新時代的馬可·波羅叢書:一個意大利記者眼中的中國(英) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787508547756
- 條形碼:9787508547756 ; 978-7-5085-4775-6
- 裝幀:軟精裝
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
新時代的馬可·波羅叢書:一個意大利記者眼中的中國(英) 本書特色
充滿感情的文字、豐富而珍貴的插圖為您講述一個意大利人與中國一生的情緣。This book tells the story of Adriano Màdaro and China throughout his life with precious illustrations.
新時代的馬可·波羅叢書:一個意大利記者眼中的中國(英) 內容簡介
新時代的馬可·波羅叢書:一個意大利記者眼中的中國(英) 目錄
新時代的馬可·波羅叢書:一個意大利記者眼中的中國(英) 作者簡介
阿德里亞諾· 馬達羅 (Adriano Màdaro) ,1942年出生于意大利特雷維索。記者、作家、漢學家。大學畢業后,他擔任多家報紙和雜志的記者、編輯。1977年,他作為中國問題專家訪問美國,約見了華盛頓大學、哈佛大學、斯坦福大學、紐約大學著名的中國問題專家以及美國國會圖書館的專家。2002年7月,在北海公園畫舫齋舉辦“老北京的歷史”展覽。2003年“非典”期間,他作為報道國際新聞的專家記者,擔任北京市政府新聞辦公室的顧問。2003年9月,他被中國國際文化書院和特雷維索市卡薩馬卡基金會任命為展覽總監,自2005年至2013年,在意大利連續舉辦了五屆主題為“絲綢之路和中華文明”的大型展覽。Adriano Màdaro was born in Oderzo, Treviso Province, near Venice. He is a journalist, writer and sinologist. After graduating from University of Urbino, he worked as a reporter for many newspapers and magazines. In 1977, he visited the United States as an Old China Hand and met with some scholars from Washington University, Harvard University, Stanford University, and New York University, as well as experts from the Library of Congress. In July 2002, the exhibition “Beijing at the Beginning of 20th Century” was held by him in Huafangzhai, Beihai Park. In May 2003, during the “SARS” period, he served as a reporter covering international news and a consultant for the Beijing Municipal Government Information Office. In September 2003, he was appointed as exhibition director by the Chinese Academy of International Culture and the Cassamarca Foundation in Treviso. From 2005 to 2013, he held five consecutive exhibitions with the theme of “Silk Road and Chinese Civilization” in Italy.阿德里亞諾· 馬達羅 (Adriano Màdaro) ,1942年出生于意大利特雷維索。記者、作家、漢學家。大學畢業后,他擔任多家報紙和雜志的記者、編輯。1977年,他作為中國問題專家訪問美國,約見了華盛頓大學、哈佛大學、斯坦福大學、紐約大學著名的中國問題專家以及美國國會圖書館的專家。2002年7月,在北海公園畫舫齋舉辦“老北京的歷史”展覽。2003年“非典”期間,他作為報道國際新聞的專家記者,擔任北京市政府新聞辦公室的顧問。2003年9月,他被中國國際文化書院和特雷維索市卡薩馬卡基金會任命為展覽總監,自2005年至2013年,在意大利連續舉辦了五屆主題為“絲綢之路和中華文明”的大型展覽。Adriano Màdaro was born in Oderzo, Treviso Province, near Venice. He is a journalist, writer and sinologist. After graduating from University of Urbino, he worked as a reporter for many newspapers and magazines. In 1977, he visited the United States as an Old China Hand and met with some scholars from Washington University, Harvard University, Stanford University, and New York University, as well as experts from the Library of Congress. In July 2002, the exhibition “Beijing at the Beginning of 20th Century” was held by him in Huafangzhai, Beihai Park. In May 2003, during the “SARS” period, he served as a reporter covering international news and a consultant for the Beijing Municipal Government Information Office. In September 2003, he was appointed as exhibition director by the Chinese Academy of International Culture and the Cassamarca Foundation in Treviso. From 2005 to 2013, he held five consecutive exhibitions with the theme of “Silk Road and Chinese Civilization” in Italy.
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