西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
紅與黑-純英文版 版權信息
- ISBN:9787568273053
- 條形碼:9787568273053 ; 978-7-5682-7305-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
紅與黑-純英文版 本書特色
紅與黑-純英文版 內容簡介
《床頭燈英語·1500詞讀物》系列叢書由美國作家用常用的英語單詞改寫而成,涵蓋國、內外專家學者力薦的世界名著作品,用基礎的詞匯細致入微地表述和闡釋生活的細節和豐富的內心世界。 《床頭燈英語·1500詞讀物》系列叢書有英漢對照和純英文兩種版本,重難點之處有注釋,章節后有習題鞏固,簡單易讀好堅持。配有語速適中、發音標準的英文朗讀音頻以及24小時社群貼身答疑服務。 只需輕輕一掃碼,就可獲得視聽說三位一體的學習體驗,仿佛立刻置身英語國家中,是培養閱讀習慣、啟迪人生智慧、學習英語的不錯選擇。“床頭燈英語”在手,讀書難題不再有!
紅與黑-純英文版 目錄
Chapter 1 A Small Town
Chapter 2 A Mayor
Chapter 3 Care of the Poor
Chapter 4 Father and Son
Chapter 5 Striking a Bargain
Chapter 6 Boredom
Chapter 7 Choices
Chapter 8 Events
Chapter 9 An Evening in the Country
Chapter 10 A Good Heart and a Small Fortune
Chapter 11 In the Evening
Chapter 12 A Journey
Chapter 13 New Shoes
Chapter 14 A Pair of English Scissors
Chapter 15 The Call of the Cock
Chapter 16 The Day After
Chapter 17 First Assistant
Chapter 18 AKing in Verrieres
Chapter 19 Thinking Brings Suffering
Chapter 20 Anonymous Letters
Chapter 21 Discussion with a Master
Chapter 22 Behaviorin1830
Chapter 23 The Problems of a Politician
Chapter 24 ACapital City
Chapter 25 The School
Chapter 26 The World, or What the Rich Man Lacks
Chapter 27 First Experience of Life
Chapter 28 A Procession
Chapter 29 First Promotion
Chapter 30 A Man of Ambition
紅與黑-純英文版 節選
《床頭燈英語·3000詞讀物(純英文):紅與黑》: The next day when he saw Mrs. de Renal he looked at her as if she were an enemy he was going to have to fight. This very different look alarmed Mrs. de Renal greatly. When he saw her later he thought of glory and decided he must hold her hand that evening. That night was dark, which would make his job easier. When they sat in the garden, he was full of fear. Every minute was like an hour, until the clock struck ten o'clock. At last he grasped her hand. She pulled back immediately, and surprising himself, he reached and held onto it. She tried to pull back once again, but he held tightly. Her hand stayed in his. Happiness filled him-not that he was in love, but that his fear was over! His voice was loud and even. Mrs. de Renal's voice, however, showed so much feeling that her friend Mrs. Derville thought she was ill. Mrs. Derville said that they should go inside. Julien sensed the danger; "if she goes inside now I will be back in the same terrible situation," he thought, "I've held this hand for too short a time for this to be a victory." When Mrs. Derville repeated her suggestion, Julien squeezed the hand he held firmly. Mrs. de Renal had started to get up, but sat down again. She said, "I do feel a little ill, but the fresh air is helping." These words settled Julien's worries. When he woke the next day, he had no thoughts of Mrs. de Renal. He only thought that he had done his duty, his heroic duty. He decided to spend the morning reading about the deeds of his hero, Napoleon. He did not even see the children. Julien came downstairs, but instead of a romantic look from Mrs. de Renal, he found the angry face of Mr. de Renal. Mr. de Renal yelled for some time. He did not fire Julien right then only because he feared Mr. Valenod would hire him right away. Julien's anger was so great that even Mrs. Derville tried to calm him. ……
紅與黑-純英文版 作者簡介
司湯達: 19世紀法國批判現實主義作家。司湯達也是19世紀現實主義的先驅,在文藝論著《拉辛與莎士比亞》中提倡浪漫主義,反對古典主義,主張文學應“藝術的反映當代生活”,反對因循守舊。他的一生并不長,不到六十年,而且他在文學上起步很晚,三十幾歲才開始發表作品。然而,他卻給人類留下了巨大的精神遺產:數部長篇,數十個短篇或故事,數百萬字的文論、隨筆和散文,游記。
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