative and Comprehensive China-US Relationship Remarks at 2009 Annual Gala of United States-China Policy Foundation30.新的起點 一國慶60周年招待會致詞 A New Startirig Poirit Remarks at the Reception for the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People''s Republic of China詞匯Glossary后記