彈塑性力學基礎-(雙語教學版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787307128255
- 條形碼:9787307128255 ; 978-7-307-12825-5
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
彈塑性力學基礎-(雙語教學版) 本書特色
彈塑性力學基礎-(雙語教學版) 內容簡介
本書內容共分八章,其內容分別為力系統(Force Systems)、應力(Stress)、應變(Strain)、應力-應變關系(Stress-strain Relations)、彈性理論基本方程(Basic Equations of Elasticity)、彈性理論的平面應變和平面應力問題(Problems in Plane Strain and Plane Stress from Theory of Elasticity) 、塑性理論(Plasticity)、彈塑性分析實例(The Examples of Elastoplastic Analysis)。
彈塑性力學基礎-(雙語教學版) 目錄
1.1 introduction
1.2 types of force distributions
1.3 closure
2 stress
2.1 introduction
2.2 stress notation
2.3 transformation formulations for stress
2.4 the stress tensor is symmetric
2.5 evaluation of principal stress tensor invariants
2.6 plane stress
2.7 mohr's circle
2.8 threedimensional mohr's circle
2.9 summary
3 strain
3.1 introduction
3.2 small domain viewpoint
3.3 small deformation restriction
3.4 rigidbody rotation and pure deformation of an element
3.5 physical interpretation of strain terms
3.6 transformation equations for strain
3.7 equations of compatibility
3.8 a note on simply and multiply connected bodies
3.9 closure
4 stressstrain relations
4.1 introduction
4.2 the tensile test
4.3 strainhardening
4.4 other properties pertaining to the tensile test
4.5 idealized onedimensional stressstrain laws
4.6 generalized hooke's law
5 basic equations of elasticity
5.1 introduction
5.2 equations of the theory of elasticity
5.3 boundaryvalue problems
5.4 method of analysis
5.5 st. venant's principle
5.6 uniqueness condition
5.7 prismatic bar hanging by its own weight
5.8 closure
6 problems in plane strain and plane stress from the theory of elasticity
6.1 introduction
6.2 airy's function
6.3 problems in cylindrical coordinates
6.4 axiallysymmetric stress distributions
6.5 discussion of basic equations
6.6 planestress solutions:plate with a hole
6.7 the case of the curved beam
6.8 closure
7 plasticity
7.1 introduction
7.2 comparison of elasticity and plasticity
7.3 models for plastic deformation
7.4 the yield locus and surface
7.5 yield criteria
7.6 tresca criterion
7.7 von mises criterion
7.8 distortion energy
7.9 octahedral shear stress
7.10 flow rules or plastic stressstrain relationships
7.11 normality and yield surfaces
7.12 plastic work
7.13 comparison of mohr's circles for stress and plastic strain increments
7.14 a geometrical considerations
7. 15 isotropic hardening
8 the examples of elastoplastic analysis
8.1 introduction
8.2 plane strain compression of a block
8.3 plane straln bending of a beam
8.4 cylindrical bars under pure torsion
8.5 pure bending of prismatic beams
8.6 pure bending of rectangular and circular cross section beam
appendix reference answers
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